The deep blue sea and me.

By Hannah

Me and Milo were playing in the sand.When Milo said let's take a dip in the sea with these tins.’Okay.’ I said. I grabbed the mini umbrella,and took it with me. But . . . then 5 minutes later there, was a big wave! And me and Milo went in different directions!

I was stuck out at sea! For what felt like years and years! But then I saw someone swimming towards me. It was a . . . a . . . person!?! She picked me up and swam back onto the sand. ‘What is that! Disgusting thing?’ yelled someone the girl called Mum and Dad? They said you can not keep that!’

‘But what they call the weekend, she took me everywhere to show her Mum and Dad how much she loved me! And it worked.

The end.