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Take Control of Your Online Learning” Video


A man signs.


Take control of your online learning. Tip number one, establish your access needs. Before your online classes start, connect with your disability services coordinator about your accommodations. Make sure to discuss changes to your schedule and adjust accommodations as needed. Tip number two, create a learning environment that works for you. Find a space with good lighting, clean background, and seating that's away from distractions or others in your home.


The man signs and uses facial expressions to communicate.


Your bed isn't the best place for learning.


He shakes his head.


Download all needed software and applications so you are ready to go. Check your internet connection and have a backup plan in place in case you lose connection. Always keep your electronics charged.

Tip number three, advocate for your needs, know your rights. If you are getting push-back about your access accommodations, don't give up, be persistent and discuss why you need them with your disability services coordinator or instructor. Tip number four, stay in touch with your instructor. Contact your instructors before classes to discuss your communication access needs. Maybe you need extra time or alternative assignments, just ask.

Tip number five, confirm all media is accessible. Online classes and all related materials must be accessible. To avoid getting stuck without the information you need, confirm your access well ahead of time. Tip number six, know who to contact. Let's say you have a technical difficulty or lack of access that will affect your ability to get work done on time. To avoid this go ahead and collect the contact information for your instructor, tech support, and disability services coordinator. Have their email and contact information available so that if a problem occurs you can reach out quickly without falling behind.

Tip number seven, remember to take care of you. We all know that the struggle is real with the transition from in-person to online classes. Remind yourself that you can do this. Make sure to practice self care and finish out the semester. You got this.


The man smiles and pumps his fists.


If you need more information or advice, visit nationaldeafcenter org/covid19. Good luck.


He gives a thumbs up. Text:  national deaf center dot org

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