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The House on W Columbia Poem
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

 Naomi Green


The House on W Columbia Avenue

Inspired by “The House on Mango Street”

Your family’s home.

The house on W Columbia Avenue is small, but not too small. It’s just right for us. It was a little broken, some issues. It was like a talking stuffed animal, only it started to lose its voice. It was embarrassing. I could never invite the rich white kids over. The house only got one bathroom.

Mama finally had enough. She told father that it was time for a change. The house was dark, so dark, it was the house of shadows. The house was out of shape. Imagine an Olympic gold medalist, out of shape. That was our house, all sad and made you feel melancholy. Now the house is bright like a highlighter. The lights dim, Mama loves that. We have people over for dinner. We host parties. We aren’t ashamed. We love our house. It has changed us.

The house on W Columbia Avenue was small, a little too small. Wasn’t right for us. It is fixed, no issues. We bought a new stuffed animal, it can talk now.Brand new voice, brand new appearance. We will never be embarrassed. I want to invite the rich white kids over. It still only got one bathroom, but we can deal with it. The house holds life, peace, and love.  

The house on W Columbia Avenue is perfect, just like us.