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Jinny & Najn
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

TL;DR Jinny was secretly dating one of her top donors Najn (a.k.a. Auraxed now after a name change), traveled to Sweden for him, and he exposed himself by playing games on her laptop while she was out streaming.

Update 2020-12-29: Jinny responded to this document by photoshopping her DMs and banning everyone who mentions it.

Update 2021-02-23: Jinny responded again, admitted to "recreating" DMs while still claiming to be telling the truth and played the victim card.

Here's how I figured it out.

Firstly to recap, in case you haven't been following Jinny's stream, starting from September 2020 Jinny was travelling in Europe for almost three months. She started out with her brother Kevin in Denmark, later Hachubby joined them. After Denmark they went to Sweden, then to Germany. Shortly after arriving Kevin went back to Korea whereas Jinny and Hachu stayed for another month until November, when the Covid situation in Europe started getting worse, with many countries introducing new restrictions, like Germany shutting down all hotels for tourists, which forced them to leave the country. Hachu did the obvious thing and went back home to Korea, but Jinny instead decided to go back to Sweden and stay for a few more weeks in Stockholm.

Everyone in Jinny's community questioned this decision, to put it lightly, but she was adamant in following through with her plan, giving some weak excuses for everything. At the time Stockholm was a Corona hotspot, but she was saying that Corona doesn't matter, because she won't be going outside anyway, which didn't happen by the way, she was streaming outdoors on most days. But if she were to stay inside, then why not just do that in Korea instead? Even Esfand was telling her to go back to Korea, so that she can go to America just in time for Thanksgiving, but she didn't listen to him either. The main reason she was giving for this whole trip was that she wanted to "chill for a few weeks in a place with a good timezone", because apparently in Korea someone is forcing her to have a degen schedule instead of streaming at normal times. Also she was saying that there is no content left to do in Korea, but again, if she’s just staying at home for two weeks, why does that matter? She wouldn't budge for anything. And my favorite excuse.

That got me curious about the real reason why she went there. I watched the streams paying close attention hoping to find something that would give it away, but after two weeks, as she was about to leave, I had nothing more than speculation and I began to think that maybe for once Jinny was telling the truth.

But no, of course not. On the very last day, 15th of November, I finally got my break, when near the end of the stream, around 19:00, I checked her Steam profile only to see that someone's playing Portal 2 on her account while she is streaming outside. And she has achievements to prove it. On 15h of November she was streaming from 13:07 to 19:34.

Now, the explanations are: her account got hacked, but that's impossible, because she has had two factor authentication on ever since the last time it got hacked, she even talked on stream about some guy who tried to log into her account and got stopped by the 2FA. Also, why would someone hack a stream account just to play Portal 2 on it.

Then there's her PC in Korea, maybe Kevin was playing it back home? Why would he do that though, playing Portal 2 in the middle of the night on his sister's PC? Also, she never ticked the "keep me logged in" checkbox, so he would need to know her password.

The only reasonable explanation is that someone's been playing on her laptop while she was away and there's a hint to that. Looking at that achievements page, the last achievement unlocked that day was at 20:18. Just 5 minutes later, at 20:23, Jinny showed up on Discord. Quite a coincidence, almost as if someone's been playing the game on her laptop and then stopped right when she got home.

Unfortunately you can't check this yourself anymore because after going back to Korea Jinny, in an admission of guilt, suddenly made her Steam profile private. Not only that, she did it on the 27th of November, exactly two weeks after Friday the 13th when someone first played Portal 2 on her account, preventing people watching her profile from finding out the exact time, since the games page shows what games you played in the past 2 weeks, if you just keep refreshing the page you can watch the playtime go down and find out the exact timestamps. It's probably because this or some other idiot messaged her or Najn about it and spooked them.

I was expecting this though, so I took some screenshots:

2020-11-15 19:30

2020-11-15 20:00 / games

2020-11-15 21:00 / games

Portal 2 achievements

2020-11-27 12:20 / games - the last time the profile was public

I first started keeping track of this since the 14th when I noticed Portal 2 on her recently played list and found it suspicious, since it's not the type of game she normally plays, but not suspicious enough to take a screenshot, I just copypasted the games page into notepad, stupid me.

So that's a smoking gun, but who pulled the trigger, who was the person playing? Clearly someone whom she trusts a lot, since she left him alone in the apartment with all her personal belongings, including her laptop, most likely her boyfriend. The prime suspect was of course, from the very beginning, Najn. Jinny's oiler from Stockholm whom she already went on a secret date with the last time she was in Sweden, as leaked by her brother. (By the way, she says her brother was with her on the date, but he would've had to leave after about an hour to do his stream at 9pm, while Jinny and Najn were both MIA the rest of the night, showing up together on Discord around 2-3am) And I already had a bunch of clues that she was meeting him offstream, but nothing concrete.

I checked his chat logs, thinking that maybe if he wasn't in the chat during that stream, that would suggest he was busy playing the game. But alas, not only was he in the chat, he was spamming pretty hard, with very rarely more than a minute between messages. Two messages per minute on average throughout the whole stream.

Here are the full logs if you wanna check for yourself: Chatterino / JSON files

So he's clean, I thought, it's pretty unlikely he was typing and playing at the same time. And as I was sitting there staring at the chatlogs, trying to think who else could it have possibly been, I found something.

While indeed Najn was in the chat at the time, and he was typing a lot, I've noticed a few gaps in the log, where he wouldn't say anything for minutes at a time, up to 15 minutes.

It's easier to see when visualised so here's a chart of the time between his messages.

The gaps that are particularly interesting are the ones marked in red.

15:14:32-15:18:25 : 3min53s

16:43:11-16:58:14 : 15min03s

18:59:21-19:01:20 : 01min59s

19:07:44-19:17:39 : 09min55s

They line up exactly with the timestamps on all the Portal 2 achievements unlocked during that stream: 15:15, 16:45, 19:00, 19:09. The one that really stands out is the "Stalemate Associate" achievement from 16:45. If you've played Portal 2 you might remember you get this one after GLaDOS gets put into a potato, which is accompanied by a long scripted sequence, so that would explain the equally long 15 minute gap.

Also, the reason why six of the achievements are awarded at once at 15:15 is because this is actually not the first time he's been playing Portal 2 on Jinny's account. He played it previously two days before, on Friday the 13th, late at night from around 9pm to 2am, but he was offline, so the achievements didn't sync with Steam until the next time he launched the game online, on Sunday at 15:15. This means he most likely was staying with Jinny at her apartment that whole weekend, assuming of course that it was him playing back then, but I really doubt it was Jinny, judging by the last time she played Portal back in May, it was clearly not her type of game, given her low IQ and all that.

Lastly, the grey spike on the chart is when Jinny's stream lagged out and crashed for a few minutes, so you can disregard that, but here's a chat snippet from right after the stream went back up, a short exchange between Najn and HappyFluffyTeddy, talking about roulette missions.

Jinny sang in the Uber at 2 hours 8 minutes into the stream, which when translated into real time turns out to be precisely 15:15, exactly when Portal 2 was launched on her laptop. Najn admits he missed it, because he was "playing game" at that time.

With all that, there's very little doubt that it was indeed Najn at her airbnb during that day. And knowing that, all the other pieces of this puzzle start falling into place and we can extrapolate way more.

Let's look at Jinny's stream schedule. Marked in red are her outdoor streams, airbnb streams in blue and her days off are grey. That last short stream on the 16th was her at the airport and can be ignored as it's irrelevant.

First thing to notice is that the last two streams on Saturday and Sunday were the only ones during her entire stay in Sweden that did not end at home. Every single other stream, even if she started outdoors, she would always go back to the airbnb at the end to cook, drink or play a game and turn off the stream there. Not on that last weekend though, obviously she couldn't bring the stream home because Najn was there. Also, those two streams were shorter than usual and ended really early. On Sunday she actually said she intended to end at 6pm, but the go cart place made her wait an extra hour. On top of that she pretended not to see the redeemed encore, even though mods and the 20 VIPs were spamming it in chat like crazy, she really wanted to go home as soon as possible.

Another point about the schedule, in Sweden she has taken days off on every single weekend, three (four actually, but I'll get to that later) weekends in a row, marked as grey on the chart. She has taken more days off during that month than in the entire rest of the Europe trip. That's quite peculiar for someone who prides herself on streaming long hours and never taking time off.

And the reasons for the breaks were always bullshit. First weekend it was because she was on her period. Fair enough, but that very rarely stopped her before and at one point she admitted that she just uses that as an excuse whenever she doesn't feel like streaming.

Second weekend she took Saturday and half of Sunday off to move to another airbnb, because she only booked for one week and couldn't extend. That's quite a lot of time just to move two suitcases to an apartment across the street, from here to here, especially considering that she didn't even take a single day off to move to another continent and to travel between countries in Europe. But that doesn't matter because she didn't end up moving airbnbs anyway. She said the owner let her stay a little longer, so instead she moved on Monday in the morning without even having to delay her stream. So then what were those one and a half days off for? On Sunday she also said she woke up at 8pm, so maybe that's a hint. An even better hint is the last half an hour of Friday's stream, when Najn was actually in the airbnb while she was streaming and you can clearly hear him making noise as well as Jinny glancing at him off cam multiple times and moving the camera very deliberately to not show him. This is another case of encore messing up their plans, the stream was supposed to end earlier, right around the time Najn came from work.

And finally, in the last week she took Thursday and Friday off to supposedly plan content for the two week long subathon she was going to do after coming back to Korea, which also didn't happen. And we already know who she was with on that weekend.

There's plenty of smaller, less obvious things too, like for example the plasma ball or the guitar. After coming back to Korea, Jinny out of nowhere decided she wants to learn to play the guitar.


Pretty impressive considering she landed in Korea around 7:00, got home at 12:30 and started the stream at 14:00, so at most she only had an hour and a half to practice, all by herself.

Clip 2

At 4:40 she says she started learning yesterday, played for "one and a half an hour" after the stream and one hour before the stream. So in total two and a half hours of practice. Again pretty impressive, she must really be talented. I'm sure no one's been teaching her while she was staying in Sweden. Oh wait.

And if you want to dig deeper and get real creepy you can find out some more intimate details from the Rice Purity test she did. For someone who always says how much she hates analyzers, she sure does give them a lot of material, because it really doesn't take a genius to go back and look at the last time she did the test back in April and compare the different answers to figure out what she did between April and December. Here are a couple as an example:

"Had sexual intercourse without a condom?" Considering how she used to be very strongly against the idea, saying you should absolutely never do it because she's too scared of getting pregnant, this one is probably related to "Had period sex?" which she also answered differently this time. Just based on that I can even extrapolate the exact date she did it. And yeah, this is way TMI, but she's the one who talked about it on stream. If I remember correctly, she only took days off during her period three times in this timeframe and one day stands out in particular - 1st of November. She said she's taking the day off because of stomach pain and to set up her PC, which later turned out to be just a monitor, that she supposedly rented from some place. Does a business like that even exist, lending computers? I doubt it, instead I'm certain she got that monitor from Najn. From her Steam profile I know that during that day she played ibb & obb from around 10pm until midnight. She did play it before on stream, but that was over 2 years ago, so quite a weird choice for a game, especially since it's a co-op only game, meaning she couldn't have played it alone. Most likely she played it with Najn after he brought her the monitor.

And apparently she liked it raw because next week she randomly started asking chat about birth control pills. There was a question on the Rice Purity test about that too but it's asking about buying contraceptives, not actually using them, so she just said she hasn't bought any herself. A couple of weeks later though she talked about how she became a crybaby recently since her stay in Sweden. Mood swings, becoming more emotional and crying a lot like that are common side effects of taking hormonal birth control.

There's also a bunch of old clips of her talking about never seeing an uncircumcised penis before because every guy in Korea is cut, and a clip from like a week ago where she's talking about her first time seeing one, but I think that's enough details already.

Finally, one more thing I noticed while going through Discord logs. Here's a calendar of Najn's activity on Discord. Marked in red are days without messages from Najn. Pretty obvious even at first glance, he was on Discord every single day for six whole months straight ever since he joined but then all of a sudden, during those two weeks in November when Jinny is staying in Stockholm, he's missing almost every day, most notably during her days off, what a coincidence.

But there's something else, he was also missing for five days, a week before Jinny went to Sweden, from 22nd to 26th. Technically he was on Discord on the 23rd, but he only wrote one message when usually it's like 100, so might as well write it off as being absent. So, why was he gone?

During that week Jinny was still with Hachu in Germany getting banned for riding a scooter. She got banned on the 21st and unbanned 2 days later on the 23rd but she didn't stream and instead took the rest of the week off to "meet a male friend". She already talked about this before the ban, she said she was meeting some old friend from Korea, from back when she worked as an intern, but that's an obvious coverup, since she couldn't even tell whether this friend had a girlfriend or if he was married. Also, when asked why specifically on a weekend, she said "weekend is the day that w-where I can hang out better", suggesting that the person she's meeting with is working during the week and only free on weekends.

On Saturday Hachu, whom Jinny was always sharing a hotel room with throughout the trip, stated that Jinny is not in Heidelberg with her because she's "meeting her friend" and on Monday, after Jinny's first stream since the ban, Hachu said she hadn't seen her in a few days, meaning Jinny spent that whole weekend someplace else, presumingly with the "friend", doing "content brainstorming" for her upcoming return to Sweden.

And Najn broke his 6 month long Discord streak and went missing that exact weekend, what a coincidence. Seems like quite a long shot to say that he flew down all the way from Sweden to spend a weekend with her, but is it really? A flight between Germany and Sweden only takes around an hour and a half and only costs about 100 Euro. That's not a big price to pay for someone who regularly donates more than that during a single stream, well used to at least, he barely donates anymore ever since Jinny left Europe, I guess maybe he feels he already got what he paid for. Or maybe it was her who went to Sweden since Najn probably had to go to work on Monday morning whereas Jinny delayed her stream by an hour to 14:00 and then had to book a new hotel meaning she most likely just got back to town. Although this answer from the Rice Purity Test might suggest that it was him after all.

There is yet another lead though: the mask. When Jinny came back on Monday she wasn't wearing her usual korean mask and she was acting really weird when asked about it. Stumbling over her own words, shifty eyes, scratching her neck, very obvious signs of lying. Here's another clip from the following day. Again, very suspicious.

Obviously she didn't run out of masks, she was always bragging about how many she brought from Korea and had with her, she just left them in her suitcase and left the suitcases with Hachu, when Jinny showed up on Monday she only had a backpack with her. Obviously the mask she was wearing she got from whoever she was meeting on the weekend. The suspicion is on Najn but there's no way to connect the mask back to him. Or is there? I almost forgot about this whole thing, until a month later, while I was going through Discord writing this essay, I noticed something. You might've already noticed it too if you've been paying attention.


I was extremely lucky to catch this while checking out the guitar story because he only had this profile pic for a few hours, about an hour after I took those screenshots he changed it back to the same old one he's been using for months. Maybe someone else noticed this too and called him out? Whatever the reason, it's another clue. And yeah, it's entirely possible that he just happened to buy the same mask she got by pure coincidence, but how many coincidences has it been now in a row?

Oh and to be thorough, that one day Najn was missing on the 26th of November, that was the day after Jinny had a breakdown on stream and was taking a day off. Presumably he was busy consoling her in private.

So, to sum up, Jinny first met Najn on her first day in Sweden, the 19th on September, when he helped her out with swedish sim cards, on the 25th of September he sniped her on stream, the next day they went on a date, then a month later while she was in Germany she took time off to spend a weekend with him and next week she went back to Sweden for him for two weeks. The end.


Update 2020-12-29

After almost a week of closing her eyes and hoping it goes away, Jinny has finally responded to this document with a Google doc of her own which was promptly taken down, for reasons which I'm about to explain, and replaced with a PDF which was also quickly taken down, for the same exact reasons, because clearly Jinny doesn't understand how PDF works either. Third time's the charm, here's the final link.

And here's the original page, a screenshot of it, and a backup of the original pictures from it.

So, first she confirms what we've heard from her before, that Najn helped her out with sim cards in Sweden and invited her, Kevin and Hachu to dinner on the last day, but then she adds "I usually offer a meal to people who helped me off stream to show small gratitude". If so then why didn't she invite Najn and instead he invited her? This also contradicts what she said right after getting called out about this, that she usually doesn't do that and that this was a special case.

Then she talks about some guy who offered her a free airbnb in Hamburg. She says he "Lies about meeting us at dinner. He mentions multiple times that he met us there but this isn’t true", but she didn't say anything about that in the DMs. Wouldn't she call him out on it? And she thought it was "a viewer being helpful" and still tried to arrange the airbnb, even though he lied like that? That doesn’t make sense.

Next she shows a couple of donations she got that were apparently sent by that same guy. The thing connecting these two people is supposed to be the email address, which is similar to the first guy's username. She says the email account has been deleted though, how convenient. But why would he do that, why go through the effort of deleting your account, why not just leave it? And Google accounts are not exactly throwaway these days, you need a phone number to create a new one.

She's also showing all this in an "Edit Donation" dialog, so for all we know she could've just typed anything in there. And she's no stranger to forging evidence, as we're about to see.

Then she shows a random Reddit comment. Who is this? Who is Jidgeeboy? What's this supposed to prove? Is this supposed to be the same person? What's the connection here? And she claims that these are "fake rumors" when he just says that Kevin leaked Jinny's date with Najn, which happened on stream and there's even a link to a clip of it in this very document, and that he doesn't like Jinny because she's dumb and her chat is toxic, which is just his opinion. Where are these "fake rumors''? "There were a lot more but most of the things are deleted and this is all I could find". How convenient.

Next up we have some hatewatcher who's been DMing her, who is not me by the way, I've never DM'd her or Najn even once, so it has no real relation to this document other than the fact that this guy clearly figured out the same thing I did. He apparently went even further than me and tracked when Najn was online, so if anything that's just more evidence against her.

The mask thing, sure I'll give it to her, it's a stretch. What about everything else though?

Although xilliam24 on Reddit said that "the blue masks you can buy everywhere in Germany have a different elastic band" but I can't verify that personally.

Update: More in-depth research has been done and some new interesting details about the mask have been discovered which make it not just a stretch anymore.

The mask Jinny and Najn are wearing is made by a chinese company Zhende Medical which coincidentally has been on the news recently. According to one of the articles the Zhende mask is only distributed in the Netherlands and Sweden, not in Germany, which was confirmed by local investigators who haven't seen it sold or even worn anywhere. However it can still be bought online through Amazon and other sites all over Europe.

So how did Jinny get this mask? The obvious answer is she got it from Najn or she bought it herself in Sweden. Her buying it online and having it delivered in Germany seems very unlikely considering you can only order these masks in packs of 50 for around 20 Euro. Imagine, you travel somewhere for a couple of days, you realize you forgot to bring masks, what do you do? Do you order a box of 50 masks and wait a day or however long it takes for them to be delivered or do you just go to the nearest store and buy one, or borrow it from your swedish friend? And if she did buy 50 masks, what happened to the remaining 49? She only wore that mask once during that one stream and never again, the next day she went back to her usual Korean masks. Later, during her second stay in Sweden, she streamed with Kris, one of Kevin's friends, and as he was leaving she gave him a bunch of random stuff that she didn't want to bring with her or throw away, one of those things were masks because he didn't have any. She gave him her Korean masks though, surely if she had a box full of masks that she wasn't going to use she would've given him that instead.

She says the monitor, keyboard and mouse she got on the 1st of November were not from Najn but from Yakitorii. Fair enough, but that means she lied about renting it. Why did she lie and what else did she lie about? And it still doesn't explain who she was playing games with late at night in her airbnb.

Whatever, none of that previous stuff really matters because now she gives us the nail to her own coffin.

In her last point firstly she says:

"My Steam profile used to be public and he saw my account playing Portal 2 one day while I was streaming. He drew the connection that it was Najn who I let borrow my account and that he was playing on it in my airbnb which is not true.

I shared my steam account with Najn before and probably that’s why he was playing with my steam account. (I have done it few times before to friends who wanted to play some games that I have)"

Why would Najn log onto Jinny's Steam account to play Portal 2 when he already owns the game? He even has screenshots of it on his own Steam profile. Also, while he was playing it, Jinny's status was set to invisible to appear offline, why was he trying to hide it?

Then we get a screenshot that supposedly proves Jinny shared her Steam account with Najn and this is where it all falls apart because this picture is obviously photoshopped, as many people have immediately noticed, that's why she had to reupload the document with cropped pictures.

Compare the two screenshots: 5:38 AM & 6:05 AM

First, notice on the left the list of people DMing her. In the first picture the person at the top of the list is JeckyChen. In the second picture it's Najn, meaning he was the last one to DM her. And you can tell that these messages shown are in fact the last ones that were sent between these two because the scrollbar is at the very bottom. Compared to the first screenshot, where not only is the scrollbar somewhere in the middle, there's also the "You're viewing older messages, Jump To Present" button. The problem is, the timestamps in the conversation with Najn say "10/22/2020". How can that be the last message she has received, not just from Najn, but on Discord overall? Also, on the right in the search box you can clearly see a message from Najn from a later date, 11/29/2020.

Jinny and Najn obviously staged this conversation and photoshopped the dates to make it look like they're old messages. If you zoom in really close you can even see 3 random pixels underneath the dates in the messages with Najn. They're actually remnants of the letter "y" from the word "Today" that used to be there before it got replaced with the fake dates. You can clearly see it if you overlay a real message on top of it.

And to top it all off she has Adobe Illustrator open in the taskbar. So yeah.

Right after she posted her response someone confronted her about the faked DMs. She said they're not fake and it's just a bug. She also claimed this "bug" was present in other DMs, except the ones with Yakitorii, and she was going to post screenshots to prove it but of course she never did.

Update 2021-02-16: More evidence that Najn used her laptop. When attempting to type the apostrophe in the word "Jinny's" she instead types the letter "ä". That letter is in place of the apostrophe on a Swedish layout. What happened here is that she accidentally pressed Ctrl+Shift and switched the keyboard layout to Swedish, which Najn installed on her laptop and got synced to her PC through her Microsoft account. On November 15th, when Najn was watching her stream and playing Portal 2 on her laptop, he sent these two messages within the first 5 minutes:

[14:42:09]  n4jn: modCheck CD-KEY_

[14:44:20]  n4jn: Do they have Inside out_

He typed "_" instead of a question mark. Since he's Swedish he's used to the Swedish layout and the question mark being the second key to the left of Backspace. However, on an English layout, like the one on Jinny's laptop, that key is "_" instead. Right after that he typed the question mark properly and didn't make any more mistakes for the rest of the stream, so he must've changed the layout:

[14:45:36]  n4jn: 10 cent?

[14:46:39]  n4jn: Any CD-Keyers? modCheck

By the way, even if this picture was real, why would she need to get into a call with him and share her screen just to lend him her account? Aren't you just giving him your login, password and 2FA key? I'm pretty sure Najn doesn't need a video tutorial on how to log into Steam.

There is a library sharing feature on Steam, but after you set it up the other person's games just show up in your own library and you play them with your own account, so if that's what she's talking about, what is Najn doing logged into her account almost a month later, playing Portal 2, pretending to be offline? And once again, why would they share accounts just to play Portal 2, which Najn already owns?

It just doesn't make any sense.

Neither does the stalker story. All she has to prove the existence of this mythical stalker are screenshots of DMs from some random guy offering her a free airbnb, which show no sign of him being a stalker, screenshots of supposedly that same guy donating to her, which could very easily be fake, a screenshot of a random comment from Reddit, which could be from literally anyone on the internet, and screenshots of DMs from one of her angry viewers, which, as she has said many times, there are plenty of. None of this is connected in any way and doesn't prove anything.

And at the end she says "Im probably not going back to sweden any time soon". Why not? Is she afraid of this supposed stalker? So is he from Sweden then? How does she know that? Did she meet him in person there? But she said he lied about meeting her, so which is it?

Nothing about this makes sense and I'm convinced this whole story is made up. There was no stalker.

Kinda funny how she describes that this stalker "believes he’s connected everything into something that it just isn't. He wants to believe or make up rumors of something so he just makes things up to fill in the gaps" because that's exactly what she's doing.

There were plenty of ways Jinny could have responded to this document but, in typical Jinny fashion, she had to choose the worst possible way and double down on the lies. Esfand was right, she really is the most stubborn person in the world.


Update 2021-02-23

Since Jinny's last response a YouTube video "The Jinnytty Detective", and later its followup, covering this document were released and quickly gained huge popularity, amassing over 200000 views and becoming the first result when searching for "jinnytty". Despite Jinny's efforts to censor the story, more and more people were finding out about her secret and her lousy attempt to cover it up, hundreds were getting banned from her chat and Discord, so Jinny, or more likely her mods, decided she needed to address the elephant in the room once again and released a video on her official YouTube channel titled "Addressing the 'Jinny Detective' drama".

In the introduction she explains she feels like a lot of people are being misled and she decided to make this video so that her community doesn't get affected by these "fake rumors" anymore. So she's still sticking to her guns and denying everything. Doubling down on the lies wasn't enough, time to triple down.

She also shows a script she's going to be reading off of. In the top right you can see there are multiple people accessing the document. I guess her mods finally got fed up with her doing things on her own and helped her come up with a response to make sure she doesn't do something stupid again like photoshopping her DMs.

It starts off with her explaining she's been harassed by people making and spreading fake rumors, stalking, hacking, getting hateful emails and so on. First of all, are they really fake rumors? Secondly, I never harassed her or anyone else and never encouraged it so all I can say is I feel sorry for her, but then again she brought it all upon herself. If she had told the truth, or even just ignored it, most people would've forgotten about it by now, instead she decided to be stubborn and turned this into a huge drama by lying and banning everyone who didn't believe her.

She also mentions there's been a Discord channel created solely dedicated to hating on her and sharing everything about her and what she does. It's not them sharing it, it's Jinny. She's the one always talking about everything on stream, they just clip it. It's also what this document was based on: public information that she shared herself to the thousands of people watching her stream, so she can't come out now and claim people have been invading her privacy because she made it public herself.

Next she says "They call me a liar because they assumed I slept with one of the viewers, or they call it "oiler". First thing I want to say is, it is not true. I didn't sleep with "oiler" and I don't have Swedish boyfriend." The word "oiler" is a common term in the Twitch community, it's short for "oil prince" and refers to someone who donates a lot of money. Jinny's used it plenty of times before, she even called Najn an oiler herself, but ever since she's released this response video she stopped using that word, which is kinda funny because the 20k roulette, which incidentally was Najn's idea, is still labeled "Oiler Wheel", she just refuses to call it that anymore. Seems like she's trying to downplay the money aspect by calling Najn just a regular viewer, not an oiler.

Then Jinny addresses the "mistake" she's made, the photoshopped DMs. She admits she faked them but calls them "recreated" instead because, according to her, the conversation really did happen, she just "deleted a lot of possible sensitive messages on Discord" after realizing someone was trying to hack her account. There are quite a few holes in this story.

Jinny is partnered with Discord which means she must have 2FA enabled and in that case she couldn't have gotten hacked. Even if she didn't have 2FA and she got an email that someone from a new IP is trying to log in, why would her reaction be to start deleting DMs, why not just change the password? If she was deleting DMs with Najn she clearly didn't delete all of them because in her screenshot the search box still shows 164 results just for the word "game", so why did she specifically delete that conversation? If Jinny sent him her Steam account password, why didn't she just delete that one message with the password, why delete all of them? If she didn't send him a password and instead screenshared, like it says in the "recreated" DMs, then why delete messages talking about it, what's "sensitive" about it?

"When I realized someone was trying to hack my account I told Esfand about it and he tweeted it before to find someone who can deal with cybersecurity to help me out." Esfand indeed tweeted about looking for help with cybersecurity, however half an hour later he followed up with another tweet in which he explained it's for securing his new house against DDOS attacks and such, so it seems like it's not related to Jinny at all and she's just making this up.

There's still the question of why Najn wanted to get access to Jinny's Steam account in the first place, to play a game he already owns and put over a thousand hours into. She actually addressed that in a pinned comment under the video. She said Najn wanted to play a game she owned (which one?) so she lent him her account, on the 22nd of October I presume as the "recreated" DMs suggest, and the reason he was still playing on her account on November 13-15th is because he forgot to logout. That's not possible because Najn was actually streaming on Discord from his own Steam account in between those two dates. Also while playing on Jinny's account he deliberately set the status to invisible to try and hide it, so it couldn't have been an accident. The comment was deleted 4 days after it was posted while Jinny was streaming, meaning by one of her mods.

And why wouldn't they use the Steam library sharing feature instead?

To top it all off we know, from the Swedish keyboard leak, that Najn was chatting from Jinny's laptop on the 15th.

That's about it for the video, the rest is just her repeating that it's all fake rumors and that she's being harassed. In reality the point of her video wasn't actually to address anything, it was to portray herself as a victim, at one point she even outright says "I am the victim", and call for more censorship, like the video description says: "Their subreddit was banned due to harassment and I hope both Youtube and Discord will help to stop the harassment as well."

Lastly, when talking about the fake DMs she said "I feel really, really sorry if you feel like you've been lied to, I sincerely apologize" mere seconds after admitting she lied. After the video was released a lot of people who were banned for pointing out she photoshopped her DMs were asking if they would get unbanned now that she admitted to it but she just told them "no". Seems like the apology wasn't very sincere after all.

Doc #2: Jinnytty & Brad

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