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GOTF 5,1
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Boba Fett: You ready?

Aayla: Just go through the plan once more.

Boba: Ok so there's some ex imperials held up in that base, the New Republic wants us to get rid of them. I’ll infiltrate the base on the north side and draw their fire while you sneak into the command centre and plant the explosives, then you will steal the data and then rendezvous at hangar B. You’ll steal a speeder bike and we get out like that.

Boba snaps his fingers.

Aayla: Sounds like a simple job.

Boba: No job is ever simple. This is your first job Aayla, just be careful.  

The two of them looked over at the base on the planet of Anaxes. Aayla remembered that this was the only separatist base that hadn't been destroyed in the outer rim sieges of the clone wars. Boba Fett activated his jet pack and flew towards the North side of the base.

Stormtrooper Dovald: Hey what's that thing up there in the sky coming towards us?

Stormtrooper Bornis: Well it's quite a fantastical sight it looks like a rogue with a jetpack. Or it's a ratsook.

Stormtrooper Bihen: Well you see the thing is troops I think we should be wary of this jetpack guy because well you see the thing is, we have a deal not that we want to get killed.

Stormtrooper Dovald: Oh for Kriffs sake man can't you string a simple sentence together!

Stormtrooper Bihen: You absolute Zornock!

All of a sudden Boba Fett activated his missile on the back of his jetpack and it flew towards the three stormtroopers. It exploded on impact as it destroyed the three stormtroopers and took out a huge chunk of the base wall. The alarms started ringing in the base as stormtroopers sprinted up the steel steps of the base and they began aiming their guns at him. Every shot missed Fett as he spun out of the way of every blaster bolt.

Boba Fett: Amatuers.

He landed on top of one stormtrooper and whipped out his E33 blaster and shot the trooper in the head. The others shot at him but each bolt was deflected by his beskar steel armour. He took out three in quick succession with his blaster rifle.

Boba: I think it's time to warm things up.

He activated his flamethrower incinerating 10 stormtroopers, their screams filled the air as he began to fight the others.

Meanwhile, Aayla sprinted around the side of the base, placed an explosive on a large blast wall and then activated a button on the side of her comlink. Boba Fett saw the red light activate on the side of his comlink and fired a concussion rocket at the stormtroopers blinding them. Aayla used this opportunity to detonate the explosive causing the side of the wall to explode into a small enough hole for her to get through. She pulled out her Westar 35- Blaster Pistol and her vibroblade and quietly began her way to the command centre.

Boba Fett picked up a blaster rifle and smacked one trooper down and then shot him in the head he threw it at a scout trooper causing him to fall off the wall.

Aayla sprinted along behind the buildings and she ducked behind a wall as she spotted four stormtroopers preparing a blaster cannon to fire at her father. She quietly sneaked up behind them and slit the throat of the first one she then shot the second one in the head and she threw her dagger into the visor of one stormtrooper and then wrapped her grappling hook around the final ones neck and pulled him over her and then shot him in the forehead. She used the cannon to fire a hole into the main blast doors of the command centre and dived through the burning carnage.

Boba saw this but unfortunately so did the stormtroopers. He took to the skies and began to rain blaster bolts down onto the stormtroopers as they started to run towards the command centre.

As Boba Fett tried to defend Aayla she was running through the halls of the command centre blasting stormtroopers and officers as she ran. She placed detonators down every corridor she passed. She dived into the control room and she shot all six of the officers in the room and threw her vibroblade at the final one it lodged into her chest killing her instantly. She ran to the main computer and took her helmet off, she pulled out a device from her tool belt and plugged it into the computer a little blue arrow came up on the control panel with the words transferring data lighting up underneath it. All of a sudden the four doors to the control room and eight stormtroopers entered the room.

Sergeant Appo: Freeze.

Aayla did not have her helmet on leaving her head a prime target. They all had their blasters pointed at her. She knew this was the end, she couldn’t survive this. Every stormtrooper fired simultaneously, however something miraculous happened, as soon as the shots got close to her they veered off in the opposite direction, each shot hitting the stormtrooper on the opposite side to the one who shot the blaster bolt. Aayla stared round incredulously at the sight before her, as every stormtrooper was dead on the floor and she was unscathed. She shook her head with disbelief and silently swore an oath never to reveal this information to anyone. The device bepped as the data transfer had finished. Aayla took it out of the console and planted the detonators and then quickly ran out of the room. She activated another button on her comlink.

Meanwhile, Boba Fett was busy killing several stormtroopers. He used his flamethrower in one direction and his E-33 blaster rifle in the other hand. He saw the green light flash up on his comlink and he laughed underneath his mask.

Boba Fett: Gentlemen it has been fun however, I now leave you all with a parting gift.

And with that he pressed a button on his comlink and the entire command centre began a chain like explosion. It started off on the lower levels before rising to the command deck. Boba quickly flew out of the way of any falling debris as the soldiers of the empire beneath him scattered for cover, many being crushed by the debris. He joined Aayla as they sprinted towards the hangar bay.

Boba: Good work kid, I'm proud of you.

Aayla: Thanks dad.

They quickly seeked out a speeder bike for Aayla and she leaped onto it, starting it up and speeding off into the distance. Boba Fett took to the skies but so did two tie fighters.

Boba (Through his comlink): Heads up kid we’ve got company.

Aayla quickly increased speed, as the first tie fighter flew down towards canyon level and fired at the speeder Aayla quickly used her grappling hook to grapple onto the main centre of the bike between the two handlebars and kicked off from the bike flying over the tie fighter and throwing a thermal detonator onto the tie fighter she quickly drew herself back in onto the bike and just as the tie fighter locked onto her she activated the thermal detonator causing it to explode.

Boba Fett wasn’t doing as well against his tie fighter as he kept on dodging its blaster bolts but it was gaining on him. He could never get an accurate hit on the fighter to destroy it. Aayla noticed that the fighter had almost got him several occasions and she was beginning to worry for her father’s life. She saw the tie fighter fire and even though it missed by several feet she saw the falling debris and realised there is a good chance that her dad would get hit by the rocks causing him to fall to the ground and from that height he wouldn't survive.

Aayla: No!

She reached out with her hand and the debris ended up flying further back and narrowly missing Boba Fett and hitting the Tie fighter, completely destroying it she looked at her hand in shock but thankfully Boba Fett didn’t notice he put it down to sheer luck. The two got back to the Slave 2 relatively unschathed and they managed to quickly escape the planet and fly off into the stars.

Star wars Guardians of the force

The Artifact

Two years after the destruction of the mask and the rescue of Zelios Kenobi, life is going  well for our heroes, Rey and Finn are beginning to train their daughter Anna in the

ways of the force, Ben and Aayla got married and they have a child called Jay. Zelios and Jacen haven’t been seen since they left. On Starlight Station, Rey and Finn are training Anna in the ways of the force, in a large circular room accompanying them are C-3PO and R2-D2 and even Chewbacca..

Finn: Okay Anna first I want you to recite the Jedi code.

Anna: There is no emotion, there is peace. There is no ignorance, there is knowledge. There is no passion, there is serenity. There is no chaos, there is harmony. There is no death, there is the Force.

Rey: Very good, now you see that book over there, the one with the jedi texts I want you to pull that book towards you.

Anna: Okay I will try.

Finn: Do or do not there is no try.

Anna: No matter how many times you say I will never understand what it means.

Everyone present laughs. Anna concentrates on the book and she manages to lift it up almost effortlessly and then she pulls it towards her hand and she manages to catch it without breaking concentration.

Finn: Wow you did that easily!

Rey: You are very strong with the force Anna but you need to be careful if anyone else could see the power that you possess they would try to exploit it and use it, just like what happened with Zelios. He was incredibly powerful with the force and he was manipulated by the mask. Just like your Great Grandfather too.

Finn: Okay Anna, now go with Threepio and Artoo they will continue your studies for today.

Anna: Okay see you guys later.

C-3PO: Ok Mistress Anna today we are going to learn about the ancient Jed’di.

R2-D2: Reet Deet doo.

The two droids and Chewbacca walk out of the room with Anna. Rey turns to Finn.

Rey: I knew she would be strong in the force but I didn’t expect her to be that strong.

Finn: Yeah, speaking of Zel I wonder where they are right now, I’m worried about Jacen, It must be hard for him not being able to use the force anymore.

Rey: I think they are too vulnerable out there on their own fighting the Beyond. He is too powerful for them. We need to help them, we need to find the Beyond.

Finn: I agree, let’s go talk to Ben and Aayla.

Across the station, Ben and Aayla are sparring with wooden staff. Ben force pushes Aayla into the wall as Jay watches on a crate with glee in his eyes. Ben leaps forward with his staff and Aayla quickly dodges and wacks him on leg.

Aayla: For a Jedi, you aren’t particularly skillful.

Ben: Oh so you want to see me be skillful then, you haven’t seen anything yet.

Ben sprints at Aayla and jumps over her hitting her staff with his and then he wall runs around the entire room, jumps off and then skids along the floor taking out her legs causing her to fall over and then does a backflip to get back onto the floor.

Aayla: Show off.

Ben: Hey you are the one who wanted to see skills.

Finn and Rey walk into the room.

Aayla: Hey guys what’s up?

Finn: We have both been thinking, we need to find the Beyond. We need to help Jacen and Zel find him before anything happens to them. To our galaxy.

Ben: But what are we going to do with our kids? We can't just bring them with us it won’t be safe for them.

Finn: I have an idea for that.

Finn (into comlink): Poe do you mind coming down to the training room for a couple of minutes we have something for you.

Poe (into comlink): Ok will be on my way now.

After a couple of minutes, Poe walks into the room.

Poe: Hey guys whats up? If it’s about the mynocks in the bedrooms don’t worry we took care of that.

Finn: No it’s not that Chancellor. We are going on a mission and we need someone to take care of the kids

Poe: Ok so you guys are going on a dangerous mission and I’m going to be stuck here with the kids. Do I look like a babysitter?

Finn: Don’t make me answer that.

Poe: Kriff you. Oh well fine I guess me and Zori can take care of them cause I don’t need to lead an entire galaxy at the moment. If you need help call me.

Ben: Thank’s Chancellor.

They all say goodbye to their kids and they enter the Millennium Falcon. Ben and Rey start the ship up.

Alliance Officer Adam: You are clear for departure, good luck.

The Falcon takes off and they soar out into open space.

Rey: Zel said that they would start looking for the Beyond in the outer rim. I think we start at our old Resistance base, Ajan Kloss.

They put the ship into position and blast off into hyperspace. They come out of hyperspace as they look down upon the planet of Ajan Kloss.

Finn: I haven’t seen this place in years.

Rey: It will be interesting to see what has changed.

The ship flies down to the surface and they come out above the old resistance base; they set the ship down just outside.

Finn: Well it certainly seems more overgrown.

Rey: Let’s walk around, see if we can find anything.

They explore the Resistance base and find nothing apart from several charred objects and equipment.

Aayla: Well no one’s been here for a while.

Ben: Where do we go from now, we have no trace to follow.

Voice: I could lead you to them.

The group turns around and out steps Rose Tico from the shadows. Half of her face and body is covered in a chromium plating similar to Captain Phasma. Stretching around her head is multiple blinking lights dashed across the plating.  

Finn: Rose?! Is it really you?

Rose: Just before the explosion, I activated a shield. I was badly injured by the blast but that shield saved my life, without it I would’ve been dead.

Finn: We’ll what are you doing here

Rose: I’m looking for the Shroud of Nexos. It’s power can heal a person to their normal state. Can you help me Finn, for old times sake?

Rey: Where do we find this shroud?

Rose: Nexos was a powerful warrior, he put the shroud in his tomb, but because of his pride he didn’t want anyone stealing it so he placed several traps around the tomb. I couldn't get through the tomb alone.

Aayla: Well lead the way.

Rose: Follow me.

The group made their way past treacherous vines and clambered over treacherous branches and roots. Until at last they reached the tomb. It was a relatively small structure that was more of a crypt than a tomb with skulls surrounding the door.

Ben: If Nexos had the shroud why didn’t he use it to stop himself from dying?

Rose: The shroud can do many things but it can’t prevent death, it only reverts major and minor injuries, death unfortunately is a natural process of life nothing can stop it.

They entered the crypt and in the middle was a gigantic jet black sarcophagus with five skulls placed neatly above the great resting place; the skulls had a small hole drilled into the head. In the middle of the skulls was a dagger with an ancient ruby hilt.

Aayla: So what do we do now?

Rose: We have to use our own blood in each of the skulls to unlock the doorway to the tomb.

Finn: Well that’s just fun.

The five of them took turns cutting themselves with the knife and allowing the blood to drip into the skull all five skulls lit up and then turned around in a circle till they were facing each other and then they stopped.

Ben: So where is that doorway again?

Rose: Right beneath us.

Rey: What?

The floor opened up beneath them and all five of them fell down into a large open cave.

Finn: We’ll that was better than I thought.

All of a sudden six spikes shot out of the floor trapping our five heroes. Beneath them they saw that the floor was a thin piece of material and beneath it were five fire pits, each ready to incinerate anyone who fell down into it.

Ben: I think that’s what you would call speaking too soon.

Rey: How the hell are we going to get out of this?

Ben: Aayla can you use your jetpack?

Finn: Once we have lifted ourselves out we will lift you out.

With that Finn, Rey and Ben closed their eyes. They put their hands on the ground with the palms facing down and the fingers pointing in the direction of each person. They all began to  float and very slowly without breaking connection they managed to float out of the spikes and force pull themselves to the door on the other side. They turned around and managed to float the other two towards them using the force. Once everyone had arrived they quickly sprinted out of the door into the next room. Surrounding them was a vast rock wall, on the other side another door however the rock wall managed to stretch for miles across.

Rose: We will have to climb.

The group set off Aayla flying alongside them with her jet pack to point out areas where the rock was weak and to scout out for any danger. In less than ten minutes, they had reached the halfway point. Rose used the metal plating on her hand to punch a hole into the rock giving her a better grip on the wall. All of a sudden the cliff wall began to shake.

Finn: I have a bad feeling about this.

The rock wall began to stop shaking. Suddenly, one singular piece of rock fell from the top of the wall. It drifted all the way down till it hit Aayla’s jetpack, causing her jetpack to malfunction, she flew against the wall three times. The whole wall began to shake. As tons of debris began to fall down from the top.

Rose: We need to jump off into the river.

Ben: Are you crazy? How do you even know there is a river down there?

Rose: I have studied maps of this place, if we don’t jump now we will all die.

With that she jumped down off the rock wall. Rey quickly followed along with Aayla swooping down after them on her jetpack.

Ben: One of these days we will have a normal mission.

With that Ben and Finn jumped down as well. They used the force to slow each other down and they fell into the river. They were pulled along by the current before they saw a log in the middle of the stream and they managed to grab hold of it pulling themselves up onto it and then paddling to shore. They collapsed on the ground exhausted.

Rose: Come on we need to keep moving.

Exhausted the group, moved towards the next door.

Rey: Anyone have a light source?

Ben: What do you think these lightsabers are for.

With that the three jedi ignited their lightsabers and Aayla activated her light on her helmet. With Rose taking an old torch from her pocket and leading the way.

Rose: I recognise this corridor from the maps, we must be getting close.

As the group wandered on they came to a massive square like chamber.  In the middle of the room there was the shroud of Nexos resting upon a pedestal. However, surrounding it was vast cobwebs, and littered all around in the cobwebs were the bones of past people who have come searching for the shroud.

Rose: Be careful, You don’t know what kind of traps lay here.

The five of them sneaked around the webs making sure not to stand on them. Unfortunately, Ben tripped over a cleverly placed rock and fell right into the web.

Ben: Guys help I’m stuck!

As the four of them rushed to help him they suddenly heard a large clicking sound of pincers being brought together. Suddenly, spiders were swarming down the walls.

Rose: It looks like we are going to have to fight our way to the shroud.

With that, Rose began shooting at the spiders with her wrist mounted blaster. As the others fought off the remaining spiders, the white alpha spider, the largest spider of them all, landed in front of Ben it raised it’s pincers ready to strike it’s defenceless prey.

Aayla: No!

Aayla Fett raised her hand in the direction of the spider and a powerful wave of force energy sent the spider backwards giving Rey the chance to stab it in the face. They all turned round to stare at Aayla in shock.

Ben: Since when could you use the force?

Aayla: I don’t know, it happened to me twice before in a mission with my dad. I can’t control it… it’s just a… I don’t know the correct word to use.

Ben: Oh well, we can start training when we get back to base.

Aayla laughs. She goes over to embrace him but stops when she realises he is still trapped in the web. She manages to burn the web away with the flamethrower and she finally is able to hug him.

Rose: Guys, we need to find the shroud before more spiders come.

Rose walks over to the shroud and takes it off the pedestal she wraps it around her. A bright light fills the room and then in a matter of seconds it shuts off. The others stare in wonder and awe as her metal plating begins to fall off and the scarred, charred skin beneath begins to heal with golden veins etched through them. Rose drops the shroud and turns to face the gang a look of happiness is stretched across her face.

Rose: Finally, it feels so good to see and feel properly again.

Finn hugs Rose remembering what they went through together.

Rey: That thing is too dangerous, If the Beyond finds this who knows what could happen!.

Ben: I think we need to destroy it.

The others agree. Rose sets it back on the pedestal and Ben slashes it in half with his lightsaber. They walk to the door as it slowly rumbles and opens up revealing the bright light of day. They walk outside.

Rose: Thank you all for your help, I’m sure we’ll cross paths again maybe this time in better circumstances.

Rey: No Thank you, we are now one step closer towards saving the galaxy

They bid their farewells and then go to depart but Finn hangs back.

Finn: Rose, If you’re ever lost, you can find us at Star light station. They could really use someone of your leadership skills there.

Rose: Hey I’m sure I’ll find my way on the rust bucket sometime soon.

Finn: May the force be with you.

Rose: Always.

As the gang walked back to the ship they could feel something unpleasant, a coldness in the air, a bleak feeling of death.

Rey: Do you feel that?

Ben: Yes I do it feels… Cold.

Finn: I think it’s best if we leave, I feel uneasy with that thing hanging around.

Aayla: Yeah we’ve had enough danger for one day.

They power up the ship and take off into the sky. However, watching them from a cave is the spirit of the Beyond.

The Beyond: How ignorant of them. The shroud could only heal minor injuries, there was no way it would heal me. If only you could realize my full plan, you might have had a chance to stop me but no it's too late for all of you.

End of issue one


Written by: 

David King (fascinating_films)

Marco Brnardic (the_senate.squad)

Jackson Vanzil (Obi Ani memes)

Edited by:

Ellis Pickering (ellis___pickering04)

Creative Consultants:

Richard Ched (Kavon52398)

A Sith Squad creation