Garden Rental Plot Guidelines & Agreement (2024)
Mission Statement: The mission of The Community’s Garden is to showcase the connection between a community’s well-being and nature. The Garden will be a laboratory for learning that will provide access to gardening, a place for healing and camaraderie, an opportunity for education and a way to work together to be good stewards of our land.
Purpose of The Community’s Garden rental plots: Provide garden plots for households or groups to grow food.
Keep your plot clean and the garden tidy.
I am responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of my garden plot. Watering, weeding, harvesting and any other garden related maintenance is my responsibility. I will place all garden waste and spent plants into the compost area for pick up. I will remove all rocks from my garden plot, and I will walk them over to the far west fence line of the garden and line them up at the base of the fence line. This helps remove rocks from areas we till and reinforces the fence line. If my plot is not maintained and is excessively weedy, as deemed by garden administrators, I understand I will be given 1 week’s written notice to clean it up. After the expiration of one week’s time, if the plot is still not maintained, viable produce will be donated to a food pantry and the plot will be mowed over. No compensation or refunds will be granted for losses of crops or rental fee. I will keep trash/litter out of the plot, pathways and garden. If I find unwanted nonorganic materials, I will remove them and deposit them in my own home trash/recycling. Whatever nonorganic material I bring in, I will take out. I will store my own garden hose off site or coiled up in my own garden plot. When moving a hose from the water site to my plot, I will keep the hose on paths, paying particular attention in keeping it clear of entering another’s garden plot.
Participate in maintaining the garden.
I will start preparing my garden plot right after tilling and keep it planted all summer long. I am responsible for clearing my garden plot of what I put into it. This includes stakes, plastic fencing, etc. as well as all plant material, either when my plants are no longer viable or by Nov. 15. The plot will be left as I found it in the spring. Plots will be tilled annually and, depending on conditions of the season this may occur in the spring or fall. I will volunteer at the garden for 2 hours on tasks to tidy the garden as a whole (not including your own plot). If I must abandon my plot for any reason, I will notify, in writing, The Community’s Garden Administrators at PO Box 14, Sturgeon Bay WI 54235 or send via email to
Become oriented to the garden and its rules.
I will wait patiently for the garden to be tilled. I will complete a garden orientation document and return it by mail. I will pay a fee of $50 to help offset a portion of garden expenses ($60 for raised beds). After completing garden guidelines, paying the plot fee and allowing time for tilling/amending, I will be able to plant in my garden plot (all renters will be notified via email when plots are ready for planting). Water is available for irrigation only. Do not drink water from irrigation sources. Perennials are not allowed, know which type of plant you are planting! Mint and strawberries are perennials. Use “Approved Materials List” for applications acceptable for use at the garden, as well as for mulch and in garden path options.
Be considerate of your neighbors.
Gardeners come to the garden for many reasons. Read the body language of others. Some gardeners are seeking peace and quiet some are looking for engagement. Do not dig trenches, if you want to dig trenches do so within the confines of your own plot, not in commons areas. Plant tall crops only where they will not shade neighboring plants; plants should be <36” and when they have the potential to be tall, they should be planted in the middle of the plot – planted north to south. Discourage theft by harvesting crops promptly. Garden during natural daylight hours - from dawn to dusk. Just like in any community setting, children are welcome in the garden but must be supervised directly by an adult. Pets are not allowed in the garden. DO NOT ENTER into another garden plot unless given permission for that entry at that time by another garden plot renter.
Be responsible.
I understand that I am responsible for my own actions. I therefore agree to hold harmless The Community’s Garden organizers, owners and lease holders of the land from any liability, damage, loss or claim that occurs in connection with use of the garden by me or any of my guests. A subcommittee of volunteers, comprised of gardeners, community partners and The Community’s Garden Board Members is responsible for ensuring that the rules are followed at all times. If you have questions about the garden or gardening, or are unable to abide by the contract due to extraneous reasons, please contact Carmen Schroder at 920.495.1775 or Jenny Spude at 920.559.6871
In exchange for the ability to use a community garden plot I, the undersigned Community Gardener, agree as follows:
By signing this agreement, I am acknowledging I have:
Signed:______________________________________ Dated: ___________________
Please Print: ____________________________ (Name) _______________________________ (mailing address)
____________________________ (phone) _______________________________ (email)
_____________________________(garden plot number, if you know)
Return this signed agreement along with annual plot fees to:
Carmen Schroeder, 1457 N. 12th Place, Sturgeon Bay WI 54235
For The Community’s Garden Administrative use only:
PLOT NUMBER ISSUED/Comments: ______________________________________________________________