(A close up of the Wrestleworld logo is shown as the camera begins to zoom out)

(The camera reveals it to be a bird’s eye view of the Wrestleworld ring as the camera continues to ascend)

(The sound of old school commentary of professional wrestling matches begins to play as the camera zooms out further to a shot of the Wrestleworld Arena)

“We have a new Champion crowned!”

“What an incredible night!”

“Two of the best athletes competing--”

(The camera continues to rise as it reveals all of the Wrestleworld location from above, as its speed grows faster)

“Don’t you dare change that dial!”

“He wins it! He wins it!”

“You have never seen professional wrestling quite like this ever before--”

(The camera leaves the surface of the Earth quickly as the World itself fills the “O” in the title “Wrestleworld” where the camera finally stops)

… A World of Its Own.

(“Can’t Kill Us” by Glitch Mob plays over various clips from Wrestleworld matches since its inception)

(Babayka choking out Harry Sterling with the Asphyxiation is shown before cutting to the DOMINION logo as yellow paint splashes onto two letters of it)

(Tiberius Jones and Drake Jaeger are shown putting Nobi through an Announce Table together before cutting to the DOMINION logo as green paint splashes onto another two letters)

(Jaydayne Pendragon is shown laying out Arata Asakura with Hitchen’s Razor before red paint splashes onto another two letters of the DOMINION logo)

(Claudia Michaels is shown hitting Reno Dumont with The End of the World as the final two letters of the DOMINION logo are covered in blue)

(The red of the DOMINION logo spreads throughout it until it covers the logo entirely)

Narrator: Wrestleworld Presents… DOMINION!

(A sea of red suddenly floods the entire screen before cutting to a place in Wrestleworld Studios with a large DOMINION logo across double doors. Bobby Bishop excitedly walks through the doors with a huge grin on his face; wearing an eccentric blue suit as he walks further until he stops at an awaiting Dirk Sullivan - dressed in a normal, but more expensive-looking suit and a more serious look on his face)

Bobby Bishop: Welcome back, everyone! I’m so happy to see you all once again for the second edition of Wrestleworld DOMINION!...

(Bobby looks at Dirk with an excited expression for a few moments of silence)

Dirk Sullivan: …. DOMINION. Happy?

Bobby Bishop: Happy? I’m overjoyed! I am Bobby Bishop here as one of your Co-Hosts, and with me is my brand NEW Co-Host for DOMINION in my new friend - Wrestleworld Analyst, Dirk Sullivan!

(Dirk nods to the camera)

Bobby Bishop: Dirk is a super accomplished author and insider and tons of different stuff, so let’s just say he’s more than just an expert on professional wrestling and more than qualified to be here! Anything to say about how your first experience doing something for Wrestleworld was? Especially something like THIS?

Dirk Sullivan: It was definitely… An experience. I’ve always been greatly fascinated by professional wrestling, and I do firmly believe that DOMINION is a unique concept that opens up a lot of possibilities. Getting the opportunity to join you and Co-Host the show made for an eventful time, to say the least.

Bobby Bishop: Oh you betcha! Last episode, I ventured deep into the Wrestleworld Rainforest to find the pristine, honorable Wrestleworld Dojo that belonged to none other than the Shogun Architect, Jaydayne Pendragon. What a show it was too! Very exciting and thrilling. Jaydayne really outdid himself and put on a show that no one could ever hope to forget. The Dojo was immaculate, the fans in attendance were VERY respectful, and Pendragon made certain the show MOSTLY went off without a hitch. It was incredible.

Dirk Sullivan: I’m glad to hear you had a nice time, Bobby. For this show though… Well…

(Dirk gestures with a nod towards something as he and Bobby walk deeper into the Studio to where everything has been custom-made to represent the Wrestleworld Castle: the bluescreen background displaying a picture of the Castle wall with portraits of Claudia Michaels, The Professional, Wraith, as well as Robbie V. Surrounding them are several trashcans filled to the brim with various weapons - one being on fire. In the center of it all, upon a golden throne replica, is a replica of the American Dream Championship)

Dirk Sullivan: It was… Certainly an experience.

Bobby Bishop: Oh to say the least! There was a LOT of red tape to get through just to be allowed to deep enough within Claudia Michael’s Territory to reach the Castle, but as anyone knows about me, I LOVE to travel, so honestly I used it and made it into a very fun experience for myself to enjoy something that was brand new to me and see just how beautiful the lands of Wrestleworld truly are! It was a whole new world apart from the Rainforest I’d ventured through last episode!

Dirk Sullivan: No offense, Bobby, but I think you might be underselling it all a bit. “Red tape” doesn’t even BEGIN to describe what you and I went through. It took hours for us to be allowed to enter into the Territory at all, and even when we managed to get through, we were plagued by toll booths that were insanely overpriced, constant security stops that required thorough interrogations and pat downs, and a whole slew of signs and false ways that I’m almost certainly were purposely installed to get us lost…

Bobby Bishop: Well, hey, it’s something we can say we have never ever experienced before! I just look at it like this: It’s not about the destination, but the journey!

Dirk Sullivan: The journey was the worst part of it… No, wait, the destination was just as bad.

Bobby Bishop: It wasn’t THAT bad.

(Dirk stares at Bobby in silence)

Bobby Bishop: It was…. Different.

Dirk Sullivan: We were stopped at the gate that was a full mile from where the actual Castle was, and forced to walk the rest of the way for “security reasons”. They completely failed to tell us that there would be guard dogs roaming the rest of the way as well that we would have to attempt to outrun. When we finally made it to the Castle, it took a full two hours before we were allowed in because “it wasn’t showtime”. It wouldn’t have been so bad by that point if not for The Professional literally standing in a window from up above, smoking an entire carton of cigarettes, and flicking still-lit one down at us…

Bobby Bishop: Yeah, but we DID get in eventually.

Dirk Sullivan: Yeah, Bobby, we sure did. How about you tell them how that went then.

Bobby Bishop: I’d be happy to! Okay, so we finally entered the Castle, and needless to say it was gorgeous. We were directly escorted into the arena area by a large convoy of scary-looking suited men with black sunglasses on that I’m pretty sure had weapons on them. But we finally made our way into the arena area that had a very unique Underworld-themed ring set up in the middle of it, surrounded by many trashcans filled with weapons just like the ones we have here.

Dirk Sullivan: Yeah, tell them about the fans in attendance…

Bobby Bishop: Oh, right… Well, there were none. But isn’t that because of social distancing and quarantining? These are trying times after all.

Dirk Sullivan: I’m pretty sure nobody was invited to see the show and no virus would have changed that. They didn’t even seem very enthusiastic to allow us to see the show. There were a handful of people there that you might be able to consider “fans”, but they looked more like thugs.

Bobby Bishop: C’mon, Dirk, don’t judge a book by its cover.

Dirk Sullivan: One of them mugged me though… Whatever, it doesn’t matter. Live and learn and all that.

Bobby Bishop: That’s right, a key part of DOMINION is that each Territory has its own unique way of doing things and it’s our job to adapt to that.

Dirk Sullivan: Exactly, for instance, I’ve now adapted and know not to carry any cash on me. But regardless, we did manage to survive long enough to see the show.

Bobby Bishop: We sure did! And what a show it was! Keep in mind that every match was contested under what we call “Outlaw Rules” in Wrestleworld, which essentially means that there are NO Rules. No rope breaks, no count outs, nothing against utilizing weapons or dirty tactics. It’s as animalistic and brutal as it can get, and the only means of winning commonly for these contests is by pinfall or submission. Doesn’t get anymore simple than that, right?

Dirk Sullivan: That’s right, and regardless of the environment and what the rules were, every single competitor looked more than ready to go to war if that’s what it took to win. So I suppose we should stop going on about our experience and tell the good people of Wrestleworld what they missed through our own eyes.

(Bobby and Dirk step out of the way to show the background behind them display the various matches that took place at DOMINION - selecting first The Professional and Wraith versus Alice Gamer and Raoul)

Dirk Sullivan: This was the opening contest and the only Tag Team match on the entire show, so I was definitely interested in it. Before the bell even rang, Claudia Michaels made her entrance after The Professional and Wraith did, as she took a seat in her Golden Throne with the American Dream Championship on her lap, where she remained surrounded by those suspicious Security Guards for the remainder of the night.

Bobby Bishop: The Professional and Wraith came out in typical black attire to represent Underworld, while Raoul and Alice Gamer both wore more colorful gear. This is the second time in a row we’ve seen the pairing of Raoul and Alice Gamer, and you just knew they were both looking to get some redemption for their unfortunate one-sided loss at the hands of Colt Montoya and Aoi Akuma on the inaugural edition of DOMINION! Raoul has been a part of Wrestleworld for some time now and has proven to be one of the most aggressively determined members of the roster, and you could see that he hoped to use all that he’s learned to perhaps lead the way for the young up and comer in Alice Gamer. Alice herself was bubbly and confident, more than thrilled to be a part of all this and hoping to capture her first win in Wrestleworld! Her enthusiasm was infectious!

Dirk Sullivan: Well what wasn’t infectious was the absolute beatdown she experienced at the hands of The Professional and Wraith from start to finish in this bout. The Professional and Wraith already made their mark on DOMINION in its first episode by defeating War Vessel, and it’s safe to say they continued their dominance in spades at this show; perhaps playing it even more aggressively than usual to put on a show for their Queen as Claudia Michaels seemed to be enjoying it all with an almost look of joy on her face at the sight of Alice Gamer getting picked apart by Underworld. Raoul did everything he could to carry his side of things for his team, but ultimately ended up primarily getting taken out of the equation for Underworld to target and brutalize Alice Gamer. The end came when The Professional and Wraith put Raoul firmly through a table on the outside before deciding to finish off Alice in the ring. Wraith notably kept referring to Alice as “Alyssa” and doing some… Questionable things to his opponent during his assault on her. But ultimately it all ended when The Professional connected with Cut The Crust to the back of Alice’s skull, followed by the Paradise Lost (Corkscrew Split-Legged Moonsault) as he covered Alice for the win at 8:21. Afterwards, Underworld continued to beat down on both Alice and Raoul to please Claudia.

(The screen next displays Havoc versus Reno Dumont)

Bobby Bishop: Now this was a very unique exhibition match that I think a lot of people were looking forward to! This was the first time we got to see a foreign Champion come into the Territory of a different Architect than his own with Havoc, as well as seeing Reno Dumont venture into hostile territory to say the least. And yet, surprisingly, Reno showed no intimidation whatsoever upon arriving to the ring even though the entirety of those surrounding him all looked like they’d love to eat him alive! It was a very tense situation to say the least as we all know that Reno Dumont has quite a history with Claudia Michaels and the Underworld since arriving here in Wrestleworld. You could argue they finished their business with each other back at Badlands where Claudia Michaels held onto the American Dream Championship, but plenty of that animosity was on full display here regardless. Nonetheless, Reno Dumont seemed to almost entire ignore Claudia Michaels’ presence and instead did everything in his power to focus on his opponent and capturing a win over the European Champion!

Dirk Sullivan: That’s right, and good on him for that. Reno is a crafty veteran that I’m sure has been around the block numerous times. Havoc seemed to be of a different mindset though. You could tell he had something on his mind, but I initially just chalked it up to being in a new environment that was of an Architect that’s not his own. But Havoc does have some history with Outlaw Rules here in Wrestleworld as he competed as Christopher Sabertooth in a Ladder Match created by Claudia Michaels, so it wasn’t entirely a new deal to him. Not to mention we’ve seen how Havoc operates in the ring and how prone he is to utilize some questionable tactics, and put weapons to use if possible. He carried his European Championship proudly and looked just as determined as Reno.

Bobby Bishop: Now the match ITSELF… What a match! Both of these men seemed like they had a mission in this contest, and it greatly showed as neither hesitated for even a moment to lay into one another with everything they had! Reno Dumont surprisingly knew how to get the better of his opponent by overwhelming him with sheer strength as he did have a bit of a size-advantage to some extent. But more importantly, Reno made certain to make good use of the weapons available to both men in the trashcans all around the ringside area. Kendo sticks, chains, chairs, and a barbed wire 2x4 were all put to use in this contest as Reno threw caution to the wind at several points in the hope of being able to put away Havoc and capture a victory that could very well put him on track to a future shot at the European Championship. Havoc was getting in less offense than we expected, but seemed to be enduring and even ABSORBING the punishment being dished out by Reno!

Dirk Sullivan: Reno continued to ignore any possible distractions during the contest, even with Claudia Michaels sitting in attendance. Perhaps Reno wanted to set an example for his partner, Nobi, and prove what can be accomplished when you keep your mind focused and don’t let anyone’s presence get in your head. He stuck to that idea and put up a hell of a fight against Havoc. Havoc, on the other hand, did seem much more distracted than we’re accustomed to seeing from him. Maybe his loss to Tristan Killebrew in the King of the World Tournament was eating away at him… It’s hard to say. The match came to its end when Havoc took control and looked to finally put Reno away with the Dead Trigger (Running Knee Strike), only for Reno to catch Havoc on his shoulders and put him through a table set up in the corner with a Running Release Powerbomb. Things were looking grim for the European Champion as Reno set him up for the Death Warrant (Falcon’s Arrow Piledriver). However, Drake & Jones’ theme abruptly blared throughout the entire arena… Even though Jaywalker declared no Architects are allowed in the Territory of other Architects following Episode 1 of DOMINION… But there was no actual sign of Drake & Jones. Nonetheless, the distraction gave Havoc an opportunity to catch Reno with a lowblow and finish it off with the Giga Drill Break (Single Hook Lifting Brainbuster) onto a steel chair for the pinfall victory at 18:13.

Bobby Bishop: And things got more intense following the match when an absolutely furious Reno Dumont came to and attempted to go after Claudia Michaels on her Throne, only to be overwhelmed by her team of Security!

(The screen displays Megalo versus Jimmy Johnson)

Dirk Sullivan: This match was certainly an… Interesting one. Two very unique characters coming together as Megalo has had quite a history with Jimmy’s father, Aoi Akuma. Both of these men have had their recent matches tainted a bit by Akuma as well. Akuma almost seems like a spirit that won’t leave them alone, but he was surprisingly nowhere to be seen for this contest. Megalo seemed to embrace the hostile environment he found himself in while Jimmy seemed to primarily ignore it.

Bobby Bishop: And keep in mind, both of these men were coming off of unfortunate losses in the Second Round of the King of the World Tournament. You could tell that put a lot more weight on their shoulders for them to bear, but more than that it was a huge motivator to the both of them and gave them a reason to seek out some redemption at DOMINION. They may have both lost in the Tournament, but they do both have guaranteed spots in the upcoming “Feast of the Fallen” Match at King of the World for the injured Puppy’s now vacant Championship Opportunity, and you know they’re both going to be hungry for that. This match could have given either one of them the momentum they needed heading into that match.

Dirk Sullivan: The match itself was dominated by Megalo, who seemed to be almost fueled by the Outlaw Rules aspect of it as he conducted himself like the madman he truly is by utilizing weapons and any tactics he needed in order to take control of the contest. And as for Jimmy Johnson, he did his damndest to put up a fight, that’s for sure. He may have even gotten hurt at some point, which hindered him during the bout, but he pushed through it all to give Megalo a competitive contest. And what is it with this family and cockroaches? Johnson attempted to use roaches as a means to win MULTIPLE times. Claudia Michaels even looked disgusted by it all as she watched from her Throne. The end of the match came when Johnson attempted a last-ditch effort to win it all by pulling out an edge-based weapon made from a toy, only to be struck in the head by Megalo who had before pulled out a… Cartoonishly large Sledgehammer. Megalo followed it up with the Emerald Sword (High Impact Swinging Back Elbow to the Back of the Head) for the decisive pinfall victory at 12:01. Afterwards, Megalo celebrated with his “Wrath’s Hammer” while a confused Claudia Michaels tried to understand what she just witnessed.

(The screen displays April Song versus Stephanie Matsuda)

Bobby Bishop: Now this Main Event… I don’t think I can really put it into words, honestly!

Dirk Sullivan: That would be a tall task for anyone. This was something we should have expected, but with the environment and everything going on - I certainly didn’t see it coming.

Bobby Bishop: For some background, as of last Chapter, April Song was lured out of a victory in the King of the World Tournament by The Professional, who essentially took Hana Nakajima hostage - choking her out and leaving her unconscious body somewhere backstage. Stephanie Matsuda, however was attacked by Underworld and forced into defeat in the First Round of the same Tournament. Since then, it’s become clear Stephanie Matsuda is out for Claudia Michaels’ blood while April Song and Hana seem to be in pursuit of The Professional and anyone else who associates with Underworld.

Dirk Sullivan: Got all that? Because that is literally just the tip of the iceberg for these two women. These two have a great deal of history that I’ve watched over the years, and for a moment, I truly believed that the situation they found themselves in on DOMINION would put a damper on any amount of hatred and issues these two had. I was wrong. Dead wrong, in fact. Claudia Michaels looked absolutely thrilled to have a front row seat to this match on her Throne, safely behind her massive team of Security as well as The Professional and Wraith standing by. There was no way Stephanie nor April were going to pull off an attack. But even more importantly, I don’t think that was even on either’s minds… Stephanie Matsuda did suffer a concussion when she was struck in the skull with the American Dream Championship back at Chapter 10, and her health didn’t get much better during a defeat at the hands of The Professional and Wraith on Episode 1 of DOMINION. But did that stop her from showing up tonight? Not in the slightest. We heard what she had to say to April heading into this match. We know how determined she is. I mean, this is a woman who’s bringing a war to Claudia Michaels. She didn’t intend to bring a war to Claudia on this night. She intended to bring a war to nobody but April Song.

Bobby Bishop: I couldn’t have said it better myself! April Song on the other hand, has been through a great deal herself in Wrestleworld! She looked well on her way to perhaps even winning the King of the World Tournament with a huge victory over The Professional in Round One. But this all began when Claudia Michaels essentially declared war on all other females in Wrestleworld, especially those partaking in the King of the World Tournament. This unfortunately included April, and she paid for it. Yet, just like Stephanie, April Song didn’t seem to give a damn about anything other than beating her opponent! It was like she was in her own little world where only she and Stephanie Matsuda exist!

Dirk Sullivan: The match that followed was one of the most competitive, brutal contests I’ve ever witnessed between two opponents. Everything these two athletes did to one another was done specifically to do sheer harm to their opponent well beyond the intention of winning a match. The bad blood between these two was on full display, and the Underworld enjoyed every single second of it from what I could see. Stephanie Matsuda relied on her athleticism to catch April with high-risk, high-reward maneuvers to deal more damage. April Song played to her strengths and exploited the body parts of Stephanie in between catching her within a laundry list of submission maneuvers. At one point April managed to lock in the SDF-1 (Grounded Octopus Hold) that seemed like it might be the end of Stephanie, and yet Matsuda literally refused to stop fighting it. This went on for at least a full 5 minutes before Stephanie finally managed to drag herself out of the ring and break the hold to the dismay of April. Several times I believed the end would be nigh for April when Stephanie caught her with a string of Blue Triggers (Bicycle Knees), followed by a devastating Blasian Suplex (Sleeper Suplex) that dropped April right on her neck. I genuinely thought April had broken her neck, and yet she kicked out of it.

Bobby Bishop: And don’t think these two didn’t shy away from the use of weapons under Outlaw Rules! Far from it! At one point April utilized a steel chain - wrapping it around the head and mouth of Stephanie while locking in a modified STF in the center of the ring! One of the most brutal moments of the contest was when April absolutely refused to be knocked off of the apron, no matter how many Yahtzees (Superkicks) and other offensive maneuvers Stephanie struck her with! Stephanie finally capped off the onslaught with a springboard leap to the apron to catch April with a Blasian Sunrise (Jumping Flipping Piledriver) right onto the unforgiving ring apron! And yet it still wasn’t enough to garner the three count! The sheer brutality and hatred between these two women radiated all throughout the Wrestleworld Castle, but the end ultimately came when Stephanie opted to use every weapon she could possibly get her hands on to punish April before piling up some of those weapons on a seemingly lifeless April. Stephanie perched at the top turnbuckle and went for the Cloud 9 (Corkscrew Shooting Star Press), only to be met with April grabbing a weapon on top of her and putting up her knees for Stephanie to crash onto it ribs-first!

Dirk Sullivan: April immediately capitalized by catching Stephanie in the Double Wrist Lock (Kimura Lock) for minutes, but Stephanie refused to die, prompting April to switch instead back to the SDF-1 (Grounded Octopus Hold). Instead of dragging she and April to the outside, Stephanie opted to use the ropes to force her way up on her feet in the hopes of countering the hold. April instead broke it and turned it into the Professional Disposal I (Rear Naked Choke). The bell quickly rang to signify a Submission Victory at 34:53 to the shock of many, even though I saw no tap out or pass out…

Bobby Bishop: April Song didn’t seem to have either as she looked stunned and blamed Claudia Michaels for calling for the bell. But why would she call for the bell?

Dirk Sullivan: I personally believe that she did it to make Stephanie lose while simultaneously tainting the incredible contest both women put on in the ring. Claudia Michaels had no intention of giving them what these competitors wanted in any way, shape, or form. Most seemed to believe Underworld would get involved, but Claudia clearly had other plans. The match came to an end that left a bitter taste in our mouths, as well as April Song and Stephanie Matsuda, who both brawled with Underworld following the match. They were quickly overwhelmed by the many people there to stop them, from The Professional and Wraith, to dozens of Security Guards. To “punish them for their actions”, Claudia laid out both women with a shot to the skull with the American Dream Championship. The show ended with Claudia and the rest of Underworld standing over both women. An unfortunate way to see it all resolve.

(The screen goes back to normal as Bobby and Dirk step back in the way)

Bobby Bishop: Well there you have it! As controversial as we expected from a show hosted by Claudia Michaels! There may have been some things we certainly don’t agree with, but you can’t deny we saw some incredible action as well!

Dirk Sullivan: Can’t deny that. I had an enjoyable time… During the wrestling, I mean. The rest was pretty horrible and I’m terrified to ever go back.

Bobby Bishop: That’s alright, we’ve got more stops before we come back to it anyway! And as for next DOMINION, there won’t be an episode during King of the World week, but we WILL be back to a new location and a new show with all new matches very soon! Thank you so much for joining us here for Episode 2 of DOMINION. We hope you enjoyed it and we look forward to seeing you all again! I’m Bobby Bishop.

Dirk Sullivan: And I’m Dirk Sullivan.

Bobby Bishop: And we’ll see you next time on DOMINION!

(Bobby Bishop and Dirk Sullivan walk off in opposite directions as the camera focuses on the American Dream Championship resting on the Golden Throne while the camera slowly fades to black)

(Wrestleworld Logo Buzzes)