Force-A-Nature | +50% faster firing speed Knockback on the target and shooter No damage fall-off against targets you knockback +20% bullets per shot -10% damage penalty -66% clip size This weapon reloads its entire clip at once | Changes No damage fall-off against targets you knockback | This bonus should make followup hits more powerful when knocking people around that are out of your reach, and better allow you to commit to its burst damage without making it too powerful up close. |
The Shortstop | 100% damage bonus 40% more accurate 40% faster firing speed 10% faster reload speed -34% clip size -60% fewer pellets per shot 20% increased push force taken from damage Alt-Fire to reach and shove someone! This weapon reloads its entire clip at once | Changes Added 10% faster reload speed Increased shove force by 50% Decreased alt-fire cooldown by 50% Alt-fire can interrupt reload | Allowing the weapon to keep up better in extended medium range fights where you’ll likely be using it. Additionally giving the shove extra boost to keep enemies at bay and be more easily used. |
Soda Popper | +50% faster firing speed 25% faster reload speed Build Hype with up to 350 damage with all weapons -66% clip size No double jump Perform extra air jumps with every 20% of your Hype This weapon reloads its entire clip at once | Changes Extra air jumps can be done at any time using 20% hype Hype no longer activates with alt-fire Added: No double jump | The former Hype bonus boosted mobility far too freely for the scout at irregular intervals due to how the meter functioned. This version instead allows for more flexible mobility allowing the scout to draw on his hype at any moment for more vertical mobility. As a more serious downside, the scout at base lacks his double jump and must rely on air jumps like a resource. |
Baby Face’s Blaster | Build Boost with up to 150 damage with all weapons Run speed increased up to +45% with Boost -34% clip size 10% slower move speed on wearer Boost reduced by 50% per air jump Boost reduced when hit, 2% per point | Changes Damage required to fully drain boost increased to 50 Reduced boost lost on air jump reduced to 50% Fall damage doesn't reduce boost Increased damage to build Boost meter to 150 | Making it less punishing to get hit with the weapon and retain boost, and slightly reducing the penalty to vertical mobility. With the greater leniency in losing boost, the damage needed was increased considerably to require more skill in keeping it up. |
Back Scatter | Mini-crits targets when fired at their back from close range On-Kill: Instantly reload up to 2 bullets in clip (up to 8 max) -34% clip size 20% less accurate | Changes Added On-Kill: Instantly reload 2 bullets in clip (up to 8 max) | The buff is meant to mitigate the downside of a smaller clip and lower accuracy, rewarding scouts who can close out kills in fewer shots and take advantage of the boosted damage by giving them more sustain. |
Mad Milk | Players heal 60% of the damage done to an enemy covered with milk Can be used to extinguish fires Extinguishing teammates reduces cooldown by -33% Jar meter builds with 500 damage done and/or after 40 seconds Resupply does not affect the jar meter Jar meter starts empty | Changes Increased cooldown reduction from extinguishing teammates to -33% No longer recharges from resupply or respawn Increased recharge to 40 seconds Can recharge with 500 damage done | Jars like milk and jarate were incredibly active and spammable for how powerful their effects are. These changes make the item more costly to use while rewarding more active players. A faster recharge for its supportive usage was done to compensate for this longer recharge. |
The Winger | +15% damage bonus +25% greater jump height when active -50% clip size | Changes Reduced clip size penalty to -50% | A slight buff was a consistent sentiment for the weapon, even having 1 more in the clip ought to help close out some kills against higher health targets or if accuracy is failing. |
Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol | +15% faster firing speed On Hit: Gain up to +3 health -25% clip size -15% damage penalty | Changes Added -15% damage penalty | Intent on reining in the weapon’s damage potential so it has a more unique identity for self-sustain. |
Flying Guillotine | Throw at your enemies to make them bleed! Long distance hits deal mini-crits Recharges in 8 seconds | Changes Added: deals mini-crits on long-stance hits Increased recharge time to 8 seconds Removed faster recharge on long distance hits | Spammability of the weapon was of major concern, both allowing easily tossing another after a miss and especially making it easy on getting a hit. To make up for it being increased, it was given a damage boost on long-distance strikes to reward them. |
The Sandman | Alt-Fire: Launches a ball to mark an enemy for death for 2 to 5 seconds! Duration scales with distance Ball guarantees a critical hit on a Moonshot -15 max health on wearer | Changes Changed ball’s on-hit effect, from slow to marked for death for 2-5 seconds based on distance Added critical hits on a moonshot, or hit at or greater than 1440 Hu Removed increased damage on moonshots | Provides a more tangible bonus without removing the ability for counterplay by inhibiting enemy movement, and a counterbalance to scout’s own squishiness by letting him pick his fights better. It additionally synergizes better with mid-to-long range items like the Flying Guillotine or Shortstop. |
Candy Cane | On Kill: A small health pack is dropped Health packs dropped heal you for 35 and can give you overheal -60% primary ammo on wearer | Changes Removed explosive vulnerability Added overheal gained from health packs dropped Increased healing from packs to 35 Added -60% primary ammo on wearer | The severe situational vulnerability made the health kits less desirable to seek out. In removing this and improving your dropped kits, a more consistent nerf to your firepower’s sustainability was added. This should make seeking out enemies doubly important to get both their dropped health and ammo. |
Sun-on-a-Stick | 100% critical hit vs burning players +25% fire damage resistance while deployed On-Kill with any weapon, gain HEAT Activate with SPECIAL ATTACK for up to 4 seconds, where any next hit will ignite enemies for 4 seconds During HEAT, gain 25% damage vulnerability Any kills on ignited foes will automatically trigger HEAT -25% damage to non-burning players 20% slower firing speed No Random Crits | Changes On-Kill with any weapon, gain HEAT for up to 4 seconds (activated with Special Attack) During HEAT, weapons ignite enemies for 4 seconds within 512 Hu Replaced -25% damage penalty with -25% damage to non-burning players During HEAT, gain 25% damage vulnerability HEAT triggered automatically against ignited enemies Added 20% slower firing speed Added No Random Crits | Intent is to give Scout a means to capitalize off this melee and use it as a finisher with his own means of igniting enemies. It packs more punch in the melee itself and encourages the scout to keep up with dealing damage to keep the hot streak going. As a downside though, the scout is made considerably more vulnerable and has to be more mindful during their spree, being forced to disengage and "cool off". |
Fan O’War | Crits whenever it would normally mini-crit On Hit: One target at a time is Marked-For-Death, causing all damage taken to be mini-crits Kill your marked target to gain a 3 second speed boost! This weapon holsters 25% faster -75% damage penalty | Changes Added 25% faster holster speed Added 3 second speed boost on kill against your marked target | To make the risk of getting in close worth the reward, a faster holster speed should help make it worth using with most primaries, with the speed boost additionally making the risk of going out of position more appealing with the ability to better escape. |
The Atomizer | Grants Triple Jump while deployed Melee attacks mini-crit while airborne This weapon holsters 60% slower No random crits | Changes Removed deploy penalty Removed damage penalty Added: This weapon holsters 60% slower Added no random crits | These changes were done to help make the weapon work better as a finisher, and gain its jump boost more readily. The slower holster would require more commitment out of it for either of its uses. |