(The wide-angled lens camera captures the view of a light brown beverage filling up a mug, and another pink beverage filling up a wine glass. Both glasses were set down next to a framed picture on the table of Kimberly Chase and Colt Montoya. Ice cubes start to fall in the drinks, creating a fizzing effect before it fades to the title logo)

The show opens up to an outside view of a very luxurious cruise ship that was located off the coast of Wrestleworld islands. It included the lavish amenities of a buffet, spa, two balconies, a bowling alley, private gym along with many more over the top options. While it hasn't set sail yet, the camera pans in closely on Kimberly Chase and Colt Montoya sitting on the top of the cruise sipping and enjoying some martini drinks. Kimberly, who had her personal security guards standing next to her for reasons, was wearing a snake print gold dress with a slit on the side, Colt had on a novelty Tuxedo t-shirt and swimming shorts. A light breeze blew through her hair as the two noticed the camera in their faces, Kimberly smirks, loving the spotlight on herself as she readjusts herself in her seat.

Kimberly Chase: “Welcome to On the Rocks. The newest and hottest talk show that will surely blow the rest of the shows out of the water. We are the hosts for the evening and today since it is the debut of the show.. we have decided to go big, or go home with our guest today. Sweetie, do you mind telling our viewers who that might be?”

Colt Montoya: “Before we even get to that. Believe it or not, we have our first sponsors for the show. Thank you 1-800-Collect. Don’t be a fool, make your family pay to talk to you! Alright, now that we got that out of the way. The first guest we have, arguably the best. I’m a bit biased here, but one of my all-time favorites, Claudia Michaels will be joining us! Claudia is still my American Dream Champion, one incredible athlete and still doing her thing in the Castle at Wrestleworld! Kimberly, you couldn’t have picked a better guest! It feels like it’s Christmas!!”

Kimberly Chase: “I have a special way of persuading people of what can I say. Without wasting any more time why don't we bring out our guest? Ladies and gentlemen, please help us in welcoming the American Dream Architect herself Claudia Michaels!!”

Claudia Michaels is shown sitting on the barstool nearby wearing a short sundress and a beach hat over her head. She turns to the camera with a glass of vodka in her hand.

Claudia Michaels: Oh, hi. You guys have a nice… operation… that you have going here. I didn’t want to go at first but Jaywalker has been giving me too much headache recently so I figured, “why not take free drinks from a nice cruise?” I needed to take a break from all the drama, and so here I am.

(The couple extends their hands out to Claudia and motions for her to have a seat across from them, Kimberly eyes her up and down, amazed that this is their first encounter together.)

Kimberly Chase: “We are so glad you could make it. I hope you didn't have any issues coming here.”

Claudia Michaels: One of your servants gave me a funny look that Robbie might kill her for if he saw. But other than that, It’s all peachy.

Kimberly Chase: “I will have to discuss that with her afterwards, but let's begin with some questions. How did you discover Wrestleworld and what made you select it?”

Claudia Michaels: I didn’t select Wrestleworld. Before all of this chaos and conspiracy and a strong dose of drama every show, I was happily retired with my husband and then Jaywalker reached out to us because he was “Building a World unlike any other”...

(Claudia Michaels chuckles as she started to recall what happened over a year ago)

Claudia Michaels: You should have heard his sales pitch, Kimmie. You should have seen what he was willing to give to get the best representative for the American Dream Division, because he really made it sound so enticing -- my own division, my set of rules, my way of operating… Even my own territory to build from the ground. I distinctly remember Robbie being on the phone with him while we were in Milan. We didn’t need to discuss anything further, our decision was mutual. So to answer… I didn’t really select Wrestleworld. I was chosen.

(Kimberly listened in, but during that she couldn't help, but be distracted by the rings on her fingers and the necklace around her neck. Claudia may not have noticed her stares. They must be worth a fortune, Kimberly thought as she tried to erase what she was thinking and move on to the next question.)

Kimberly Chase: “I see.. that is an interesting story. You usually hear about the talent seeking out the company instead of the other way around.”

Claudia Michaels: That’s how it is. You can’t build a world without relying on others to build it with you. And no matter what anyone says, I did it best if my Architect of the Year didn’t say it enough.

Kimberly Chase: “Hmm, so who would you say has been your toughest opponent thus far?”

(Claudia is taken aback with disgust)

Claudia Michaels: Uh… Toughest. No one! Every single person around here has been a walk in the park. They suck. They’re all terrible. And I stand by my statement that I should still be Champion. But I SUPPOSE if I have to choose the most ANNOYING ones to work in the ring with, I would say it would have to be between Stephanie Matsuda and April Song. I faced them both twice in a title match, but since I’ve been blessed with the superior wrestling abilities, I was able to take them on and win. Well, until Stephanie Matsuda got lucky of course.

(While peering out into the ocean, Colt thought about the amazing story of the World’s Finest..or Something like that.. He pulled a cigarette from the sleeve before lighting it up. He shrugs at the incredible answer before finally piping up.)

Colt Montoya: That’s awesome. I sat back and watched you fight those two often enough, and they brought something, I don’t know if it was much of a fight, personally. You on the other hand, you took your licks in the ring from a lot tougher, trust me. I guess, my question at this point isn’t about how tough the people you fought were, because a good ninety percent of the time, they didn’t measure up. My question would be Why would somebody of your caliber, as great as you are, subject yourself to facing the same ol people every single event? It was like the twilight zone, I swore I saw this episode before. I looked at that roster with the likes of Nakajima, Nobi, not saying myself because I already know that wouldn’t work, but other people on the roster who weren’t Alice Gamer. Why did you settle in to face the same people? I’ve been wondering that.

Claudia Michaels: I hope you are not implying that I’ve been “choosing” my battles, Colt. That is a very serious accusation that could blow a hole in this ship.

(Claudia Michaels smirks.)

Claudia Michaels: I’m just messing with ya. There are simple answers for that. First is they are entitled. Second is they are jealous. And third is… I don’t know, I guess Jaywalker just has it out for me ever since the beginning. You’ve seen this in the history of the company -- when the results are indecisive, the other party “deserves” a rematch in a neutral environment. It happened with Arata Asakura and Jacob Senn, and it happened with Havoc and Killebrew. Architects make that decision, but Jaywalker expects ME to follow suit because if I don’t, he will make those decisions for me and these bitches would not leave me the hell alone despite the rules that the American Dream Championship is under. You will not believe how stupid people can be. It would astound you how people hold grudges. They went as far as summoning the ENTIRE roster to end my reign, which is complete and utter bullshit. I’m not settling. I’m just being a good Architect.

Appreciating the answer, taken in with a little humor, Colt took a drag of the cigarette before sliding his pack down the table, bringing it over to Claudia. He took a quick drink before glancing over at Kimberly.


(The server handed Kimberly a Shish Kabob on a plate, she took one and ate it while taking all this information in. Claudia was much similar to her in which they both came off strong, she clears her throat and finishes eating her food, then twirls the stick around.)

Kimberly Chase: “You aren't wrong when you said people are stupid. I blame jealousy. I didn't exactly get the best reaction when I first joined. Why? I don't know. Do you ever get the feeling people want your head on a platter? While my head is perfectly shaped it shouldn't be something to think about.”

Colt Montoya: Of course she felt that way. Everyone on the damn roster came out to get the belt off of her. We were back there when basically these men and women were marching down the hallway with pitchforks and shit. I said ‘screw it, let them fight their own battles’ and we left and grabbed a bite. Nothing personal Claudia, but these guys were gunning for you and we had zero interest in fighting with you. Still, it had to have been really annoying to know that so many people were gunning for you that badly, especially your boss.

Claudia Michaels: Well, I think Jaywalker and I would get along better if he saw things my way. But sadly, it’s far too late for it and you’ve all seen how he treated me back at EpiCenter. Whether I do what he expects or not, I’m still getting flamed. Oh, what must I do…This isn’t even about my job as an Architect anymore. I think it’s clear that he wants to shoo me away from my division but he can’t remove me for no reason, or else it would look bad on Wrestleworld.

(Claudia Michaels takes another sip of her vodka)

Colt Montoya: Obviously not having you in the fold for your position as an Architect would pretty much suck, let’s be real here. One thing that kind of caught me off guard though was after the Championship left your waist and found its way onto a lesser talent, you’re not gunning for another shot. You’re stepping back, you see Jay Jones, Drago, all these other new faces popping up. Now I’m not privy to the rules a lot of times since rules aren’t worth following most days, but what does it feel like to take that step back and watch future talent trying to the void you left?

Claudia Michaels: While the rest of them jump the gun and just want to immediately claim their shot, I take my time. I have not stepped back and I do not plan on stepping back so long as there’s air to breathe and matches to make. Right now, Stephanie looks good with it… I will admit. She doesn’t really have the right look and the right skills that I’m looking for in a Champion but she is a crowd favorite so I’m letting this be while I handle my business elsewhere. I want this on-record that I am an Architect of opportunities, just like America is a land of opportunities. I give every single person a fair shot so long as they worked it. I don’t need to step in to take away the Championship from whoever holds it. They will inevitably self-destruct when they realize they can never keep up with such high standards and expectations from Claudia Michaels. And I’ll be waiting then.

Kimberly Chase: “So, you aren't focused on anyone in particular in the meantime? I feel like Wrestleworld is full of rats.. you never know who will come out from hiding and invade your home.”

Claudia Michaels: No. I’m not really scared of rats. They can threaten me all they want but it doesn’t make them anything more than pests that I’m more than willing to exterminate.

(Something had been bugging Colt for months now. He looked at Claudia, trying to find the correct way to ask the question as he took a long drag of the cigarette. Following a quick drink after, it came to mind.)

Colt Montoya: Now, Claudia, obviously we’re good professionally here. I won’t hold it against you when I ask this question, and Kimberly, don’t think I’m trying to influence you with my good ol boy roots here. Serious question, the world needs to know, and primarily myself, I need to know. Are you an Aggies fan?

(Kimberly chuckles and grabs a beer, chugging it quickly before throwing it overboard and it lands in the water, looking on at the both of them. Claudia raises her eyebrow over such a random question.)

Claudia Michaels: Oh, I am a huge fan… Love them!

Kimberly Chase: “He may have had a little bit too much to drink already.. you will have to excuse him. Next thing you know he'll be asking what your favorite pet is. This isn't fucking Tinder. Those types get the bleach treatment.”

Claudia Michaels: I can tell. I’m sure he will be fine though. Drinking is a social activity and being completely wasted is a part of life. I’m sure Colt here has things under control. It actually looks like he isn’t drinking enough, but that’s just my opinion.

(After hearing Kimberly’s words, Colt simply took a long drag of the cigarette and waved his hand on, as to say ‘proceed, obviously my questions aren’t good enough.’ He gave a sarcastic smile to Kimberly before looking at Claudia, shrugging. Kimberly stood up with her hands on her waist, letting out a growl under her breath, then as she was about to walk away the ship shook which caused her to tumble down, she got up and felt embarrassed, fixing her dress and sitting back in her chair.)

Claudia Michaels: And this one had a little too much, apparently...

Kimberly Chase: “We got a bunch of circus animals driving this shit. Anyway… is there anything else you wish to say, Claudia?”

(Irritated by the attempt of a finale here, Colt puts out his cigarette.)

Colt Montoya: Whoa, we’re not done here. No way, let’s ask some major questions here. She ran the most dominant group in the company’s history. She destroyed the lives of so many people, and yet we’re going to skip right over to our goodbyes and handshakes? Nah, not my thing. Claudia, I want to know a little bit more about what you think the current status is of the Underworld. Maverick seems to be taking on a life of his own, I got him coming up at Chapter 21, should be a hell of a fight. You are watching one of the craziest things happen as he goes toe to toe with Kevin Devastation coming up. Those are things that people WANT to know about. So tell me, Claudia, how do you factor into the current plans of the Underworld, and more importantly, what will you do if Maverick falls short against Devastation?

Claudia Michaels: He won’t. I know he won’t. The Underworld merely had a tiny scratch on the surface due to the events at Dreamworld.

(Claudia Michaels thinks to herself for a moment.)

Claudia Michaels: Fine, MAYBE it was a little more than a scratch. The Underworld has reached the end of its line but that doesn’t mean I will stop protecting whatever is left of it. Maverick is our future. I can see him rule over Wrestleworld and he has already started so by being a better King than the last one we had and I couldn’t be more proud. You’d think that people would just move on after he disposed of Wraith who was obviously mentally unstable and isn’t in the right place to play as a team, and Kevin Devastation blames us for it. No. That’s not how this will go. Blame the whore that rejected his precious Allesandro. Blame the ghost that possessed him into doing what a normal person would not do. But NEVER blame The Underworld because I have done nothing but give that man many opportunities to succeed. He does not come after Maverick just because Wraith died in a losing battle. Wraith did all of this to himself, and now Kevin is walking the same path that his son did. There’s really nothing to do here should Maverick lose. He will not lose. I will not allow it. The angel of death passed the Devione’s house once, and it will again pretty soon. All I have to do now is decide which black dress I’ll be wearing to another funeral.

Kimberly Chase: “The Devione's.. that is a group that rings a bell.”

(Thinking it over for a moment, Colt glanced at Kimberly before deciding to continue as she sat there in a weird trance, staring off into space.)

Colt Montoya: Jumping to conclusions a little, nothing wrong with that. You have the confidence in Maverick to get the job done. That last King, he was garbage, I saw to it that we got rid of that problem. So I’m going to ask you an honest question, and I know you’re a bit biased in this regard. WILL Maverick defeat me at Chapter 21? I know you ain’t a magic eight ball here, but tell me your prediction.

(Claudia shrugs)

Claudia Michaels: Sorry, Colt. Prepare to die. One sucker punch is all it will take.

(Colt watches Claudia, with a confident smirk on his face. Tristan Killebrew had a sucker punch, didn’t work out too well for him either.)

Colt Montoya: Alright, opinions are opinions. My opinion, I’ma kick your boy’s ass. Just an opinion.

(Waiting on the cue to close the interview out, Colt looks at a zoned out Kimberly, then back at Claudia.)

Colt Montoya: Well, shit. Apparently, we’re low on time here. Claudia, not going to lie, it’s an absolute honor to see you make eye contact with me. Usually you’re too busy looking down at me from your perch. Still, nothing but respect and I hope everything goes according to the plan of the ‘Queen’. Still my AD Champ. Thanks for coming, Claudia.

Claudia Michaels: Alright, thanks. I’m glad we’re done here. You’ve started to speak some nonsense there which I’m sure you didn’t mean. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I think I’ll go get my refill from that bartender.

(Claudia Michaels finishes up what remains of the drink from her glass in one big shot. She then stands up from the barstool and leaves the scene.)

Colt Montoya: Thank you to our esteemed and not biased-at-all guest, Claudia Michaels. For a relatively drunk and zoned out Kimberly Chase, this is Colt Montoya saying Goodnight and we’ll see you on Chapter 21!

(Colt glances over at Kimberly, awkwardly waving his hand in front of her face before looking at whatever she’s looking at. Some hilarious music plays in the background as Colt jokingly intends to throw her overboard. The shot fades out slowly with the two looking at a distance. The Wrestleworld logo fades.)