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‘Tory Gallery of BrexSh-t’ David T.C. Davies #PoliticalSatire
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‘Tory Gallery of BrexSh-t’ David T.C. Davies #PoliticalSatire Investigate Russia Report by Intelligence and Security Committee (ISC) of Parliament #PutinsBrexit #SunakEnabler #TrussEnabler #JohnsonEnabler #MayEnabler #CameronEnabler #TraitorsUK

Llewelyn Pritchard 18 June 2024 original image BBC

“David T.C. Davies, the Conservative former MP for Monmouth and Secretary of State for Wales, has advanced his parliamentary ambitions by employing the following strategies:

1. Downplaying Parliamentary Crime Surrounding Conservative Leadership:

Davies has downplayed the significance of the Partygate scandal involving Boris Johnson, emphasising the need for party unity instead of criticising Johnson's actions [2].

He has not explicitly addressed issues like Brexit lies, COVID lies, or Russian interference in British politics, particularly the 2016 Brexit referendum, which Davies actively supported [1] [2].

By downplaying these controversies, Davies has avoided directly criticising the actions of his party's leaders, which could have hindered his political advancement within the Conservative Party.

2. Unwavering Support for Johnson and Sunak:

Davies has been a vocal supporter of both Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak, praising their leadership styles and policy positions [1] [2].

He has defended Johnson's handling of Brexit negotiations and Sunak's economic policies, emphasising their alignment with Conservative Party values [2].

Davies has emphasised the importance of party unity and loyalty, suggesting that supporting the party leader is essential for maintaining stability and delivering the party's agenda [1] [2].

3. Emphasising Perceived Policy Benefits:

Davies has praised Johnson and Sunak's policies on immigration, including the goal to reduce legal migration and the plan to fly asylum seekers to Rwanda [2].

He has highlighted Sunak's economic policies, particularly his focus on reducing taxes and stimulating economic growth, as beneficial for the UK economy [2].

By emphasising the perceived benefits of these policies, Davies has positioned himself as a supporter of the Conservative Party's agenda.

This approach has likely helped Davies maintain his standing within the Conservative Party and secure his appointment as the Secretary of State for Wales in 2022 [1] [3]. By downplaying controversies, aligning himself with the party's leadership, and emphasising the perceived benefits of their policies, Davies has demonstrated his commitment to the Conservative Party's priorities and agenda.

It is important to note that some of Davies' actions and statements, particularly regarding minority communities like Travellers and his stance on immigration, have been controversial and criticised by various groups [4] [5]. However, his unwavering support for the party's leadership and policies has likely contributed to his political advancement within the Conservative Party.”







NB. ‘While Perplexity AI strives to provide accurate and reliable information, it is essential for users to critically evaluate the information obtained and verify it through additional sources when necessary.’ 19 January 2024


  1. ‘Tory Gallery of BrexSh-t’ David T.C. Davies #PoliticalSatire Investigate Russia Report by Intelligence and Security Committee (ISC) of Parliament  #PutinsBrexit: #JohnsonEnabler #SunakEnabler #TrussEnabler #MayEnabler #CameronEnabler #TraitorsUK #Justice #HumanRights #ClimateJusticeValuations #ActNow #TellTheTruth #BeTheChange #GeneralElection #VoteLabour #WelshLabour original image BBC Llewelyn Pritchard 18 June 2024 original image BBC
  2. ‘Tory Gallery: Prisoner of Conscience’ David T.C. Davies #PoliticalSatire Investigate Russia Report by Intelligence and Security Committee (ISC) of Parliament Llewelyn Pritchard 17 June 2024 #Justice #HumanRights #ClimateJusticeValuations #ActNow #TellTheTruth #BeTheChange #GeneralElection #VoteLabour #WelshLabour original image BBC
  3. 'Champion of Human Rights' David T.C. Davies #PoliticalSatire Llewelyn Pritchard 16 June 2024 #GeneralElection #VoteLabour #WelshLabour original image BBC
  4. ‘Tory Truth Teller’ David T.C. Davies #PoliticalSatire Llewelyn Pritchard 16 June 2024 #AI #Perplexity #GeneralElection #VoteLabour #WelshLabour
  5. 'Tory WhistleBlower' David T.C. Davies #PoliticalSatire Llewelyn Pritchard 16 June 2024 #AI #Perplexity #GeneralElection #VoteLabour #WelshLabour
  6. “David T.C. Davies, former MP for Monmouth has maintained his standing within the Conservative Party and secured his appointment as the Secretary of State for Wales in 2022 [1] [3] by:
  7.  Downplaying corrupt, colonial, Tory parliamentary crime.
  8.  Aligning himself with the party's corrupt leadership in Westminster.
  9.  Demonstrating his commitment to the Conservative Party's priorities, political agenda and perceived benefits of their policies.
  10.  More locally It is important to note that some of Davies' actions and statements, particularly regarding minority communities like Travellers and his stance on immigration, have been controversial and criticised by various groups [4] [5].
  11.  However, his unwavering support for the party's leadership and policies has likely contributed to his political advancement within the Conservative Party.” #AI #Perplexity Llewelyn Pritchard 16 June 2024
  12. The AI evidence shows Conservative policies of austerity, underfunding, staff cuts and privatisation have significantly undermined and neglected the NHS, leaving it in a dire state according to expert analysis and public opinion. #AI #Perplexity Llewelyn Pritchard 14 June 2024
  13. Explain how and why the Conservative majority UK Parliament at Westminster, London and beyond is no longer fit for purpose. #AI #OpenSources: #Perplexity #ChatGPT Llewelyn Pritchard MA 14 July 2023
  14. It is beyond reasonable doubt that Boris Johnson breached National Security at Evgeny Lebedev's villa Perugia Italy under Italian Intelligence surveillance by discussing UK government business with Alexander Lebedev. He made sure no UK government officials were present.  LlewelynPritchard 19 May 2024  
  15. Boris Johnson has left but his toxic legacy lingers. ONLY A GENERAL ELECTION AND A NEW GOVERNMENT CAN GIVE POLITICS THE CLEAN SLATE IT SO BADLY NEEDS. Full Observer editorial on Partygate inquiry verdict 18 June 2023
  16. Show this thread  @carolecadwalla Carole Cadwalla  LANDMARK RULING IN STRASBOURG AS MP’s CHALLENGE UK TORY GOVERNMENT OVER FAILURE TO INVESTIGATE RUSSIAN INTERFERENCE IN BREXIT. EXTRACTS ‘Nothing less than the future of democracy is at stake’ says Caroline Lucas as a cross-party coalition and The Citizens win an unprecedented hearing. Peter Jukes @peterjukes 19 January 2023
  17. Preface Established facts by Independent Research 1969- with reference to: DAWN STURGESS PUBLIC INQUIRY formally established on 17 March 2022 Part 1/2 Llewelyn Pritchard
  18. 'In a letter penned to the Commons Liaison Committee, Boris Johnson called the meeting in Perugia 'a social event', claiming , 'As far as I am aware, no government business was discussed.'
  19. 5. Show this thread  BORIS JOHNSON'S KGB LINKS EXPOSED - ByLine TV FULL Documentary John Sweeney 29 June 2023 #RussianInterference #Elections #EUreferendumUK2016 #NationalSecurityBreached #AlexanderLebedevExKGBnoSuchThing #NoRuleParties #NoGovernmentOfficialsPresent #EvgenyLebedev #JohnsonDisHonourableHonoursList #SunakWavesListThrough #OneRuleForUs #ToryCorruption #JohnsonLies #PeopleDie #UnfitForParliament #Kompromat #PutinsQuidProQuoBrexitAmbitionJohnsonPM #RussianToryDonors #RussianOligarchs #LondonLaundromat #RussiaReportDelayedAndSupressedByJohnson #ForeignSecretary #PrimeMinister #ToryProtectionRacket #PartygateAToryDistraction #JohnsonPhotoOpportunitiesUkraine #COVIDPublicInquiry #DawnSturgessPublicInquiry #BrexitTreason #KremxitHorrorShow #Assassination #Poisonings #PutinsLeversJohnson #PutinCultivatesJohnsonAsPM #Kompromat #PutinsBrexit #PutinCultivatesTrumpAsPresident #TrumpsBrexit #ConstitutionalCorrosion #JohnsonsExit #Truth #Accountability #JailTime
  20. Boris, the Lord & the Russian Spy | Dispatches | Channel 4 Documentaries 2 August 2023
  21. Strippers, Spies & Russian Money | Dispatches | Channel 4 Documentaries 17 November 2023
  22. Boris Johnson pressed on meeting with ex-KGB agent Alexander Lebedev while foreign secretary 6 July 2022
  23. Angela Rayner criticises Boris Johnson appointing 'Lord Lebedev of Hampton and Siberia'  16 March 2022
  24. ‘Really historic step forward this afternoon as cross-party Senedd Committee (Local Govt and Housing) votes in favour of amendment that makes lying by politicians a criminal offence. This is incorporated in the Elections and Elected Bodies Bill and now goes on to next stage’ @Adamprice 16 May 2024 #ClimateJusticeValuations: #LeadersLie #PeopleDie #JailTime #ClimateCrisis
  25. A 'Truth Law' passed by The Senedd would make Wales the first parliament in the world to make lying by politicians a criminal offence. Eleanor Langford 29 April 2024
  26. 'The allegations of Russian malign activity in the UK are deeply concerning.  Anyone found guilty of assisting a foreign intelligence service will be held to account, The UK will never be deterred from backing Ukraine by Russia’s futile attempts to shake our resolve.' MP for Welwyn Hatfield & UK Secretary of State for Defence 26 April 2024
  27. ‘Did Rishi Sunak second Criminal Prime Minister UK, David Cameron unelected Foreign Secretary ex-PM, or any other Government official authorise Boris Johnson ex-PM ex-Foreign Secretary first Criminal Prime Minister to meet Nicolas Maduro, President of Venezuela and discuss Foreign Policy?  AI Insights About Concerns Raised Regarding Potential Compromises of Boris Johnson, David Cameron, Theresa May and Liz Truss by Vladimir Putin and his Oligarchs in context of Brexit 2016’ #DeepAIGeneratedImage Prisoners Of Conscience Tory Gallery #PoliticalSatire #AI #OpenSource #Perplexity #DeepAIGeneratedImage #ChatGPT Fishy Rishi Artworks Llewelyn Pritchard 13 March 2024

  1. KREMLIN WELCOMED EVGENY LEBEDEV PEERAGE  Sam Bright 13 April 2023 #RussianInterference

  1. Rishi Sunak Refuses to Join Ukraine in Sanctioning Alexander Lebedev. Adam Bienkov 1 June 2023



  1. SUNAK'S 'CONSTITUTIONAL CORROSION' UNDERMINES DEMOCRACY Evgeny Lebedev during his introduction in the House of Lords after being nominated for a life peerage. Photo PRU AFP Getty Images
  2. ‘KOMPROMAT: PartyTime Boys' #DeepAIGeneratedImage #PoliticalSatire #1stCriminalPMUKwhileStillinOffice' 'Prisoners of Conscience Tory Gallery' Fishy Rishi Artworks #IntelligenceAndSecurity #AI #OpenSource #Perplexity Llewelyn Pritchard 11 March 2024
  3. ‘Traitor UK’ "quid pro quo" life peerage for Evgeny Lebedev on the one hand is a working arrangement between Vladimir Putin's espionage-driven, overt strategic attack on the democratic institution of the House of Lords, London via "LondonGrad Laundromat," (influence of Russian money in London). On the other hand, it is perceived as a strategy to let the Tories off the hook and advance Boris Johnson's ambition, as it represents a failed leadership in achieving the UK's exit from the European Union. #Perplexity #DeepAI #ChatGPT3.5 Llewelyn Pritchard 26 January 2024