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Venerable John Merlini- PA Day INFO
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                                    Venerable John Merlini

Professional Development Day

December 8, 2023 PA Day Plan

Provincial Priorities

·      ½ Day Literacy and Mathematics

·        ½ Day Curriculum Implementation

All the sessions below will be led by the Principal unless otherwise noted.

Plan for the day:

·       45 minutes: Liturgy of the Word and reflection

·       60 minutes: Literacy.  Staff will split into two groups:

·       K to Gr 3 Teachers, Designated Early Childhood Education, Library Technicians and other staff will attend a session on Assessment of Reading.  The TCDSB document Early Literacy Formative Assessments will be introduced. This session will be led by Central Early Reading Lead Teachers and Facilitators through a video conference.

·       Gr 4 to Gr 8 Teachers will participate in a presentation and discuss changes to the Literacy curriculum with specific focus on the Language Conventions for Reading and Writing continuum (Appendix B).

·       30 minutes: Differentiated Instruction presentation and discussion

·       30 minutes: Indigenous Education in the Social Studies curriculum presentation and discussion

·       30 minutes: Anti-semitism and Holocaust Education in the Social Studies curriculum presentation and discussion

·       30 minutes: Skilled Trades and Apprenticeships presentation and discussion

·       42 minutes: Tracking Student Achievement and School Goals - a staff discussion

November 17, 2023 Parent/Guardian-Teacher Meetings

Regular and on-going communication is key to supporting your child’s growth. Discussions will include the student’s progress, what is being taught in class and how parent(s)/guardian(s) can support their child’s learning and ways to differentiate instructional practices.

 A communication will be sent home to parents/guardians with details of how to arrange a meeting. These meetings will be planned twice a year, November and February, between the teacher and parent/guardian and may include the child.

Parents will be informed of the time of their meeting, once it is scheduled.

Friday October 6th, 2023




Land acknowledgement

Faith development - Walking with Christ with Minds of Justice and Peace

Session A

School Improvement and Equity Planning – Goals & Planning


Session B

K-3 teachers: Focus on Early Reading

Gr 4-8 teachers: Focus on New Language Curriculum 1-8

Session C

School Improvement and Equity Planning Continued – Focus on Supporting Student Needs

Elementary Focus: areas of Literacy or Numeracy as per school SIEP


Session D

Mathematics Focus: High Impact Instructional Strategies


Session E

School Improvement and Equity Plan - Focus on Assessment

2:12 – 3:00PM

Planning and Prep Time





Pasquale Paolitto, Principal

Participants: Venerable John Merlini Catholic School Staff

New and recently revised curriculum (Social Studies, Literacy, Science and Technology)



We anticipate this will be an impactful day of professional learning in support of our students.