Psychosis Relapse Prevention Worksheet

Area of Reflection

Reflective Question

Understanding Your Triggers

List the situations, emotions, or thoughts that can trigger your symptoms.

Identifying Early Warning Signs

What are the early signs that you might be experiencing a relapse? (e.g., sleep disturbances, changes in thought patterns)

Coping Strategies

What strategies have you found effective in managing stress and symptoms?

Action Plan for High-Risk Situations

Describe the steps you will take if you notice early warning signs of relapse.

Support Network

Who can you reach out to for support during difficult times?

Health and Wellness Activities

What daily or weekly activities can you engage in to support your well-being?

Professional Help

List the contact information for your mental health care providers.


Zubin, J., & Spring, B. (1977). Vulnerability—A new view of schizophrenia. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 86(2), 103-126.

Beck, A. T., Rush, A. J., Shaw, B. F., & Emery, G. (1979). Cognitive therapy of depression. Guilford press.

You can download more Mental Health worksheets here.

Please note: There may be a more up-to-date and editable version of this worksheet available here which may be more suitable to present to clients if you are a therapist or to use in a classroom as a teacher or guidance counsellor.

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