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Marriage Counseling Hypno Part I
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“I just feel like I don’t get any respect in this relationship, and Carl just… He never listens to me!!” Gina cries, “It’s like anything I say can’t be the truth!”

“Exactly! She’s lying right now!!” Carl yells at you, “I believe every word she says, even her dumb stories about work…”

“I’m not lying about my magician boss!!” Gina retorts, choking up as you try to ease the tension a bit.

“Let’s hear about this magician boss, maybe?” You suggest, turning to Gina so she can speak.

“It’s total horseshit, she just wants attention.” Carl interjects, eyes rolling as his wife tears up.

“No it’s not…” She whimpers, on the verge of sobbing and barely able to speak.

“Okay, I’ve seen this type of thing before, and I know exactly how to handle it. You both think the other is on an unequal playing field, so here I am to even things out!

I’m gonna hypnotize both of you.

You’ll both listen, believe, and obey everything the other one says to you. This will teach you respect, because equal power dynamics create a very thin line. Once crossed, it becomes a game with a loser and often times even without a winner.

A lot of therapists refrain from using this technique as it’s basically inserting an ultimatum into your relationship; either learn to respect and love each other, or have an extravagantly shameful fallout. You’lll both be choosing for each other, understood?” You ask, waiting for confirmation as you pull out your hypno pendant.

“I… I…”

“You’re saying my wife’ll do anything I say??

Sign me up!” Carl laughs, joking around as his wife stammers.

“If it’ll save our marriage, I guess we’ll do it…” Gina agree, relaxing as you swing the pendant back and forth over Carl.

He goes to sleep in moments, and you smile reassuringly as you walk over to Gina. She closes her open mouth and follows the pendant with her eyes, focused intently as you swing it over her head.

“Anything you hear from your spouse is now a command, and you’ll do everything in your power to obey. Every word they say is like liquid euphoria, drenching you in their essence with every syllable. You won’t want to miss a sound from your partner, hanging on to every sentence even if it means the death of you.” You say in a calm cadence, “Understood?”

“Yes.” They reply in unison.

“Amazing. You can now wake up, feeling refreshed and peaceful.” You smile, “Is there anything else we should discuss before I close out this session?”

“That’s all for me, thanks!” Carl says, getting up and walking out of the room without another word.

“I’m just wondering how long this hypnosis lasts…” Gina trails off with a shiver, making you smile as Carl pauses at the open door.

You see his shoulders haunch as he turns around, a longing in his eyes for his wife’s question.

“What was that?” He asks, making Gina take a deep inhale and curl her own toes.

“I was just… I just wanted to know how looooo…

Long this’ll last- Hopefully a while!” Gina laughs, watching her husband smile goofily as pleasure courses through his body.

“Till next session!” You laugh, escorting the giggling couple out of your office to bring in the next one.

Later that day, after all your clients leave you open your log book, “Oh crap, I forgot to check on the clients I hypnotized!”

You open the hypnotherappy app on your tablet, and load up a live view of your patients. They’re in bed discussing the day, pleasantly surprised at the lack of fighting they’d done.

“I guess you’re less likely to tell me what to do if I can do the same to you, it’s almost like we have full control over ourselves again!

I felt like your robot yesterday, and a free human today!!” Gina laughs, kissing Carl’s neck as he smiles and listens.

“Maybe you’re right, babe…

And I gotta admit, knowing the control and power you now wield over me is kinda hot. And I’ve been sporting this boner all day…” Carl trails off, pawing at his crotch as his wife pretends to not understand him.

“That’s a little too much info honey, I’m really tired and about to fall asleep…” She trails off, turning her body to face away from Carl.

“You’ve gotta be a little horny…” He whispers, smiling as her ass sticks out a little extra, “In fact, I think you’re ravenously horny, desperate for penetration…”

Gina’s breathing pauses for a moment as she realizes what her husband’s doing, but she’s helpless to the sudden deluge of mind numbing arousal.  She crawls out of bed as Carl laughs, his erection ready to fill her as she moans and pants.

“Where are you going?

My dick’s right here!” Carl laughs, watching his wife search for something on her hands and knees.

“No fucking w- way I’m giving you the satisfff- faction!” Gina screams between euphoric convulsions, “You’re gay for the night, shithead! And I’m looking for my dildo…”

Carl’s erection quickly dwindles, and he frowns as his frothing wife suddenly becomes just another fixture in the room. He follows her into the bathroom, a smirk on his face as she crawls into the bathtub.

“I thought I left it in here??” Gina says exasperatedly, “Where is- Fuck!”

Her knees buckle as the building arousal finally hits its peak, then Carl’s wife melts out of her robe before plunging three fingers deep into her pussy. Her husband can only watch with a grimace, preferring to watch a handsome sweating man over the smelly girl in the tub.

Gina’s eyes cross as she gives Carl the seductive look every straight man would die for, biting her bottom lip as she lets out trill sounds of orgamsic delight.

Oh- my- shit!!” Gina gasps, smiling and letting a deep exhale as she shows her homosexual husband the viscous cum on her fingers.

I think that’s all for me, I’m feeling great now!

Damn, you really are gay, last night you’d be slurping this stuff off the floor!!” Gina laughs, patting her husband on the cheek lovingly and leaving a glob of cum that makes him gag.

“He does kinda deserve that…” You chuckle, closing the app on your tablet and getting ready for bed yourself.

After a good night’s sleep you take care of your morning clients, all the while wondering what the promiscuous Gina and Carl could be up to!

You don’t even prepare breakfast before opening the hypnotherapy app, excited to see what shenanigans your favorite couple could be up to on the path to healing!

“Are you serious?” You immediately see Carl say,  “I’m not gay anymore or anything, but I’d really prefer you didn’t wear that for your social media stuff…”

“This is how we fucking afford everything!!

You want me to just show up in a bubble suit??

Nobody’s gonna watch unless I’m acting sexy, how do you not understand that? Do you wanna go work, and I’ll just sit around the house all day instead??

I thought we were getting a better understanding of each other!” Gina exclaims, blonde side ponies bouncing as she berates her husband.

“No, I just…

This is a bit much, if you ask me.” Carl says firmly, making you raise an eyebrow as you prepare breakfast.

“Maybe you would understand if you were involved, but that would obviously- wait…” Gina suddenly trails off with a wicked smile, “I want you to put on my other school girl outfit and dance with me. It’ll get so many views!!”

Carl almost melts into the floor, but his body is forced to obey his wife’s desires. He silently walks to their room, coming back moments later with a little black and red plaid mini skirt and matching top. He undresses and frowns as his body struggles to fit into the small top, a bit of hope on his face as his wife clears her throat.

“You can’t figure out a way??

Squeeze your body in! Make it fit!!” She laughs, playfully slapping Carl’s ass as he bends over to pick the skirt up his legs.

The waistband is so small, it can’t even go past his knees. But then they twist inward, and Carl’s toes wiggle as his feet shrink. Then his calves pulsate as they slowly turn slender, but Carl’s hands just pull the skirt up further as he begs his wife to stop him.

“Why would I do that?” She laughs, squeezing his thigh as it loses muscle and hair.

Carl just whimpers as the skirt easily glides past his waist, cinching it in as his lower abdomen tones and slims. The skirt’s propped up a bit in front by his manhood, but then Carl’s hips are suddenly forcefully bent forward. They spread wide and flare out, giving space to a squeal inducing surge of mass into Carl’s suddenly feminine rear.

Gina clutches her husband’s brimming bulbous butt as his manhood shrivels away, leaving nothing but perfectly smooth flatness and an engorged pussy. Carl can’t pay it any attention though as your hypnosis makes him slip his hands into the sleeves of his crop top, easily wrapping his shrinking torso in a low cut tied off shirt.

All body hair fades as Carl’s comically protruding belly turns into a delicate little tummy, laced with toned sexy muscle as the changes pass over his slenderizing shoulders. A ponytail plops down his back as his neck feminizes, Carl’s glasses frames thinning as his lips purse and plump up.

His cheek bones sharpen and become more pronounced, a smile seeming to naturally spread across his new face as it rounds out and cutens. Then all the changes crash into harmonious synchrony as grace flows down from the tip of Carl’s silky black hair, reposturing the petite beauty as even her toes twist inward femininely.    

“Now you’re ready to record!!” Gina laughs, “Just be quiet, bounce up and down, and swing your hips from side to side!”

You just know Carl’s seething deep down, plotting his easily accessible revenge as his wife plays with him like a doll.

For now though, his body just sends waves of feminine arousal through his mind, letting Carl lose himself for a few sporadic moments and get Gina some good recordings for her channel.

“I’m sure he’ll get some form of revenge tomorrow…” You chuckle, shutting the app on your tablet as you realize you’re just a couple minutes away from your next client’s appointment.