Recount Writing

What are we learning?

Group 1 and 2:

We are learning to use similes to create a picture in the reader's mind.

Success Criteria:

You know you have been successful when you have written about:

  • Who?

  • What?

  • Where?

  • You have a beginning , middle and end.

  • Use smiles in your sentences.

Remember to:

  • Plan your writing.
  • Use full stops, capital letters and paragraphs.
  • If you cannot spell a word don’t worry! We can fix it up later.


In the morning as I opened my eyes. Bang! My door swung open’ my mum said it's kapa haka it's almost 8 o clock!  I jumped out of my bed and I rushed into my black shirt  and shorts. I poured my corn flakes into my bowl and rushed upstairs and brushed my teeth and hair and packed my bag by putting  in my lunch box and drink but I will put my Chromebook inside too.

Then it was time to go as I hopped in the car and me and my mum drove off to school.

Then when I got into my classrooms my mum said I'm helping out with the lips so I'll be in your classroom I said ok’ but at my house I got my lipstick done with eyeliner. As my mum was doing the lips I went to go and get my moko done. Then I went to room 2 so I could get my feather.


I was all ready to go. Then I got my bag and took my Chromebook and put it in my tote tray. Soon everyone was out with their bags to go to kapa haka. As we were walking there I picked up some pine cones and one Daisy’ then we began to walk to the white tent. We did some practice. Then it was time to go on stage. Then it was time to go behind the boys as they did the

Haka. While we were doing it the floor shaked like thunder. The songs we sang were ko waiata Hallelujah and Te Waka.Then we got off the stage. Then we walked outside and walked back all the way to a school with our bags.


When it was lunchtime we ate morning tea under the white tent. I was starving.

Then it was time to  play. I played with my friend Olivia. After a couple minutes the bell rang

Then we went back to class. It was home time as we lined up in our classes and our parents came in their cars to pick us up.

My eyes slowly opened. I lay still. I could hear birds chirping and the sun was just beginning to make himself known in the sky. Ahhhhhh I thought to myself, the first day of school holidays. We had so many great plans for our holidays but first I just wanted to just lie in bed and enjoy the fact I didn’t have to get up for school!

Tap,tap, tap. My Mum was knocking on my bedroom door. “Morning Mum, do I have to get up now”?

“Yes, you have the holiday programme today. Your lunch is on the bench, don’t forget to wear jeans and boots”. My Mum’s voice faded down the hallway as she went to give the same wake up call to my brother.

Yes, the holiday programme! Every school holidays we go to Pine Hollow Riding Holiday programme. We start at 9 and finish at 4. It is a full day of riding horses, caring for them, playing games and making new friends.

My brother and I scrambled into the truck, squishing our bag of lunch and snacks down by our feet.

Mum turns up the music load and we all sing along, excited about the day. We turn the music down just as we turn into the crackling gravel driveway of the riding school.

We see our friends and ponies waiting for us. The other riders  have all the paints out. We must be painting our horse today! I love painting our ponies. They love all the attention and we learn about the different symbols First Nation warriors used with their horses back in the olden days.

We pile out of the car. “Bye Mum” our voices echo across the arena.

“See you at 4 boys, be good for Jaquie” Mum called back.

We rushed to put our helmet on and finally joined our friends in the arena. We high fived each other and hugged our ponies. Today was going to be such a fun start to the holidays.