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Blog 5156 Earth cities
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EARTH cities wars with
Porterfield, Wisconsin

Rd-blog-number-5156 by Herb Zinser looks at the BATTLE between cities ….. in this case the information SYMBOL CITIES that are related to EARTH geography cities and EVENTS that occur within that land surface area of the city / region.

Thus we have the SYMBOL CITY comprised of proper nouns and related events … and the background communities and business a sense a STAGE.

  1. Shakespeare – All the world’s a stage – Art of Europe
    Shakespeare – All the world’s a stage … , And all the men and women merely players: …
    Thus we have the modern stage performance …….

  2. hegel - 11
    hegel -3
    Marinette hostage-taker was Boy Scout, popular › News › Wisconsin
    Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
    Nov 30, 2010 – Marinette
    hostage-taker was Boy Scout, popular. Community ponders … Marinette — By all accounts, Samuel Hengel was a nice kid.
    Wisconsin Teen Samuel Hengel Dies After Shooting Self in … › US
    ABC News
    Nov 30, 2010 – A 15-year-old student,
    Samuel Hengel, died today after shooting himself Monday night after holding a teacher and 23 classmates hostage, police said. … Sam as someone who was “active in the Boy Scouts, tae kwan do, …
    Sam  Hengel – EH Extra…/SamuelHengel/…/9…
    Eagle Herald
    Dec 3, 2010 –
    Samuel O. Hengel found peace on Tuesday, Nov. 30, 2010 … He has been raised in Porterfield, Wis. and attended Marinette High School as a .
    Thus we have the information database to construct the SYMBOL MACHINE  military profile of proper  nouns and concepts… that become a source domain that gets mapped to a destination range.

mapping domain range

Thus we have …. the INITIAL sample space … the Sam Hengel BATTLE database that  eventually got mapped by Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE  to  Boston  to create the Boston Marathon bombing.
Thus the  letter equations ….
Boy Scout –> algebra  subset alphabet letters –>  Bo  S  –> Bos –> information pointer to select Boston as a revenge target for the pre-mediated and planned murder of Sam Hengel  using brain manipulation  and string theory physics  ….. using the  power of suggestion  in  thought applications to create human   puppets and WIMPS.
Porterfield –> code –> port er field –> port error field –> route to Post of Boston area
Death of Sam Hengel –> route the death technology  …………   as a feedback signal   to Boston

Civil war feedback control
23 hostages  code  of  living EARTH cell ………….
hengel - 31

Thus the pair of EARTH signaling EVENTS  
…..  Porterfield Boy Scout  –> Port of Boston.
Thus EARTH WAR systems and concepts …

Sample space – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In probability theory, the
sample space of an experiment or random trial is the set of all possible outcomes or results of that experiment. A sample space is …
Multiple sample spaces – ‎Equally likely outcomes – ‎Infinitely large sample spaces
Section 7.1 – Experiments, Sample Spaces, and Events An ……/7.1bfill.p…
University of Houston
sample space is a set consisting of all possible sample points of an experiment. …
Example 3 : An experiment consists of
selecting a letter or a BOY SCOUT  named Sam ……

Let’s look at another blog post that explains several things …and at the end  ….. the PORT of Boston.

EARTH weight TON(s) VERSUS  Boston’s Marathon and the bosTON Mass of Massachusetts

  1. Rd-Blog-number-5156 by Herb Zinser reviews the EARTH weights  and measures  BATTLE in Boston.
    The  tragic signaling   EVENT ..
    The EARTH  heavyweight  ordered
    Boston  Marathon bombings – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Boston Marathon bombings and subsequent, related shootings were a series of attacks and incidents which began on April 15, 2013, when two pressure …‎Pressure cooker bomb – ‎2013 Boston Marathon –
    General relationships between pressure, weight and mass
    by MHP Ambaum – ‎2008 – ‎
    Cited by 1 – ‎Related articles
    Apr 8, 2008 – Abstract. In curved geometries the hydrostatic pressure in a fluid does not equal the weight per unit area of the fluid above it. General …
    Thus we have Nature’s  SYMBOL MACHINE languages and equations and formula  .. the living language that has  military officers   (ROLES and schools of thought) ..such as the military role of GENERAL ( a symbol military officer needed to defend math, physics and chemistry)  … and that role of GENERAL is then assigned by Nature to some human brain ..such as DzhoKHar Tsarnaev.
    General relationships between pressure, weight and mass …
    General of  pressure, weight and mass …
     assigned to Dzhokhar Tsarnaev
    To emphasize this concept of weight and pressure  ….. Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE military system  selected the prominent equations of Boyle for a  military  DEMO on Boylston Street.
    Pressure and volume relationship – Boyle’s law … › GCSE Physics
    Boyle’s law. All the particles (atoms and molecules) of a substance are continually moving and so possess kinetic energy. In gases the movement of the particles …
    The above  picture keywords –> Mass and  Boyle   ..therefore the Darwin military selection of the BATTLE site  by proper noun of Massachusetts and  Boylston  street.

  2. Picture
    Other weight conflicts, debates,  and WARS have occurred.
    Gulf of Tonkin      Resolution – Vietnam War –
    Find out more about the history of
    Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, including videos, interesting articles, pictures, historical features and more. Get all the facts on …‎Videos – ‎Speeches – ‎Westmoreland on the Vietnam – ‎Prospects for Peace in Vietnam
     On August 2, 1964, the destroyer USS Maddox, while performing a
    signals intelligence 

    patrol as part of DESOTO operations, reported being attacked by three North Vietnamese Navy torpedo boats of the 135th Torpedo Squadron.
    Gulf of Tonkin      Resolution – Vietnam War
    Gulf of Tonkin      Resolution
    to the  Carl Jung collective GROUP MIND ….lies, schemes, cover-ups….

    bomb    Boston
    US Standard Mass (Weight)
    in  Massachuesetts – Math is Fun
    Maths Is Fun
    Weight and Mass to find why weight and mass are different.) These are the most common measurements of mass: Ounces; Pounds; Tons …
    Ton to Pounds conversion….
    Metric Conversions
    Ton to Pounds (t to lb) conversion calculator for Weight conversions with additional tables and formulas.‎Metric Tons (or Tonnes) – ‎Short Tons (US) to Pounds – ‎Tonnes to Pounds
    Ton to Pounds conversion
    Ton to Pounds conversion
    Ton to Pounds conversion
     using the President LBJ equation with LB = abbreviation for 1 pound which is equal 16 ounces
    Why are Pound and Ounce Abbreviated as lb and oz…/why-are-“pound”-and-“ounce”-abbrevia
    Mental Floss
    Aug 6, 2013 – Most of our
    abbreviations for units of measurements are pretty straightforward. They are … So how do we get lb for “pound” and oz for “ounce”?
    Why are Pound and Ounce Abbreviated as lb and oz
    Why are Pound and Ounce Abbreviated as lb and oz
    Why are EZRA  Pound and Ounce Abbreviated as LBJ and oz
    Above, we have the equations code…..
    Loomis –> subset code –> Mis = Management  information systems PRISONER of heavy thinking
    May –>  subset letters = Ma  –> physics equation Force = ma
    May 26 –> atomic number of the EARTH ferrous oxide iRON core
    19 –> potassium atomic number 19 used by the K-channel SYMBOL communications system in the human brain
    number 945 –> right  triangle equation  numbers ….. 3,4,5    –> (9, 16, 25 )
    weight              battles …..
    Oklahoma City bombing – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Oklahoma City bombing was a domestic terrorist bomb attack on the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995.‎
    Timothy McVeigh(t) – ‎ ‎Alfred P. Murrah Federal
    Thus in year 2015, Nature’s VIEW ……
    Thus the EARTH and its ton(s) of weight and influence   …… and the year 2015   message processing region ….
    centered on Hubble(ton), Wisconsin.

  1. That is ..the HUbble(ton) wars with the murder of Harron Khan by Watertown  ,,,,,,,  the murder of Boy Scout Sam Hengel caused by Portland  field  errors   ….. routed to Port error field –> Porterfield Wisconsin.
  1. Picture
    Marinette hostage-taker was Boy Scout, › News › Wisconsin
    Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
    Nov 30, 2010 – Marinette — By all accounts,
    Samuel Hengel was a nice kid. … Outside Hengel’s home in Porterfield was a large sign
    Hundreds Attend Wisconsin Hostage Taker’s Funeral « CBS ……/hundreds-attend-wisconsin-hostage-tak…
    Dec 5, 2010 – Sophomore
    Samuel Hengel shot himself after police stormed a classroom at … Hengel, of Porterfield, had been holding most of the students and their … They hung up Hengel’s Boy Scout and tae kwon do uniforms and his …
  1. Port of Boss in Boston
  2. The Port of Boston, is a major seaport located in Boston Harbor and adjacent to the City of Boston. It is the largest port in Massachusetts as well as being one of the principal ports on the east coast of the United States.
  1. Below Boston
    The  EARTH  BOY (the Clay of the Clayton name ..his mother’s maiden name)  
    who was a BOY SCOUT from the Port of Porterfield Wisconsin
    with the EARTH iron core  represented by  the Marinette IRON shipyards
    the Port of Boss in Boston  .. a region  of ELITE and SUPERIOR humans that  refuse  to communicate about REALITY matters.
    Below, Marinette ( the high school attended by Sam Hengel of  Porterfield)
    Below, Boston container ship
    Below, the Port of  Porterfield container ship with the body of  Sam Hengel  …..whose is going to Base 16 hexadecimal Hex’af’= 175 region of  COMPUTER  EARTH  data space.
    code –> Coffin –> Co + ff + in
    –> code  Hex’ff’ = 255 = High-values   input to the Hex’AF’ = Afterlife region
    Uncle Sam  and sample space WANTS Sam Hengel
    His murder equation and the 23rd Psalm –> murder –>M  + Ur + der
    M –> M-theory physics and bio-physics
    Thus code 23 and Ur –> uranium 235 and 238 signals about the Margaret Mead atomic social science murder systems approved by citizens and universities like MIT and Boston University
    Thus we see the SYMBOL MACHINE wars between 2  communities ………
    the  code –> Bo  (Boy Scout murder)    ..information pointerr to Bo = Boston  and their  lies  and errors regarding the Kenendy assasinations .   the TRUE NATURE of EARTH LANGUAGE  location site ….. Cape Cod(e), etc.
    Thus Boston has lied about the year 63  (1963) President Kennedy assassination  ….
    and those lies created the Route 29 murders in the OHMs LAW region of Virginia.
    Route 29 murder case still unsolved –…/
    May 12, 2014
  1. Route 29 in Culpeper,

  1. Virginia,  
    lies a wooden cross weathered by time, and some artificial flowers.
    Below, the EARTH Language and  EARTH surface  electron continuum  with the message processing region being the EARTH geography state of VIR  –> Virginia.