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Bluff City Teaser
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Bluff City Teaser

Ali: Hey everyone it’s Ali here. I just wanted to announce something that’s kind of a big deal for us which is that. For those of you who may not know because you don’t follow us super closely on Twitter or aren’t backing us on Patreon yet or aren’t members of the Discord, you might not have seen that the first episode of Bluff City has been updated to our Patreon page. Bluff City is a Patreon supported and a Patreon exclusive new campaign where we tell the story of a mid-Atlantic gambling town, one-shot by one-shot, showing the perspective from dozens of different characters. Basically what that means is that month to month, we’ll be playing a different game with a different system with a whole new set of characters, but all sharing the same setting.

It’s really different from the thing that we usually do, and we’re all really excited to do it and super proud of this first episode. And with that, we kind of just wanted to share a teaser for the first episode for those of you who’ve been kind of on the fence or for those that we haven’t kind of pitched this well enough or as often enough, just to kind of give you a clear idea what the campaign is and what the tone of it is. And um, yeah. So, as I said, this show is completely Patreon supported and Patreon exclusive. At five dollars a month, you will gain access to it.

And with that five dollars, you also get access to two other monthly shows that we’re doing, including live stream one-shots, which is just kind of us kind of dressed down and loosey-goosey and kind of having a good time. We did one this month, and apparently there were a bunch of mid-century bees or something? Um, and then also, Tips at the Table which is kind of an advice show that we’re doing about playing tabletop games or producing tabletop games or how you deal with group dynamics or how you play or how weird college is or just sort of the things you might want to ask and the things that we feel like we could answer.

Um, you get all of that at five dollars, and you can find it by going over to which will lead you right to our Patreon page. So, yeah, without further ado, I am going to let this intro speak for itself, despite talking for three minutes. Anyway, thank you so much to anyone who has already supported us. Um, thank you so much for everyone who is going to. Bear in mind, cause we get this question a lot, everything’s gonna be archived, so if you don’t have the means right now, and you’re kind of holding off, Patreon has its own RSS feed, so you will be able to listen to everything later. And it’ll be organized and all set out for you.

Yeah, so thank you. Twilight Mirage is going to continue tomorrow and is going to continue to be every Thursday and gonna continue to be really great cause the stuff we recorded last time was kind of a doozy. Anyway, yes, I’m leaving. Thank you so much everyone, and enjoy this and support us over at

[Jack de Quidt’s ‘A Bowling Alley, A Boxer, and A Bird’ begins]

Austin: Welcome to Bluff City. Flickering neon reflecting off the waves, slot machine ring, boardwalk hustle, booming laughs from the corner spot. Bluff City: Home of the lucky and their poor families too. A revving engine, the sounding of a harbour bell, a familiar wind, a gunshot round the way, the din of the casino floor, a bad plan misheard, America's favourite fling. Bluff City: the light of a cigarette, the shape of a body or two, the red and blues of a patrol car and money man, money. They say there's a thousand highways you can take to reach this town, but there ain't no train to Bluff City. One of them towns where there's a tale behind every hand of cards, a lie for every truth, a side gig for every payday. How do you start a story like Bluff City? Like this, man: with a bowling alley, a boxer, and a bird.