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October Agenda 2023 (Virtual + In Person)
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Fair Haven Community Management Team

Thursday, October 5th, 2023 | 6:00 PM

IN PERSON at Fair Haven Library / Biblioteca de Fair Haven

 AND VIRTUAL Meeting via Zoom | | 

House Rules: Focused, no-fault problem-solving. | Step forward, step back.

Open, honest, safe space. | Listen with open minds, believe in everyone’s best intentions.

Action-oriented. Decide what we want, when we want it, and plan for its happening.

Fair Haven-centered collaboration! | Start, proceed, and end on time, honor the agenda.

1. Introductions / Introducciones (4 min)

  1. Zoom Instructions: Muting microphones, using the chat box, starting the recording
  2. Meeting called to order
  3. Roll Call of Board  
  4. Introductions (Chat box) from all attendees
  5. Establish Quorum of Voting Members

2. Approval of Meeting Minutes / Aprobación del acta de la última reunión (2 min)

Click HERE to access the September  2023 minutes.

3. Financial Report, Treasurer Gina Toppins / Informe Financiero (5 min)

  Click Here for September  2023 Financial Statement.

4. New Haven Police Department, FH DM Lieutenant Michael Fumiatti (  (10-20 min) (Cell: 475-331-3180 - please text w/ name first) NH PD Non Emergency Number: (203) 946-6316

5. Livable City Initiative, Carmen Mendez ( / 203-410-6527 ) / Iniciativa de la ciudad habitable (5-10 min)

6. REMINDER OF QUARTERLY PRESENTATION: Civilian Review Board, Jayuan Carter (

7. Economic Development Update, Kathleen Krolak ( ) (5-10 min)

8. Our Vision in Action / Nuestra visión en acción (20 min)

9. Bylaws Update

10. Announcements

11. Alder Reports / Informes de los representantes (5 min): W8, W9, W10, W14, W15, W16

Contact Information for Fair Haven Alders:

Don’t know your ward/alder? Input your address here.

12. Community Forum and Adjournment, questions about recent agenda or recommendations for future agenda items, announcements / Foro Comunitario y aplazamiento, preguntas sobre la agenda reciente o recomendaciones para futuros artículos de la agenda, anuncios (10 min)