Niswonger Online & AP Access for ALL Course Syllabus
AP Computer Science A
Course Description
“Get familiar with the concepts and tools of computer science as you learn a subset of the Java programming language. You'll do hands-on work to design, write, and test computer programs that solve problems or accomplish tasks.”
If you have course related questions such as questions about due dates, assignment directions, lesson material, etc. please contact your instructor immediately via Canvas message (if courses have started) or via direct email (if courses have not started). Your instructor's email and name can be found after logging in by clicking on Course Information or can be found on the homepage of your course after classes begin.
After courses begin, all communications between instructor and student should happen from Canvas Messaging.
If you need technical assistance at any time during the course or to report a problem with your account please visit to submit a trouble ticket or contact:
Mr. Chris Dotson
Technology Support Lead, Niswonger Online & APAA
You can also visit this page for answers to frequently asked questions:
For other concerns that have not been addressed by your teacher or by our Technology Support Team contact:
Dr. Gina Pavlovich Mrs. Samatha DeBord
Director AP Access for ALL & Niswonger Online Assistant Director, AP Access for ALL
**NOTE that ONLY your school Counselor or local Administrator can request a course change or drop. No one within the APAA program can approve this.**
Course Outline
This course has a total of 125 assignments that students are required to complete. Any assignments not completed by the course checkpoints or final course due date will become a 0%.
Module 0.0: Academic Integrity
Module 0.1: Canvas Introduction
Module 0.2: Canvas Review and College Board Account Creation
Module 1: Introduction
Module 2: Variables & Expressions
Module 3: Strings & Arrays
Module 4: Booleans, Operators, & Conditional Statements
Module 5: Iteration/Loops
Module 6: Methods
Module 7: Objects
Module 8: Inheritance & Polymorphism
Module 9: Overriding Methods
Module 10: Class Definitions Revisited
Module 11: Abstractions
Module 12: Algorithms & Image Processing
Module 13: Search & Sort
Module 14: Program Analysis
Module 15: Review for the AP Test
Grading Policy
AP courses are designed to be taught at a college level, thus it is the responsibility of the student to follow the pacing guide and turn in their work by the due date.
There a four types of assignments:
AP Access for ALL Late Work Policy
At Niswonger Online and the AP Access for ALL program, we understand the importance of meeting deadlines and developing strong time management skills. To maintain consistency and encourage timely submissions, we have established the following late work policy:
1. Due Dates and Submissions:
a. All assignments have designated due dates at midnight Eastern Standard Time. These deadlines will be communicated clearly to students in advance through a course pacing guide and individual assignment due dates in CanvasLMS.
b. Unless noted on the assignment instructions, all assignments should be submitted through the APAA CanvasLMS platform.
2. No Assignment Submission
a. All assignments not submitted by the given due date and time will be given a 0%.
b. That assignment will remain a 0% until a submission occurs.
3. Late Submissions:
a. Assignments submitted after midnight Eastern Standard Time on the designated due date will be considered late.
b. Late submissions will incur a two (2) percentage point decrease for each day late.
c. The reduction will apply to the overall grade earned on the assignment.
d. The maximum penalty will be 50 points.
4. Calculation of Percentage Point Reduction:
a. The percentage reduction in grade will be applied on a daily basis after the original due date at midnight Eastern Standard Time.
b. Each day that an assignment is late, two (2) percentage points will be deducted from the student's overall score for that assignment.
c. Weekends and holidays will be included when calculating daily late penalties.
5. Exceptional Circumstances and Extensions:
a. Students who anticipate challenges in meeting an assignment deadline due to exceptional circumstances, such as illness or personal emergencies, should notify the instructor immediately.
b. The instructor will evaluate each request for an extension on a case-by-case basis and determine whether to grant additional time without penalty.
c. Proper documentation will be required to support extension requests for exceptional circumstances.
d. A student’s school will be contacted to verify this request.
6. Plagiarism and Academic Integrity
a. Plagiarized assignments that are submitted late will follow the Academic Integrity guidelines and point deductions stated HERE, as well as assuming late submission deductions if submitted late.
7. Automatic Drop Dates:
a. Two times during the school year, once in the fall for fall and year-long semester students, and once in the spring for spring semester students, the APAA program will enforce an automatic drop date.
b. Drops will only occur for students failing their course and/or not logging in consistently to work and submit assignments.
c. Consistent late work will negatively impact a student’s grade and can cause them to be dropped from the course.
d. Consistent plagiarism or Academic Integrity violations can negatively impact a student’s grade and cause them to be dropped from the course.
8. Communication and Transparency:
a. The late work policy and automatic drop dates will be clearly communicated to students at the beginning of the course and reiterated before each assignment deadline.
b. Instructors will provide timely reminders of approaching due dates to help students stay on track.
c. The instructor will promptly notify students about any needed changes or exceptions to the late work policy based on assignment needs.
d. APAA instructors and administrators ask that students communicate with their teachers immediately if there is an emergency that may require an extension.
e. If students have any questions about their grades and any points deducted, they should contact their instructor immediately.
We believe adhering to deadlines is essential for academic success and professional development. This late work policy aims to instill a sense of responsibility, time management, and accountability in our students. By complying with this policy, students will be better prepared for future challenges and will maximize their learning opportunities within their AP Access for ALL class.
Please note this policy serves as a general framework, and specific details, such as the deduction date and extension criteria, may vary on some assignments based on instructor or student needs and assignment requirements. The teachers and APAA administrators make these decisions and will communicate with students immediately if changes are needed.
Viewing Grades and Feedback in Canvas
Points you receive for graded activities will be posted to your Canvas Grade Book. Click on the Grades link on the left navigation to view your grades and feedback.
Your teacher will update the online grades each time a due date has passed. Check back for updated grades and feedback within 7 days after submission.
It is also important to read or view all feedback given by your teacher. This is how a student will grow within the course. Feedback can be viewed from your Canvas gradebook by clicking on the small icon- out from your numerical grade.
Course Policies
IEP/ 504/ ILP Accommodations
If you have a student with approved accommodations, please read the linked policy below. This information is shared with high schools at the beginning of each semester to ensure counselors understand our accommodations and can communicate them to APAA teachers to meet students' needs.
Student/ Guardian Copy- Procedures for APAA Student Accomodations
Commit to Integrity
As a student in this course, you are expected to maintain high degrees of professionalism and integrity.
Cheating is “the act of obtaining or attempting to obtain credit for academic work through the use of any dishonest, deceptive, or fraudulent means.”
Plagiarism is “the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own.”
Niswonger Online Plagiarism Policy
All students will be asked to read the Niswonger Online plagiarism policy and complete an assignment to show understanding BEFORE any work in the course can be accessed or completed. The plagiarism policy and corresponding assignment is linked in the second module, labeled Academic Integrity, within each course. Go to APAA Plagiarism and Academic Integrity Policy to view the plagiarism policy without logging into the course.
Build Rapport
If you find that you have any trouble keeping up with assignments or other aspects of the course, make sure you let your teacher know as early as possible. As you will find, building rapport and effective relationships are key to becoming an effective professional. Make sure that you are proactive in informing your teacher when difficulties arise during the semester so that we can help you find a solution.
Submitting Assignments
All assignments for this course will be submitted electronically through Canvas unless otherwise instructed. If you have any trouble submitting your assignment in Canvas you should contact your teacher or the Niswonger Online Technology team immediately.
Course Enrollment and Drops
Students can only be enrolled in a Niswonger Online course by their home high school’s counselor, AP Liaison, or administrator.
Course drops can only be approved by school personnel (counselor, AP Liaison, or administrator). Online teachers, the APAA director, or APAA Assistant Director cannot approve any course changes. Each school has its own policy on when a student may drop their online course. Please see your school counselor or administrator if you have any questions about this.