Minutes for Joslin Memorial Library Board Meeting
5:30 P.M. Joslin Memorial Library
Wednesday, July 21, 2021
Present: Jean Joslin, Sally Reisner, Trish Read, Jason Butler, Anna Church, Liz Laferriere
Absent: Carol Hosford, David Babic
Jean called the meeting to order at 5:33.
Additions or Deletions: None
Approve Draft Minutes: (5/19)
Trish moved to accept the minutes and Sally seconded. All approved.
Friends of the Library Report:
Liz reports that the first meeting in a long time was held this morning. Judith and Liz plan to resign from the Board at the September 22nd meeting. New members include Kathy Mehuron, Pat Apigian and Joan C. Billie will be continuing as a Board member along with Sandra. The Friend’s treasury is flush and new programs and other library supports are already underway. The Friends have met with both Jason and Anna to discuss some of these initiatives and their provided funding.
Library Director’s Report
Reopening has gone smoothly, with new hours working well and seemingly well received. Circulation is active, along with in person patron visits. There was discussion regarding usage of ARPA grant funds, settling on 3 sets each of a 3 piece composite ADK seating, with the intended use in the park. Additionally, Jason will purchase 2 high quality air purifiers for the street level and first floors of the library. Additional technology purchases will be covered from our annual budget.
President’s Report:
Our NSB account set up is complete and the TD bank account will be closed soon. Grant reimbursement for the wiring and lighting upgrade is not complete but hopefully signed and submitted in the next couple weeks. Bob Cook has a maintenance plan in the works for our HVAC systems. Working with Pring for service, and in conjunction with Jason, this will be an annual managed approach to keeping things running efficiently. Regarding our Calendar of Initiatives, Jean would like Carol and Sally to regroup with Jason and Anna for a quick review of their Evals and Reflections, specifically looking at goals that were set. Perhaps Carol and Sally could also review the job description for Children’s Librarian.
Treasurer’s Report:
A few line items still need to be adjusted on the Profit and Loss statements, but overall reports are in better order and are easier to review.
Financial Report:
In David’s absence any in depth review of reports was tabled. At a glance, all Edward Jones funds are in good shape and showing positive growth. Jean will schedule an interim meeting, no later than mid September, for a closer look at financial reports and a more comprehensive review.
Children’s Librarian’s Report
Story time has resumed and has been very well attended. Anna plans on staying outside as much as possible. Wrenn Compere graciously allowed use of her property for their gathering. The Summer Learning program has also been well received and attended. Grant funding from Rotary will support a wrap up concert on the Mad River Green.
At 6:38 Sally had to leave. At 6:45 Trish made a motion to conclude the meeting. Jean seconded. All agreed and we concluded our meeting.
Future Regular Board Meetings:
September 15
November 17
Respectfully submitted,
Trish Read