4th Grade Math Curriculum
1st Six Weeks | 2nd Six Weeks | 3rd Six Weeks |
Place Value: Word, standard, and expanded form Properties: addition, subtraction, and multiplication Compare & Order: whole numbers & decimals Value vs. Place (10x) Decimals with money Relate fractions to decimals Number lines (decimals and fractions) Addition (whole numbers and decimals) Subtraction (whole numbers and decimals) Round/Estimate to 100,000’s Compatible numbers Recall math facts Arrays Fact families Algebraic Expressions Problem Solving (multi-step with strip diagrams and letters) | Multiply by 1 digit Patterns of 10 and 100 Multiply by 2 digits Basic division facts Divide by 1 digit divider Division with remainders Divide 4 digit dividends Problem solving: one/two step multiplication and division, money Input/output with multiplication and division | 2d Polygons: classify by lines and angles Triangles: right obtuse, acute Lines: perpendicular, parallel, intersecting, points, line segments, and rays Angles: right, obtuse, acute Vertices Symmetry Congruency Transformations: rotations, reflection, Translation Basic Measurement- length Perimeter Area 3d Shapes Faces Volume Problem Solving |
4th Six Weeks | 5th Six Weeks | 6th Six Weeks |
Fractional parts Equivalent fractions Mixed numbers/Improper fractions Compare & Order fractions Reduce fractions Relate fractions to decimals Number lines Add and subtract fractions using pictorial models or number lines Distance from zero and fractions Reasonableness | Interval time and Temperature Calendar Length Weight & Mass Capacity Conversions Bar Graphs Probability Frequency table, dot plot, stem and leaf with whole numbers and fractions One and two step problem solving | Personal finance Prep for 5th grade:3 x 2 and 3 x 3 multiplication Division through thousands Division with 2 digit divisors |