What are the key features of DMIC?

Key Features

Why are they Important?

Mixed ability

Problem solving

Big Idea

Culturally responsive, contextual problems

Presenting ideas

Talk moves

Group work - community of learners

Proving ideas

Participation of all students

The Launch - discussing the context of the question


Productive Struggle

Making connections

Students asking questions and clarifying ideas from one another

Group Norms

Lift status

Relevant to understanding

To understand what the overall idea is for the set of lessons.

Students have ownership.

Not just about the answer - aimed at secondary’s focus on showing the working out

To explain to your group why you have got to the answer you came up with.

Struggling helps them to persevere and not give up.

Makes relevance to everyday life.



What have you had to give up?

What are you going to do differently?

Make sure the questions we write are open-ended right to the end.


So that our children can answer it as it comes naturally to them instead of just teaching a math step or strategy that we need to assess.

What risks are you going to take?

Make more questions that are multi-levelled even if it may not be right.