Blog Battle

Choose a partner to work with for your blog battle. In the table below are some prizes and traps that can earn or lose you points. You need to hunt through your partner’s blog to find evidence for as many of the categories as you can. Add up your points at the end to see who wins the smart footprint prize. Make sure you screenshot what you find and hyperlink your partner’s blog to this document.

Blog A vs Blog B



Points won



Points lost



Recent photo of blogger

+ 15 points

Full name on blog

- 10 points

3 latest blog posts have labels

+30 points

AH    HE

Private information on blog

- 20 points

Awesome explanation of a DLO

+ 30 points

Blog profile post is out of date

- 5 points

Awesome blog profile post

+ 15 points

Inappropriate content

- 20 points

Frequent blogger:

+ 1 point for each post this year

Don’t forget to add up your points at the top of the page.