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Network Privacy
Updated automatically every 5 minutes


When you use our sites, you trust us with your information. This policy is meant to help you understand what personal information we collect, why we collect it, and what we do with it.

Please note that our websites are not targeted to any specific audience, demographic, or region. Users from around the world are welcome to use our websites, as long as doing so is legal within their jurisdiction and they follow any local laws.

In particular, our sites are not targeted to children. We do not knowingly collect or process information from children, and we do not collect users’ age or date of birth.

Collection of Private and Confidential Information

We collect, store, process, and use a large number of types of information. Most of this information is related to one or more of our users, however, very little of it is information that could be used to identify you in an automated way. Some examples include Events, Reviews, Forum Posts, and Blog Posts. None of these routinely contain personal information, however they are linked to user accounts (which do), and they do include free text fields (which might incidentally contain names or other personal information).

We collect, store, process, and display this information based on your consent (both express and implied), in support of our legitimate interests and those of the Judge Program, and in accordance with applicable law.

We use this information to develop, operate, and maintain our websites. We use it to provide information to Judge Program leadership and to other Judge Projects. Finally, we store information to allow us to investigate and debug issues related to our websites, to monitor and improve site performance, to protect our sites and our users, and to resolve problems and add features to the site. We may use the information that we have collected in ways other than those listed here in order to analyze, respond to, and recover from an attack, disaster, or other incident.

Structured Personally Identifiable Information

To the best of our knowledge, the only information we intentionally collect that someone could possibly use to uniquely identify you is the following:

We use this information to refer to you (on staff lists, for example), to allow other users to search for you, to display information about you to other users, and to maintain an accurate record of your Judge membership. Access to this information is described in “Right to Privacy”, below.

Unstructured Personally Identifiable Information

Many parts of the site contain free text fields, such as forum posts, or reviews. Sometimes, those fields may contain names or other information that identifies a person. We do not link those fields to users or persons who are referred to, and we do not perform any profiling or processing based on the contents of these fields. This data is treated the same as the object that contains it (e.g., the Review or the Forum Post where some person is identified by name).

Information from other services

We receive data from other websites, including previous judge community websites. We may import this data into our websites, and we may link that data to the relevant user accounts. We also receive information from other sources, such as periodic updates of judge activity from Wizards of the Coast.

Information from your use of our services

We collect information about the sites that you use and how you use them. This includes information that your computer sends to us when you use our sites.

Web Server Logging

As with any web server, we collect information about every web request that we receive, including the source of the request, the URL that is being requested, and other metadata about the request and our response to it.

We automatically delete these logs after about 30 days, however, we may save this data and store it for a longer period of time if it is needed, for example to investigate an incident, or to analyze a bug.

Use of cookies

Cookies are short strings that we send to your web browser, and which we ask your web browser to send back to us whenever you visit a new page on our site. These cookies allow us to remember that you have previously logged in, or recall other information from previous use of the site. You are able to view, block, and delete cookies in your web browser, however, this often will negatively affect the functionality of the site.

We use cookies to track the fact that you are logged in, and what account you are logged in to. We also use cookies to remember information related to your preferences. We do not share these cookies with any other web server, and we ask your web browser not to share the cookies with any other web server either.

Use of Private and Confidential Information

Many types of information within JudgeApps may be available publicly. Anyone can register a JudgeApps account. The requirements to get an account may change in the future, and some information is available publicly. No account is required to access Judge Blogs, Chat, or Help and Support.

Some specific information is considered confidential. This includes Exams, Reviews, non-public Forums, Exemplar recognitions that have not been approved, Sphere Allocations, Event Applications and Comments on them, and some other more minor types of information. These all have complex access rules, but generally, they’re visible to the person who created them, the people who they’re intended for, and to specific groups of users who routinely use that type of information. In the past, this included Program Coordinators and Regional Coordinators, but this access is now defunct. Site Admins may access confidential information for debugging purposes but do not routinely access them.

The information that we get from your use of our services, or from other services like Google Analytics, is used internally by our development team. (The admins of a specific Judge Blog may have access to that blog’s Google Analytics.) Any such information (like IP addresses or webserver access logs) that can be associated with a specific user is never shared publicly, and it is not shared at all except under exceptional circumstances (such as investigations of misconduct or abuse).

Development, Operations, and Backups

Our servers are managed by the root users:

They have access to the servers in order to maintain the site, including for development, debugging, investigating issues, incident response, and disaster recovery. Additionally, a redacted version of our database is used by our developers to test and develop new features for the site. Passwords, email addresses, and all other confidential or sensitive information is removed from this version of the database prior to sharing.

Judge Program Operations and Statistical Analysis

At the discretion of the root users listed above, we may provide some data to trusted users within the Judge Program in order to support Program initiatives and processes and statistical analyses. We release this data on a case-by-case basis, and we limit this data to the minimum amount needed to meet the goals of the team making the request.

Third Party Access to Private and Confidential Information

We use some services provided by third parties to help run our sites. Any such service to which we provide personally identifiable information will be listed here.

Google Analytics

Some of our sites use Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager. These services allow us to monitor how users are using our websites. We do not send Google any information about your JudgeApps account, and Google Analytics anonymizes this data. For example, we can see how many users are from the United States, or are using Firefox, but not how old they are, or what products they are likely to buy - and never any names or even IP addresses. For more information, see <a href="">Google's Privacy Policy</a>.


JudgeApps uses a tool called Sentry to log server errors. Sentry may receive personal information, including the data we were handling at the moment of the error. Sentry does not share this information with any third party. We use this service to identify and fix software bugs. For more information, see <a href=””>Sentry’s Privacy Policy</a>

Amazon AWS

We use Amazon AWS to host all of our services, including our web servers, our databases, and our email. Amazon AWS hosts all data and configuration information on our websites, however, their access is limited by their own <a href=””>Privacy Policy</a>.


We use Mailgun to handle some of our email, primarily, incoming email to and Mailgun has the technical capability to access any email that flows through their servers, however, their access is limited by their own <a href=””>Privacy Policy</a>.

Other Services

We may choose to use other services on our sites on a temporary or trial basis. We always vet these services to ensure that any information they collect will not be sold or redistributed to any third party, and that any information about your use of our sites will only be available to authorized users. We will verify this by reviewing their privacy policy or by contacting them. If our use of the service becomes permanent, we will update this document to list that service by name.

Your Rights

Right to Privacy

JudgeApps and are primarily about communicating with and sharing information among the community. However, some of the information we handle is private, and we are careful to only share that information with users who need access to it. If you have a JudgeApps account, here is how we handle privacy-sensitive information:

None of the information above is ever sold, exchanged, or shared with any company for advertising purposes, and it is never shared at all except as described elsewhere in this document.

Additionally, some information is confidential, as described elsewhere in this document. Confidential information generally has complex access control rules, which limit access only to the individuals who need access to that specific item.

We expect all users, and especially users with privileged access to privacy-sensitive or confidential information, to safeguard that information appropriately. If a breach of privacy-sensitive or confidential information is reported to us, we will investigate the matter, take any appropriate action, and notify any users who were affected. If you wish to report such an incident to us, please contact us at and choose Security Bug Report.

Controlling Emails you Receive

We will never contact you with advertising of any kind, and you can disable almost all automatic notifications from JudgeApps. We do reserve the right to contact you:

Additionally, other users can contact you using the “Contact a Judge” form. When they do, you receive their email address (in the reply-to header), but they do not receive yours unless you reply. Users’ use of this feature is subject to our Terms of Service. If you receive an email from JudgeApps that appears to violate those terms, please contact us so that we can investigate.


When you submit your own content to, our Terms of Service require you to grant us legal permission (a “license”) to use that content indefinitely. When you write an Article, post to the Forums, write a question for an Exam, or contribute your expertise to the Judge Program in one of many other ways, we are committed to making your work available to the Judge Program for as long as there is a Judge Program around to read it. However, you remain the legal owner of your work, and our license doesn’t limit your own rights. As the owner of the content, you retain the right to use it or restrict its use elsewhere, to sell it, and so on.

Sometimes people move on from the Judge Program and want their content removed from our websites. If we are hosting content that you own, and you would like us to remove that content, please contact us at We generally won’t remove content that is still in use or important to the Program, so be sure to explain what content you’re referring to, and why you’d like it removed. We’ll respond to your request as soon as we can.

Freedom from Harassment

If JudgeApps or the sites are being used against you or someone you know (e.g. inappropriate forum posts, blog posts, judge reviews, or emails), you can contact us at or contact any of the server admins privately.

Right to Access Information

Broadly speaking, all information that we have about you, that you are entitled to access, is already available to you on our website through normal means. As long as you do so in accordance with our Terms of Service, you may retrieve a wide range of information this way.

However, if you would like our assistance retrieving information that you have provided to the site, or which you believe others have provided about you and which you are entitled to access, you may contact us at

Right to Correct Information

JudgeApps is largely self-service. The only potentially PII that you cannot edit is your name, username, and DCI number. Those fields can be updated by contacting us at However, if you notice any other incorrect personal information being displayed about you on JudgeApps, and you’re unable to correct it through the website, you may contact us at Please include the URL and a description of each piece of information you are concerned with. We will determine whether to comply with your request, and we will inform you of our decision.

Note that old or historical data (old blog posts, forum posts, reviews, etc.) will generally not be edited or removed simply because it is out of date.

Right to be Forgotten

We recognize a limited right to be forgotten. If you choose to leave the Judge Program and would like all traces of your presence removed from public view, please contact us at or use our Account Assistance Form at

We are not able to delete user accounts from our database. Because almost all information in our database is linked to at least one user account, deleting a user account would corrupt or destroy a large amount of database records. (For example: deleting a user account would cause errors whenever a user tried to access any event you had ever been on staff for, or any forum thread you had ever posted to.) If you wish to be forgotten by JudgeApps, you can request that your account be disabled. This has the following effects:

This process will NOT affect:

In addition, any information which you have previously submitted to JudgeApps may remain accessible to other users. For example, if you have written a review, that review will still be visible to any other JudgeApps users who have the right to access it. That review will list you by name as the “reviewer”. However, no profile photo will be displayed, and any links to your profile page will return a “404 Not Found” error.

Regarding reactivating accounts: