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Bearing Arms for the Cause of Freedom

By Jim MacDonald

What does it mean to be an American? What do Americans stand for? Is America worth fighting for—and what does that even imply? Is American exceptionalism genuine, and why do we still claim to be exceptional? Finally, would the world be better off if America never existed?  

Unfortunately, today, only true red-blooded American Patriots will answer these questions with an attitude of pride for our country. These same Americans realize what’s at stake. The question is: are these Warriors prepared to withstand the heat and engage in the battle?

Do not be faint of heart! For “We the People” will have the last word—but we must begin to take action now! Marxism has succeeded at removing God from the public square. They’re discrediting the Founding Fathers, and they constantly attempt to minimize the value of the Constitution. But the good news is, the Constitution is still the law of the land. Our hope for the future lies in using the Constitution to save the Constitution.

Can the Constitution really save the Constitution?

The short answer is yes, but not without hard work and dedication from people who still love our nation. First, we must know and study the Constitution. The continuous success of Marxist ideas has occurred because they effectively removed God and civics from the classrooms many decades ago. As a result, we’ve indoctrinated several generations of students who currently run the media, businesses, education, politics, entertainment, and sports. Today, less than 5% of the people could tell you what’s in our founding documents or how critically important knowing our history is—posing a HUGE threat to the stability of our country. George Washington wrote:

“A primary object…should be the education of our youth in the science of government. In a republic, what species of knowledge can be equally important? And what duty more pressing…than communicating it to those who are to be the future guardians of the liberties of the country?”

The future guardians of liberty are educated to adore Marxism and hate capitalism. But, since the Founders understood how easily human nature could become corrupt, they limited the government’s authority by enumerating their powers over our lives. Thus, free enterprise poses a radical threat to the Marxist agenda—justifying their need to distort history and stop educating students on the Constitution.

“It is hardly too strong to say that the Constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers of good intentions…There are men, in all ages…who mean to govern well; but they mean to govern. They promise to be kind masters; but they mean to be masters…They think there need be but little restraint upon themselves…The love of power may sink too deep in their own hearts…”—Daniel Webster

Secondly, we must recognize the Marxist MO (modus operandi). Changing words or expressions to mean something different. Michael Knowles calls these euphemisms that mean soft words selected to sugarcoat harsh realities.  For example:

This list could go on and on but shows how an authoritarian government slowly takes more and more control of our lives. If history has taught us anything, knowing the Constitution is imperative to defending our freedom—and our liberty depends on it.

Thomas Jefferson wrote:

“We in America do not have government by the majority—we have government by the majority who participate…All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.”

The bottom line is the Constitution can save the Constitution. Still, it will require the American people to stop belly-aching and get involved in the process, beginning with understanding our Constitution’s purpose and history. Next, it will take the church re-engaging in the political process, which has been misled into believing they’re not permitted to participate in the public square. Finally, it will take you and me standing up for the truth and not being silenced or scared to offend the sheep who blindly follow their misguided shepherds.

In other words, as Mark Meckler states: It’s time for Americans to get comfortable saying NO to tyranny.

Speaking of Gun Control

The attacks on our first amendment rights, freedom of speech, and religion have been vicious. As a result, the church has been silenced, and countless Americans are afraid to speak up concerning their beliefs for fear of being harassed.

It’s no secret, the next major assault against our freedom will be eliminating our guns and the second amendment. Most executive orders written over the last thirty years against our 2nd amendment are unconstitutional. But, they mislead us because of our lack of knowledge and understanding about our founding documents.

The enemies of freedom know the only thing holding them back from their utopian dream is confiscating our weapons. If this happens, the world, as we know it, will never be the same. With that said, you can count on a brutal assault on the 2nd amendment to the likes we’ve never seen before.

A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.—the 2nd amendment

Our Founding Fathers strongly believed a free people must own and train with guns to keep the government in check. Therefore, the second amendment provides for personal protection and the ability to fight against the possibility of a tyrannical government.

On April 18, 1775, Paul Revere rode into Lexington, Massachusetts, to warn Samuel Adams and John Hancock that the British were coming. The very next day, the “shot heard around the world” occurred. Afterward, the British went to Concord, Ma., to confiscate the ammunition they knew the Americans were storing.

Thankfully, the men in both towns had the guns and the courage to stand their ground, and the British were unsuccessful at both attempts. This story proves that both past and present tyrants recognize they must disarm the electorate to seize power.

Thus far, the oppressors haven’t devised a successful plan for confiscating our guns, so they’ve done the next best thing—made it challenging to purchase ammunition—which is no coincidence.

What did the Founders say about the right to bear arms?  

Of the fifty-five delegates that designed the Constitution, only 39 men signed it. The others refused for two primary reasons—the inability to end slavery and the lack of a bill of rights. All the Founders were adamant about both but believed they must unite the country by issuing the Constitution. They promised that a Bill of Rights would soon follow. Finally, in 1789, the Bill of Rights, housing the second amendment, was submitted to the states for ratification.

To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms, and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them…”—Richard Henry Lee

When the Founders discussed a militia, it consisted of any able-bodied man who could fire a rifle. John Quincy Adams, 6th President of the United States and the son of John Adams, was training with the Minutemen at the age of 8 years old.

“The Constitution should never be construed to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms.”—Samuel Adams

Most modern-day Americans lack knowledge and understand of our Constitution. As a result, they are deceived into believing our right to bear arms is only for the privileged few, determined by the elitist.

“The advantage of being armed is an advantage which the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation. In the several kingdoms of Europe, the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms.”—James Madison


“We the People” must decide if freedom and liberty in America are worth the fight. Then, be determined to crush this Marxist regime and restore the Founder’s original intent of self-governing, freedom-loving, liberty-minded patriots. There is no longer time to be quiet, shy, and mingle on the sideline while the loud minority destroys the greatest country ever to exist.

It only took support from six percent of the American people to fight and win the Revolutionary War against the greatest military on the planet. Is it any wonder why a small percentage of misguided people can impact a culture that hasn’t engaged against the enemy for a hundred years? If we activate ten percent, we’ll destroy Marxism. Increase that number by 5 or 10 percent more, and we’ll eradicate any hope of this agenda presenting itself anytime soon.

Go to the Convention of States website, sign the petition if you haven’t done so yet. Then, watch the videos and become a volunteer. Join the patriots who are working hard to restore our Godly principles and reestablish freedom and liberty in America.  

Through this process, we’ll establish fiscal restraints, limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, and place term limits on Congress and federal officials.

When you study and understand the Constitution of the United States, you’ll play a significant role in restoring this exceptional nation. Then you’ll have the ammunition needed to bear arms for the cause of freedom.