ENG-105 Topic 7 Checklist

  1. Synthesize your perspective with the patterns and qualities of a trend, event, or policy.
  2. Use audience awareness in explaining the patterns and qualities in a topic, trend, event, or policy.
  3. Cite properly using in-text and bibliographic citations.

Items due this week:

  • Participation (Respond to 8 classmates/professor's discussion questions on 4 days or more each week, Mon-Sun.) 

Each post should be 50-75 words only, and responses must be on-topic for that DQ or activity, which includes responding to questions asked in any classmate’s or professor’s posts. If your statement is more than the word count limitations, there is a possibility of not receiving a substantive post.

  • *** Using AI and/or internet content to respond to a classmate and/or professor is  X prohibited and could result in not receiving a substantive post.
  • >>>You may pick which days, and decide what classmate's or professor's posts you wish to reply to; however, you must post at least eight (8) times over a period of four (4) different days or more to receive full credit each week. 

The last day you can post for it to count for the current week is Sunday, 11:59 p.m. AZ Time. For more info on the participation requirements and the rubric, refer to the "Acknowledgment" in Topic 1 DQ1 or visit https://pettyeng105.weebly.com/participation-requirements.html

  • 2 DQs (Discussion Questions) (Answer DQ 1 by Wednesday 11:59 pm and DQ2 by Friday 11:59 pm AZ Time each week)

These answers should be 100-150 words only. All answers should be in a summary format unless stated otherwise. All DQs must answer and follow the instructions found in the initial prompt. ( X No bullet points, headings, or questions should be used).

  • If your statement is more than that amount, you will be assigned a temporary zero and given the opportunity to redo the assignment.  *** Using AI and/or internet content to respond to DQs is  X prohibited and could result in one redo and/or loss of credit for the DQ.
  • Make sure you answer each question with complete sentences and all the questions asked. Sometimes, it is a good idea to restate part of the question in your own words as an introduction to the answer to the question.
  • Commentary Writing Assignment Final Draft (or Commentary Essay) (Due Sunday by 11:59 pm AZ Time)

For those who submitted your first draft of the Commentary Essay, use the following checklist to prepare:

1. After your first draft essay has been assigned a grade by the instructor, go to the "Gradebook" and locate your first draft to review the comments section of that assignment. Focus on the following:

  • Review the examples of successful Commentary Essays. This link is located in the first purple bubble in your first draft Commentary Essay’s LopesWrite (Similarity Score) Report, in the DQ forums, and/or by clicking the following link below: https://pettyeng105.weebly.com/example-commentary-essays.html
  • Visit my written feedback on your LopesWrite (Similarity Score) report found in the Halo gradebook. Click each arrow in the purple bubble on the right to review each of my comments from top to bottom. To learn more, follow the instructions listed below: View Instructor Feedback Halo Gradebook_ LopesWrite Report.docx
  • Review your classmate's peer review (if one is available). If someone completed a peer review of your essay, you may request a copy from them in the Halo Messages. If you did not get one from a classmate, you can bypass this step. 
    **Keep in mind your peer reviewer is a learner also; therefore, you do not need to implement everything recommended by him or her.

  • Lastly, revise your first draft Commentary Essay according to the instructor's recommendations on your LopesWrite report. Afterward, submit your final essay through LopesWrite in the essay assignment link.  After your score has been generated, check your LopesWrite Similarity score to ensure it’s below 20% (preferably as close to zero as possible) before clicking the final submit button. This is especially critical for this final essay, as there will be NO reassignments after the class has ended.

If you did not submit the first draft Commentary Essay during Topic 6 (Week 6), use the following checklist to help you write your best final draft:

  1. Follow the updated instructions for Topic 6's first draft @ https://pettyeng105.weebly.com/commentary-essay-instructions.html
  2. The essay requires that you have 750-1000 words (not including the references page), and 5 paragraphs (1 intro, 3 body paragraphs, and 1 conclusion). It requires to use of a 3rd-person narrative and the APA 7th, Ed. Style Format Template.
  3. Choose a social issue/trend from the list located in the Acknowledgment from Topic 1 DQ1 and/or in my post in Topic 6 DQ1 this week.
  4. Focus on developing a stance and defend your side of an issue with your own argument and three supporting reasons.
  5. Source requirements are 5 sources: either 3 scholarly and 2 popular sources OR 5 scholarly sources from the GCU Library. (No websites/webpages needed). For example, a scholarly source would be a journal article or book, and a popular source would be a newspaper or magazine. Start your search by going here to this GCU Library link: https://libguides.gcu.edu/az.php
  • Readings and Resources:

If you have any questions, contact me in Halo “Messages.”

Thank you, and God Bless! It’s been a pleasure having you in class!

Professor Petty

Last updated 10/27/2023