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AMP 2020-11-17 Minutes
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Minutes of the
Annual Meeting of Parishioners

Tuesday 17 November 2020, 7.30 pm

Opening Prayer

1. Appointment of Clerk to the meetings

Sue Middleditch appointed Clerk.

2. Apologies for Absence

See full list of attendees.


3. Minutes from Previous Meeting 30th April 2019

All present agreed these were a true record.

Proposed: Glenn Middleditch
Seconded: James Black

4. Churchwardens reports for 2019

David Scholey & James Black talked through the report.

James Black thanked David for his service.

Canon Matthew Peat acknowledged that this was David’s last meeting and gave grateful thanks for his service and friendship, which also extended to Carol too. Matthew has a bottle of red wine for Dave which he will keep safe until he can be presented with it.

5. Election of Churchwardens

James Black is happy to stay in post until May 2021 (or the next APCM) and then he will step down.

Melvin Herring has consented to be Church Warden.

Proposed: Trevor Sirrell
Seconded: Janet Blenkinsop

Due to the unpresented circumstances of this year the swearing in of Churchwardens has been delegated to incumbents, so the admission of James & Melvin happened as part of this meeting.

Both James and Melvin made their declarations and were duly admitted with immediate effect.

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