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COM IFO_FA_Minutes_April.docx
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COM/Inter Faculty Organization (IFO)

Faculty Association (FA) COM College Meeting


Meeting Participants (RF)



Meeting Participants (CF)



Bahn, David



Barthol, Suanne



Bellas, Allen






Beltrand, Barbara






Berte, Erica





Booker, Queen






Chaudhuri, Sonai





Culbreth, Donnamaria


Dosch, Jennifer






Elsaleiby, Aber



Evan, Rebecca






Hagen, Marcia






Horn, David


Sabbatical AY 22/23




Jin, Sung (Simon)





Konduk, Burak


Koseoglu, Mehmet



Lesser, Jack



Li, Jun


Sabbatical Fall 2023




Lo, Ming


Sabbatical AY 22/23




Luo, Charlie (Changyue)






McCampbell, Duncan






McCann, Linda






Nguyen, Loi Anh






O'Hara, David






Okuboyejo, Senanu



Park, Minjung






Rao, Vadhindran





Saraph, Jayant




Vo, Minh




Williams, Denise






Wilson, Joel


Sabbatical Spring 2023





Convener & Zoom Host: Marcia Hagen (fall); Jun Li (spring)

Deep Reader(s): Barbara Beltrand, Linda McCann

Minutes Taker & Zoom Co-Host: Loi Nguyen

Zoom Co-host: Marcia Hagen

IFO FA COM 4/6/2023 Agenda:

  1. Call for Timekeeper: Jennifer Dosch

  1. Approve 3/2/23 IFO FA COM minutes

  1. Call for additional agenda items [add additional items below].

  1. IFO FA Packets are available on our new FA website: at

Packets located at:





Quick update from Andrew (IT support)

Reach out to Andrew and others in IT to let them know the problems, the needs, and try to solve them.

People Analytics Certificate (Loi)

Motion to approve the People Analytics Certificate

Motion: approved


Discussion about D2L (Erica):

Every year D2L consults faculties on issues and concerns related to D2L. Erica Berte as a representative for Metro in the IFO Academic Affairs. Some notes include: Quiz features (including a branching option), Glossary features, Voice features…


AACSB discussion (Queen): brought up to address the concerns from DBA students’ job outlook. It will also help other students in their career development.

Motion: Move to create a committee within COM faculty with a representative from each department to explore the AACSB

Motion: Approved


Motions – presented by Linda McCann

Motion 1: The administration considers a new course modality for online learning-Asynchronous (Live Support). It would be a category where the course can be completed asynchronously, but the instructor has defined live group support. This may be predetermined Zoom meeting times or specific on-campus (with assigned room) meeting times. In the registration notes, the instructor would define the time length and dates of meetings, with live group support of no less than every other week and no less than 20 hours per term.

Motion 2: Accumulate the periodic events (e.g. Diversity Fair, Career Ideas Festival, Careers in Government, Resume Workshop) and provide it to the faculty, before the semester begins. If an exact date is not known, then an approximate time frame could be used. While Career Readiness Events would be the priority, other events on matters such as lectures on mental health, racism, art, literature, politics, and so on should also be included.

Motion 3 The Administration considers a new course category called (something like): Seminar (In-Person). The seminars would meet several times (2-4) per semester and cover a variety of topics (business, liberal arts, hot topics), including career readiness.

Motion 4: The Administration selects a sample of introductory courses such as students for ACCT210 Financial Accounting and determines the success rate (C- and above) for those students. Then this rate would be compared to the rate of success for the same courses that filled quickly. If a problem is noted, other courses could be analyzed.

Motion 1: Approved.

Motion 2: Approved

Motion 3: Failed

Motion 4: Approved

Announcement Comprehensive Facilities Plan- MEC renovation and order of priority (Barbara).

Motion: Given the many years of delays and our status as ranking third in priority among current Metro State bonding projects for MEC redesign, COM faculty insists on: 1) clarity on our future location and a specific plan for the next 18-24 months, with and without funding, to have adequate working space for faculty, staff, and students; 2) a specific plan for improving our current facilities situation, which lacks adequate meeting space, classroom space, and general facilities, and 3) a plan for moving the COM faculty to the St. Paul campus, including adequate space for us to conduct operations on that campus until appropriate space is allocated in Minneapolis.

Motion: approved

Motion: The COM IFO would like to thank Barbara Beltrand for her many years of outstanding service to our college, our university and the IFO.

Motion: Approved

Key Topics from Meet and Confer in the Packet

Included in Section:




Reorganization or Retrenchment: The president announced that there have been no discussions about retrenchment. There are no further plans for the reorganization of faculty. However, there are plans to reorganize academic advising and admissions


Climate in CLA: Climate Survey (from Provost) + Mediator from Conflict Resolution Center (CRC) + Survey (from CRC) + Investigation (independent firm) = Avenues to address the situation and find resolution; anticipating that these processes will continue into the Fall of 2023


Advising reorganization has been announced. IFO FA President Cindy Harley has discussed with the leadership of MSUAASF, AFSCME, MAPE, and MMA. See V.D. below. The reorganization puts the advising staff and managers under their own dean and out of each of the individual colleges.

Action Items included in the Packet

Included in Section:



V. A. April Council

Request: April Council mtg on Thursday, 4/13/23 @ 10:00 a.m. extend the meeting for ½ hour until 12:30 p.m.

Motion: Move to extend IFO FA Council meeting on Thursday, 4/13/23 until 12:30 p.m. (start at 10:00 a.m.).

Motion: Approved

V.B. IFO (statewide) Board Candidate

Thanks to Nantawan Lewis (CLA) for her service.

Candidate = Kathleen Cole

Watch your emails for ballot for IFO FA RF VP and CF VP

No action required.


IFO FAC Faculty Issues Committee (FIC); asked to review PDP & PDR deadlines. No changes recommended. See their documentation here.

V.D. Academic Advising Reorg

Provost announced new advising model.  See the plan here

Note: there is a motion about this under new business.

The reorganization puts the advising staff and managers under their own dean and out of each of the individual colleges.

V.E. 2023-2024 IFO FA Council Reps

See packet for other college/unit numbers and sources documents for the underlying calculations.

Motion: COM IFO FA elects the following representatives to council and the convener for AY 23-24:

COM IFO FA must elect and 4 representatives:

1. Erica Berte (Covener)

2. Marcia Hagen

3. Suanne Barthol

4. Mehmet Koseoglu

IFO COM thanks Erica Berte’s generosity to serve as COM convener.

Motion: Approved

V.F. Commencement

Parking, refreshments, regalia: see packet

Name readers needed! Volunteers?

V.G. MIS program change

Motion: Reduce required credits from 44 to 36



V.H. Statewide IFO volunteers opportunities

Statewide IFO is seeking volunteers.

The roles are as follows:

Graduate Education Committee

Global Education

Standards of Effective Practice

2Yr Equity and Inclusion Coordinator (50% FTE)

Locally appointed candidates will be affirmed at the April 27th IFO board meeting. If you have questions please contact Aureliano Desoto (

V. I. Faculty Personnel Matters (FPM) - draft

DRAFT FPM for AY 23/24 from Provost; Feedback invited.

Some updating is pending for travel, tables indicating department chair information, and some links

See the provost’s memo here

See the draft here

Send comments to Alec Sonsteby (FIC) or Cindy Harley.

Feedback requested.

VI. A Carryover

Motion: Elect IFO FA representatives to University Councils for AY 23/24 at last meeting of the IFO FA Council (May 2023).

See packet for details.

VI. B Carry over

Motion (from COM): When IFO FA Committee slots are not filled after the initial volunteer/appointments in Aug/Sept, the openings will be moved to at-large positions.

VI. C New

Motion: CLA wishes to inform Dean of inaccuracy regarding the position incumbent for a search for assistant/associate professor of gender studies- fixed term as appeared in All Searches Master Tracking 2-15-2023.  The fixed-term position in Gender Studies is a new position.  There is no position incumbent as currently listed. 

RATIONALE:  It is important that the administration is aware and correct any inaccuracies in faculty searches as it could mean losing a faculty line in a department. 

Discussed. Noted

VI.D New

Motion: CLA reminds the administration to comply with Article 21 section A. Filling Positions.  

RATIONALE:  The administration is not compliant in current faculty search.

Discussed. Noted

VI. E New

Motion (from LIB): The IFO does not support any reduction in number of IFO representatives (currently 4) to the composition of the Safety and Security committee without a broader consultation.

Note: This relates to the president’s proposal for the safety and security committee from March.

Motion approved.

VI. F. New

Motion (from CFC): We request that the administration provides data on the time it takes to manage and successfully support CF, given the potential impacts on CF advocacy on a departmental level.

Note: This is related to the equations used for chair reassign time.  

Discussed. Noted.

VII Carryover


  1. No need to discuss again at college/unit meetings.
  2. Council Reps see packet to prepare for the next Council meeting.

No actional required.


Motion (from CIS): We strongly oppose the reorganization of academic advising, and specifically the proposed move away from a college-based advising model and into a centralized model under a new executive director. We ask the administration to withdraw these plans, and consult during the 2023/2024 academic year with faculty, professional advisors, support staff, and the Academic Advising Leadership Council to create a solution that identifies and alleviates existing problems with academic advising.  See the reorg document here


This decision was made without consultation with professional or faculty advisors. This decision runs counter to motions already passed by the IFO (in April 2020, and again in December 2020) following a similar reorganizational effort by administration, after which the administration agreed to keep advising with the colleges and instead hire a non-supervisory advising coordinator

Motion failed


Motion (from FIC): That Faculty Council waive the second reading and adopt the following language changes to the Faculty Issues Committee’s charge in the FA’s operating procedures.

Rationale for proposed changes (below):

  1. The first two additions (related to PDG) codify actions taken by Faculty Council at its February 2023 meeting, specifically these two motions:
  1.   “That administration simplify the Professional Development Grant (PDG) application process language outlined in Faculty Personnel Matters so that PDG applicants submit their applications directly to their dean.”
  2.  “Faculty Issues committee act as a consultant on the PDG process for faculty[.]”
  1. The third addition (related to Faculty Personnel Matters as a whole) codifies action taken by Faculty Council at its March 2023 meeting, specifically this motion:
  1.  “IFO supports that the Faculty Personnel Matters document is updated and approved by the Faculty Issues Committee annually with detailed updates of the changes going through the IFO FA packet process.”

Note that FIC recommends that it be allowed to delegate its review of FPM to a small subcommittee or to other members of the FA, depending on committee members’ experience or engagement with (or knowledge of) faculty personnel processes. For example, it may be that members of the Executive Committee or Grievance Committee are better positioned to engage in a review of FPM with the Provost.

Existing charge and proposed changes (in tracked changes, below):

  1. Faculty Issues Committee
  1. Charge
  1. Review and recommend changes in local promotion and tenure practices. Requires applicant to make changes to dossier, as it goes through department, dean, and provost. Suggests strong support from department for applicants.
  2. Promote faculty development
  3. Coordinate resident and community faculty issues.
  4. Propose policies and procedures regarding faculty.
  5. Represent faculty interests regarding workload, workplace, staffing, and other condition of employment issues.
  6. Coordinate the professional development grant application process.
  7. Ensure that all junior faculty receive information on promotion and tenure.
  8. Serve as faculty mentors for the Professional Development Grant (PDG) application process.
  9. Consult annually with the Provost about PDG process and criteria listed in Faculty Personnel Matters (FPM), including maximum award amounts based on a faculty’s rank, status, and/or activity.
  10. Review and consult annually with the Provost about FPM, recommending revisions to the Faculty Association as needed.
  11. Consultation with the Provost may be delegated by the Faculty Issues Committee to no fewer than two (2) or more members of the committee or of the FA.
  12. Respond to issues that have been referred by Faculty Council.
  13. Other duties as assigned by Faculty Council.
  1. Composition
  1. The Faculty Issues Committee shall consist of one (1) member selected by each academic unit and appointed by Faculty Council.
  2. The committee shall include Faculty Council’s appointee to the statewide IFO’s Academic Affairs Committee (AAC), as a voting member.
  1. Designated committee
  1. The Faculty Issues Committee shall serve as the designated committee for the following statewide standing committee: Academic Affairs Committee (AAC).

And, some changes to the amount of professional development funds for travel and international conferences. Next years amount is $1450 to 1500.

Motion passed.


Motion (CCSPA): We oppose mandatory parking fees.

Rationale: Parking fees cannot be made mandatory or as a condition of employment.

Motion passed.


Motion (CLA): CLA IFO reaffirms that the term of CLA's current LAM Director will expire at the end of spring 2025 and also clarifies that a faculty member with responsibility for the LAM and corresponding reassigned time per the 2010 LAM Governance doc is elected by CLA-IFO.

RATIONALE: A vital major within the college, residing in no single department, the LAM has a long history within CLA (formerly CAS) and clear operating procedures (see LAM Governance docx).

Discussed. Noted


CLA Rosters: In response to a grievance, roster options for the newly created CLA departments are delineated. Administration is seeking feedback from the new department members for the April M&C and will convey a final decision at the May M&C.

No action required.


Motion (from DLIP): recommends hiring of at least two additional Instructional Designers to support online learning in Metro’s classes.
Rationale: Instructional designers support all of our courses providing valuable service across all modalities (hybrid, online synchronous, online asynchronous and hyflex). Our present instructional designers are overtaxed. We are increasingly teaching with online ancillaries. For example, in spring 2023 Metro offered 426 online asynchronous sections and only 155 on-campus sections. This shift in course modality warrants more support.

Motion: approved


Motion (from DLIP): recommends that administration give faculty at least three weeks’ notice to change modality on a course and/or to create a new online course from scratch. Additional compensation is appropriate, especially if the faculty instructor is expected to do this work on non-duty days.
Rationale: To create a completely online course with sufficient instructor presence and quality content and assessments requires many days of full-time work. To create a course on short notice can erode the quality of education for our students, minimize accessibility to course materials, and adversely impact diversity, accessibility, equity, and inclusion in course design. A poor-quality online course can alienate students and impact their retention. Faculty need adequate training and support to create online courses quickly.

Motion: approved


The concept of career readiness is inclusive and acknowledges the roles that outcomes of education play in making stronger more conscientious citizens while empowering social and economic mobility. While it is called "career readiness" more comprehensively is FUTURE readiness, particularly at Metro State.  However, to be consistent with nationally recognized initiatives and terminology as well as potential future grants, we opted to retain the concept.

Ismail Bile Hassan, COS

Kate Ries, COS

Dave Jacobson, COS

Brenda Merrill, CNHS

Miriam Nkemnji-Enohnyaket, CNHS

Eric Fotsch, Urban Ed

Susan Hilal, CCSPA

Caitlin Mahoney, CCSPA  

Andrew Carlson, CLA

Maureen O’Dougherty, CLA

Jonathan Beller, CLA

Denise Williams, COM

Becky Evan, COM  

Dean Rassule Hadidi, COM

Bill Baldus, Career Center

Attached is a draft document and our committee would appreciate any IFO members thoughts and feedback on this document. This report on career readiness provides a comprehensive background of the unprecedented achievements of the Career Readiness Project at Metro State to date, demonstrated radical inclusivity of internal and external stakeholders, strategic advantage as an equity focused initiative for BIPOC student workforce empowerment, as well as a request for additional resource support that will enable this high impact strategy to meet the strategic plan commitment #6 of “institutional effectiveness.”  Members of the CR Committee will be available during our IFO meeting to provide an overview and answer questions. They are:

Feedback requested

IX. A. 1.

Parking Fee Structure: Admin would like our feedback on the models for parking fee structure that they are proposing. While multiple models are proposed here the last model (purple tab in the spreadsheet) appears to be currently favored by administration. The models are as follows:

  1. Do nothing [white tab]. This has the parking structure in the red as of FY24. If we use HEERF funds we can get to FY25 but it gets progressively worse
  2. Daily parking [red tab] Increase the daily rate from $5 to $10 but change nothing else. This has us in the red after FY26
  3. Moderate increase [orange tab]. Parking will be $50/mo (instead of 36) for all employees who opt in. Students will pay $12.50 per credit (instead of $12). We will be in the red after FY26
  4. Mandatory parking fees for all employees [blue tab] for all at $36/mo. This carries us through FY28
  5. Mandatory fees and raising student fees to $13 per credit [green tab]. This generates revenue but more than we need
  6. Sliding participants [purple tab] Participants are put on a sliding scale according to income (rates are $36/mo-$50/mo). Parking is NOT mandatory but rather only paid for by those who opt in. Students have a rate increase from $12-$13. Daily parking fee is increased from $5 to $8. This is the favored model and is estimated to be healthy until FY28.


  1. Those who are currently paying parking will be invited to town hall meetings to discuss this increase
  2. CF will pay parking at the student rate, however they will get a compensatory increase in salary to make up for the fees if fees are made mandatory. Essentially resulting in them parking at no additional cost if parking fees are mandatory.  

In the event that it is useful, here is a powerpoint of the history of our parking revenue

Feedback requested.

IX. A. 2

Policy & Procedures:

Accessibility Policy document

Accessibility Procedure document

Weather closure policy 1100

Weather closure procedure 110

Feedback requested.

IX. A. 3

Reassign Time Calculations The reassign time calculations for chairs and graduate program directors is here.

Feedback requested.

IX. B 1-11

Informational only; administration has not asked for feedback.

However, “that does not mean we cannot give any.”

  1. Space planning and Finances
  2. Provost’s update-- covers ‘gradplanner’ for planning of undergraduate degrees and the decision not to pursue a campus IP policy/procedure
  3. Equity and Inclusion Update
  4. IT Update
  5. Search update
  6. University Councils update
  7. Student success update
  8. Reorganization in Admissions-- undergraduate and graduate recruitment will now be separate positions
  9. An update on the TREC program. It is growing and adding a new site. It will also have its first graduate this semester.
  10. Center for Educational Innovation update-- this shows how many of the course development grants were given
  11. Strategic Enrollment and Marketing

X A - E

See packet for responses from Administration on the following topics:

  1. CLA Course Cancellations
  2. Office Space
  3. Lockdown from October
  4. CNHS Computer Lab
  5. Convocation

XI A – B

See packet for referrals to committees from previous governance cycles:

  1. Faculty Personnel Matters (FPM) update process
  2. Faculty Issues Committee (FIC) and non-syllabus means of dissemination information.


See packet for following information items:

  1. Metro FA Workgroup on Restructuring
  2. $500 to each IFO FA college/unit & caucus for meetings/organizing + additional $300 to CFC for March organizing event
  3. Chancellor Search
  4. Retirement Gifts


See packet for IFO FA announcements

  1. Membership Report
  2. Important Dates:
  • IFO FA Calendar
  • PDP/PDRs (Faculty Personnel Matters)
  • Promotion & Tenure
  • Sabbatical accomplishments
  1. Social media & IFO website
  2. Location of:
  • M&C minutes
  • IFO FA College/Unit minutes
  • IFO FA Committee minutes
  • Approved Statewide IFO Board & Exec Committee minutes
  1. Council Meeting Rules & Information

Meeting Dates (Th)

Deep Reader(s)

Prepare Meeting Minutes (a)

Zoom Co-Host




Jun Li




Jun Li


Becky + David O


Jun Li


Burak +Loi


Jun Li


Vadhi + Erica


Jun Li






Mehmet + Vadhi




Donnamaria + Marcia




Linda + Barbara




Mehmet + Becky



  1. Preparer of meeting minutes is always a Co-Host so as to share their screen.

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