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Lab Savings: Integrative Family Medicine of Asheville
Updated automatically every 5 minutes


Lab  Name

Member Price

Retail/Cash Price

Member Savings

                            Most commonly ordered labs

BMP 322758




CBC diff/platelet 005009




CMP 322000




Hemoglobin A1C 001453




Lipid Panel w Chol/HDL Ratio 221010




Pregnancy Test, Urine (On-site processing)




PSA 010322




Strep Test (On-site processing)




TSH 004259




Urinalysis (On-site processing)




Iron and TIBC (iron studies) 001321




ABO and Rho Typing 006049




Insulin 004333




Thyroid Panel, Basic (TSH, T3, T4) 004259, 214540




Beta hCG (quant) 004416




Vitamin B12 001503




Ferritin, Serum 004598




Throat Culture 008342




Urine Culture, Routine 008847




Vitamin B12 and Folate 000810




FIT Test (Fecal test) 182949




Annual Screening 6 (CBC, CMP, Lipid Panel, Vit D, HgbA1c, ApoB)




RSV Test (On-site)




Wound Culture 008003




Acute Viral Hepatitis Panel (HAV, HBV, HCV) 144000




Flu Test (On-site processing)




Thyroid Panel, Follow Up: TSH, T3, T4, RT3 218304




Thyroid Panel, Full 328461




STI Panel




Lipid Panel, Advanced




Hormone Panel (+ DHT)

$100, (+DHT $200)

$279, $585

$179, $385

                            Other labs, continued

Fasting Glucose - Finger Stick (On-site processing)




Fasting Glucose, S 001032




Estradiol 004515




Albumin  001081




Creatine Kinase, Total 001362




Gamma Glutamyltransferase GGT 001958




Hematocrit 005058 Pediatric *LC*




Hemoglobin (Hb) 005041 Pediatric *LC*




SED Rate ESR 005215




T3 Uptake 001156




Alpha 1 Antitrypsin AAT 001982




FSH, Serum 004309




Hepatic Function Panel 322755




Immuno M, Quantitative 001792




PT / INR 005199 *LC*




Quantitative IgG 001776




Renal Function Panel 322777




Rheumatoid Arthritis Factor 006502




Syphilis (RPR) 006072




T3 Free 010389




T4 Free, Direct, S 001974




Antinuclear Ab by Multiplex Immunoassay, Reflex to 5-biomarker profile (ENA), dsDNA, RNP, Sm, SS-A, SS-B 164962




Beta hCG (qual) 004556




C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Quantitative 006627




Folic Acid 002014




Hemoglobin (Hb) Solubility w/ Reflex to Hemoglobin Fractionation, Blood 005330




Hepatitis B Surface Ag 006510




Lipase, Serum 001404




Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA), Free:Total Ratio Reflex 480772




Rubella Antibodies, IgG 006197




UA with Microscopy 003772




Aldolase 002030




Amylase 001396




ANA, IFA 164947




Bilirubin - Total, Direct 001214




CEA Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA) 002139




CRP, High Sensitivity 120766




DHEA-Sulfate 004020




Electrolyte Panel 303754




Fibrinogen Activity 001610




Folate, RBC 266015 LC




Hep B Core Ab 016881




Magnesium, Serum 001537




Progesterone 004317




PT and PTT 020321




Sex Hormone-binding Globulin 082016




T4F+T3F 214540




Uric Acid 001057




Apolipoprotein A-1 016873




Complement C3 006452




Complement C4 001834




EBV Ab VCA, IgG 096230




Hep B Core AB 006718




Albumin/Creatinine Ratio, Random Urine 140285




Deamidated Gliadin Antibodies, IgG 161687




Protein Electrophoresis, Serum 001487




Thyroid Peroxidase (TPO) Antibodies 006676




Apolipoprotein B (ApoB) 167015




CA 125 002303




Ceruloplasmin 001560




Cortisol - AM 104018




Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) Nuclear Antigen Antibodies, IgG 010272




H. Pylori IgG 162289




Lactic Acid Dehydrogenase (LDH) 001115




Zinc, Plasma or Serum 001800




Anti-mitochondrial antibody (006650)




Estrogen, total 004549




Lipoprotein(a) 120188




Prealbumin 016931




Prolactin 004465




Thyroglobulin Ab 006685




Treponema pallidum Antibodies (RPR Antibody) 082370




WBC - Stool 008656




GC (Neisseria gonorrhoeae) Culture Only 008128




Lead, Blood - Adult 007625




Osmolality, Urine Random 003442




Carbohydrate Antigen (CA 19-9) 002261




Erythropoietin (EPO) 140277




Estriol, Serum 004614




Mono, Qualitative 006189




Mono Qualitative w/ Reflex 006536




Upper Respiratory Culture, Routing 008342




Urine Culture, Comprehensive 008086




Luteinizing Hormone (LH), S 004283




Vitamin D, 25 Hydroxy 081950




Lithium, Serum 007708




Aerobic Culture 008649




Apo A1 + B + Ratio 216010




Creatinine, 24hr Ur 003012




HIV Ag/Ab with Reflex 083935




Lead, Blood - Pediatric 717009




Protein Electr. Urine 24 Hr 003368




Triiodothyronine (T3) 002188




D Dimer 115188 *LC*




Insulin-Like Growth Factor (IGF1) 010363




Parvovirus B19 (Human), IgG, IgM 163303




24 Hr Urine, Protein 003277




Alkaline Phosph Iso 001612




Anaerobic Culture 008904




Autoimmune Profile 006981




Estrone, Serum 004564




Ova & Parasites - Stool 008623




PAP (inc. pathology) 199300




Occult Blood, Fecal, Immunoassay 182949




Testosterone, Free and Total 140103




Varicella Zoster V Ab, IgG 096206




Hepatitis B Surface Ab 006395




Phenytoin, Serum 007401




Pediatric Bilirubin 205500 *LC*




Phosphorus 001024




T4 Thyroxine Total 001149




Body Fluid Culture 180802




Copper, Serum 001586




Iodine, 24-Hour Urine 070222




Prostate-specific Antigen (PSA), Ultrasensitive 140731




Stone Analysis 910810




Uric Acid, 24 Hr Urine 003418




Alpha-Gal IgE Panel 650003




NuSwab Mycoplasma genitalium, swab 180076




NuSwab Mycoplasma genitalium, Urine 180025




Reticulocyte Count 005280




Chlamydia GC Urine OR swab 183194




Chlamydia/GC, Pharyngeal Swab, NAA 188698




Chlamydia / Gonococcus, Rectal Swab, NAA 188672 *Provider




Cortisol 004051




Hep B Screening 006530 + 006510




Measles/Mumps/Rubella (MMR) Titer 058495




Methylmalonic Acid 706961




T3, Reverse 070104




t-Transglutaminase (tTG) IgG 164988




Aldosterone: Renin Ratio 004354




FSH & LH 028480




Homocysteine, Plasma 706994




Mycoplasma IgM 163212




Allergen Profile, Food−Basic 648014




ASO Titer 006031




Fructosamine 100800




HSV 1 & 2, IgG Spec. Antibodies 164099




RMSF IGg 016592




Stool Culture 008144




Testosterone, Total, LC/MS 070001




Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Ab IgG 006494




Magnesium, RBC 080283




Metanephrines Frac 24 Hr 004234




Thyrotropin Receptor Antibody 010314




Toxoplasma IgG 006478




Vitamin B6 004655




Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) (Viral Capsid Antigen [VCA] and Early Antigen-Diffuse [EA(D)]), IgG Antibody Profile 096255




Rheumatoid Arthritis Profile 164065




Toxoplasma IgM, Q 096651




Arsenic Whole blood 007245




Anti-DNase B (Streptococcal) Antibodies 096289




Yeast Culture Only 182776




Calcium, Urine 24 Hr 003269




Screening 6




H. Pylori Stool Ag 180764




Iodine, Random Urine 070163




Leptin 146712




Serum, insulin & C Peptide 213660




Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) 121186 *LC*




Glucose Tolerance Test 101200




Calcitriol 081091




NMR Lipoprofile 123489




Arsenic Exposure Profile, Urine 007045




Cadmium, Whole blood 085340




Estradiol sensitive 140244




Glutathione 007700 *LC*




Lamotrigine, Serum 716944




Mercury, Whole blood 085324




Insulin Autoantibodies (IAA) (Endocrine Sciences) 141598 *LC*




Screening 5




Heparin Anti-Xa 117101 *LC*




Histamine, Plasma 144600 *LC*




Bacterial Vaginosis, Trichomonas Vaginalis, NAA, Vaginal Yeast Culture182717




TSI 140749




Immunoglobulin A Quant 001784




CD4:CD8 Ratio Profile 505271




Creatine Kinase, MB+Total 002311




Pertussis/Whooping Cough Swab 180224




Pinworm Preparation 008631




Tb - Quantiferon 182879




Blood Culture 008300




Giardia/Cryptosporidium EIA 183558




Pregnenolone MS 140707 *LC*




Cell Count Synovial Fluid 005231




 Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase (GAD) Autoantibody 143008




Anti-CCP 164914




CCP Antibodies 164914




Digoxin Serum 007385




Allergen Profile, Food 602989




Cystatin C With Glomerular Filtration Rate, Estimated (eGFR) 121265




Mycoplasma Genitalium, Urine 180040




BNP 140889 *LC*




Ionized Calcium 004804




Screening 7




Lupus Profile A 056499




Parasite Identification, Worm 008219




Testosterone, Free/Tot Equilib. 081786




APOE Alzheimer's Risk 504040




Free κ and λ Light Chains Plus Ratio, Quantitative 121137




Immunoglobulin E Total 002170




Thyroglobulin, Comprehensive (With Anti-Tg Screen and Reflex to RIA) 500540 *LC*




EBV, Chronic/Active 240610




Human Growth Hormone 004275




HLA B27 006924




Vaginal Herpes Swab 180071




Viral Culture, Rapid, Lesion (HSV and Varicella Zoster Virus) 186056




Catecholamines, 24 Hr 004176




Fungus Stain, PAS 008136




HPV Genotypes 16 and 18,45 507810




Nicotine Metabolites 716555




Celiac Disease Panel 165142




Lyme, Western Blot IgG/IgM 163600




Ct, Ng, Trich vag by NAA 183160




5 Drug Screen 739078




Ammonia 007054 *LC*




Cortisol, Salivary, MS 500179




Histamine Determination, Urine 144618




HNK1 (CD57) Profile 505026




H. Pylori IgM 163204




TBG 001735




Tegretol Level 007419




Tryptase, Serum 004280




Valproic Acid 007260




Mycoplasma IgM/IgG 163758




Screening 8




Iodine Serum, Plasma 070034




PAP + hr HPV (inc. path.) 199330




Pap (Image-guided), Aptima HPV, rfx 16/18, 45 199305




Copper RBC and Plasma 081162




Vitamin B2, Whole blood 123220




α1-Antitrypsin Phenotyping 095653




17-Hydroxyprogesterone LC/MS 070085




Sulfate, Quantitative, 24 Hr Urine 123307




Chlamydia/Gonococcus/Genital Mycoplasma Profile, NAA, Swab 180093




Metanephrines, Pheochromocytoma 004044




Stool Studies-O&P, WBC, Culture 008623, 008144, 008656




Sickle Cell 005223




Transferrin 004937




Fungus Culture 182493




Hereditary Hemochromatosis 511345




ANA Comprehensive Panel 165092




HIAA Quant 24 Hr 004069




HLA DR1/3/4/5, DQ Intermediate Resolution 167120




MSH 010421 *LC*




Nickel 790396




Lactose Tolerance Test 046300




PTH 015610




C difficile Toxin Gene NAA 183988




Cortisol, Dex Supp Test 503990 *LC*




Drug Profile, Urine 770701




HSV 1 & 2, NAA 188056




Lactate Dehydrogenase Isoenzymes (LD Isoenzymes) 001842




Lactoferrin, Fecal, Quant. 123016




Pap (Image-guided), CtNg, AptimaHPV 193157




Pap, (Image-guided) CtNg, AptimaHPV, rfx16/18,45 199310




Viral Culture, General 008573




C albicans + C glabrata, NAA 180055




Copper, Urine 24 hr or Random 003343




EBV Ab, IgG 096248




G6PD 001917




EBV IgM 096735




DHT 504026 *LC*




Men's Serum Hormone Panel (new) 140103, 004564, 004515, 004614, 004020, 082016




NuSwab BV and Candida, NAA 180043




Women's Serum Hormone Panel (New) 004317, 004564, 004515, 004614, 140103, 004020, 082016




Vitamin A 017509




CMV, IgM 096727




PTH+Calcium 054601




Anti-ds DNA Abs 096339




Manganese 790540




C Peptide 010108




Haemophilus influenzae B, IgG 138271




H. Pylori Breath Test 180836




5 Nucleotidase 001701




Malaria/Parasite Examination, Whole blood 008185




Calprotectin, Fecal 123255




AMH 500183 *LC*




HPV, high-risk with Geno 16 and 18 507385




Fluoride 070060




TTG IgA 164640




Chromium 071522




PAP CtNgTv,AptHPV,rfx16/18,45 199315




Bacterial Vaginosis, NAA 180060




Intrinsic Fac Blocking AB 010413




Tetanus/Diphtheria Antibody Profile 163253




Aluminum, Serum 071548




NuSwab Vaginitis (VG) 180039




Heavy Metals Profile I 042580




MTHFR 511238




Interleukin-8, Plasma 140818




HCV Viral Load, PCR 550080




Bordetella Per Ab IgG 161745




Carnitine Total & Free 706500 *LC*




Keppra 716936




Troponin T 140150 *LC*




Bordetella pertussis and Bordetella parapertussis, Real-time DNA PCR 138677




Cyclosporine 706556




NuSwab Vaginitis Plus (VG+) 180021




Cobalt 071506




Urinary Free Cortisol 004432




Dihydrotestosterone 500142 *LC*




Pancreatic Elastase, Fecal 123234




PTHrP 503380 *LC*




HCV Fibrosure 550123




Antiphospholipid Syndrome (APS) Profile 117079 *LC*




Calcitonin 004895 *LC*




Heavy Metals Profile II 706200




17-OH P/Creat Ratio, Urine 070340




Celiac HLA DQ Association 167082




Men's Serum Hormone Panel Complete (new) *LC* 140103, 004564, 004515, 004614, 504026, 004020, 082016




Women's Serum Hormone Panel Complete (New) *LC* 004317, 004564, 004515, 004614, 140103, 004020, 082016, 504026




NuSwab VG, Candida 6sp 180042




NuSwab VG, HSV 180071




Bacterial Vaginosis 182709




Methylmalonic Acid Urine 716365




Ovarian Cancer Monitor 081610




NuSwab VG+, Candida 6sp 180068




Antiextractable antigen 006338




NuSwab VG+, HSV 180066




Serotonin 120204




Epstein Barr Quant PCR 138230 *LC*




Candida 6 Spec Profile, NAA 180010




VIP 010397 *LC*




Immuno/Protein Urine 122390




Metanephrines, Fract. 121806




GI Profile, Stool, PCR 183480




Hep C Virus Quant. RNA 551300 *LC*




APOE Geno: Cardio Risk 503935




Kidney Stone Urine Test Combination With Saturation Calculations 306266 *24-HR, LC




von Hippel-Lindau Disease (VHL): VHL (NEP) (Full Gene Sequencing) 252546




Advanced Liver Panel 244788


Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) Antibodies to Early Antigen-Diffuse [EA(D)]. IgG 096248




372 Depot Street, Suite 10,  Asheville, NC 28801 | (828) 575-9600 |