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Internship in Educational Leadership syllabus
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Internship in Educational Leadership

Cost:  $679

Credits: 4

Course Format: Online

Laurietta Jones

Catalog Description:

This course is designed to provide Educators with opportunities to incorporate administrative practices and leadership responsibilities within a K-12 school setting. The knowledge and skills described in the PSEL (Professional Standards for Educational Leadership and the NELP (National Educational Leadership Preparation program standards) will be utilized.  

Required Text

 Leadership in Education, A case study approach e-book (new as of March 9, 2024)

Other Materials  


On school culture you may wish to review Deal, T. E., and Peterson, K. D., Shaping School Culture: The Heart of School Leadership, 2003

o   on teamwork you may wish to review Patrick Lencioni’s book, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team





Course Objectives:

  1. Describe the Educational Leadership Constituent Council (ELCC) Standards Matrix.
  2. Explain measures that can be taken regarding a school’s security.
  3. Explain the four decision models.
  4. Describe school culture and teacher empowerment.
  5. Describe effective staff development.



This course addresses the following student learning outcomes to the degree shown in the table. Degree Addressed is rated according to the following scale:


1=Basic, 2=Developing, 3=Proficient, 4=Advanced


Student Learning Outcome

Degree Addressed

1. Demonstrate growth in content knowledge related to teaching assignment and the

application of content knowledge to classroom instruction and assessment.


2. Understand scientifically based practices in teaching and learning, including strategies

in literacy education, instructional technology, differentiation of instruction, and apply them to raise student achievement.


3. Demonstrate multiple means of assessing and evaluating student learning and use them

to change teaching and learning.


4. Locate, interpret, synthesize, and apply educational research in best practices in teaching.


5. Understand models for professional change, including teacher collaboration, professional learning communities, strategies for mentoring and coaching to facilitate

change, and effective professional development.


6. Demonstrate understanding of reflective practice that results in improved classroom teaching and learning, including teacher reflection, use of technology in self-

assessment, collaboration for change, and self-management of change.


7. Demonstrate understanding of system and organizational change in education, including models for school change and current research and trends in school change.


8. Demonstrate responsibility for student learning at high levels.


9. Demonstrate responsibility for school reform and leadership in school change.






Student Effort (hours)

Read Textbook (171 total pages)



Read PSEL 2015 (40 pages)



Why do you want to be a School Leader?

1 page essay



Write a 1 page paper introducing your mentor.



Chapter 1 - 22

Read and answer the Problem Framing Questions and Suggested Activities questions in EACH chapter



Reflection sheet




Pre, Post and Observation (3 pages)

Each  oservation must include all three forms.

Mentee fills out pre and post.

Mentor fills out an observation form.



10 Weekly logs



2 page paper



Intern Evalation



2 page paper







1. Apply your Knowledge -1 page paper

Write a 1 page paper explaining why you want to become an Administrator/School Leader.

2. Research -1 page paper

Write a 1 page paper introducing your mentor. Be sure to include name, years of experience, why he/she elected to become your mentor, what you hope to learn from him/her, contact information and any additional information that you believe to be relevant. Be sure to have your mentor sign this paper.

3. Apply your Knowledge -  Explanation

Read Chapter 1 - 22, Read and answer the Problem Framing Questions and Suggested Activities questions in EACH chapter.

4. Apply your Knowledge - Reflections Sheet

Complete Reflection Sheet - Select one of the activities from the weekly log and expand on your experience.

5. Apply your Knowledge - Observations

Complete 3 observations - (Print the Observation activity forms)

You will be observed by your mentor completing any tasks below:

Any activity with direct involvement with key stakeholders of the school: students, teachers, parents, community partners. These activities can include: conferences, meetings, budgeting, scheduling, policies, community involvement, professional development, etc..

6.  Apply your Knowledge - Weekly Logs 

Complete 10 weekly logs during the school year.

(Print out the Weekly logs)

7. Apply your Knowledge - 2 page paper

1 page paper - Write a 1-page paper about what you have learned about becoming an administrator/school leader.

8. Apply your Knowledge - Intern Evaluation

Have your mentor complete the intern evaluation form and email to your instructor.

9. Apply your Knowledge - 2 paper

Write a 2 page paper about your vision for school leadership. Be sure to answer the following questions. What is the importance of educational leadership? What are the challenges of being a school leader? What is the difference between school management and school leadership? Are there any special challenges for a teacher in becoming a school leader in their building




Clearly show how students will earn grades.  It is best to tie this back to the Course Requirements in some way. A common grading scale is shown below, but instructors can deviate as they see fit. Please note that CSU-Pueblo does not offer C- grades



Grade Level


100% to 90%



89% to 80%



79% to 70%



69% to 60%



59% and below





For best results use Google Chrome or any updated web browser.

Read the assignment requirements before completing the required reading and videos.

Turn in assignments once ALL have been completed.

The process

Educators will order the course on the website,

SSA will send a course syllabus as well as a textbook for free. (if required) After the assignments are completed and have been graded by the instructor, the instructor will then send an email stating that the coursework is up to standard or provide opportunities to revise and resubmit the work. Revision opportunities will be granted until the coursework has met the standard. Student may then order a transcript from the university.

Grading & Transcripts

Please allow 3-5 business days for instructor feedback and grading. Verify that all grades and credits are posted to your student record prior to ordering official transcripts.

Verify that all grades and credit hours have been processed before ordering an official transcript.  

Payments and Refunds

Payment in full is due upon registration.  Students can get a refund up to 7 days from the date of purchase minus a $50 cancellation fee. It is your responsibility to check with your district BEFORE registering to confirm they will accept these credits.

How to Submit coursework

Do not submit coursework until ALL the sections are complete. Students will submit coursework via email attachment. (Word document or PDF) Send directly to

Within the subject line include your name and course title.

Example:  Subject:  John Doe, How to conduct a residency investigation

Formatting Requirements

Use size 12-point font and double spacing. Use your own styling format or an APA writing style format.

Academic Dishonesty

 Academic dishonesty is any form of cheating that results in students giving or receiving unauthorized assistance in an academic exercise or receiving credit for work which is not their own. In cases of academic dishonesty, the instructor will follow protocol as identified by their department. Academic dishonesty is grounds for disciplinary action by both the instructor and the Director of Student Conduct and Community Standards. Any student found to have engaged in academic dishonesty may receive a failing grade for the work in question, a failing grade for the course, or any other lesser penalty which the instructor finds appropriate. To dispute an accusation of academic dishonesty, the student should first consult with the instructor. If the dispute remains unresolved, the student may then state their case to the department chair (or the dean if the department chair is the instructor of the course). A student may appeal a grade through the Academic Appeals Board, if eligible.

Academic dishonesty is a behavioral issue as well as an issue of academic performance. As such, it is considered an act of misconduct and is also subject to the University conduct process as defined in the CSU Pueblo Student Code of Conduct. Whether or not disciplinary action has been implemented by the faculty, a report of the infraction should be submitted to the Office of Student Conduct & Community Standards who may initiate additional disciplinary action. The decision by the Office of Student Conduct & Community Standards may be appealed through the process outlined in the Student Code of Conduct.

 Student Conduct

 Students are required to follow the policies set within the Student Code of Conduct at CSU Pueblo. This Code can be found on the Student Affairs website at Students with questions regarding any guidelines within the Code should contact the Director of Student Conduct and Case Management at 719-549-2092.



 If you have a documented disability that may impact your work in this class and for which you may require accommodations, please see the Disability Resource & Support Center (DRSC) as soon as possible to arrange services. The DRSC is located in LARC 169, and can be reached by phone (719-549-2648) and email (



Mandatory Reporting

 Colorado State University Pueblo is committed to maintaining respectful, safe, and nonthreatening educational, working, and living environments. As part of this commitment, and in order to comply with federal law, the University has adopted a Policy on Discrimination, Protected Class Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, Intimate Partner Violence, Stalking, & Retaliation. You can find information regarding this policy, how to report violations of this policy, and resources available to you, on the Office of Institutional Equity’s website (

Please familiarize yourself with the reporting requirements of this policy. Because faculty and staff at CSU Pueblo are "Responsible Employees,” we have to report to the Director of the Office of Institutional Equity if you tell us that you were subjected to, or engaged in, any of the following acts: discrimination, protected class harassment, sexual misconduct, intimate partner violence, stalking, and retaliation.

Need a Transcript

Our academic partner will provide your transcript. After we have emailed you your final grade, your transcript will be available within 10 business days.

Course Deadline

Final coursework must be submitted within 6 months of registering for the course. 


Course Rubric



Unacceptable -

Proficient - B grade level work

Advanced- A grade level work

Read and Answer

Work is unacceptable. Student must redo.


Adequate use of proper grammar and spelling.

Questions were answered.


Proper use of grammar and spelling.

Questions were answered thoroughly.

Apply your Knowledge

Work is unacceptable. Student must redo.

Topic researched and explained.

Topic completely researched and explained in a detailed manner.




Research paper



Work is unacceptable. Student must redo.



Adequate use of proper grammar and spelling.


Information is shown.




Proper use of grammar and spelling.


Information is documented  thoroughly.


Meticulously summarizes key terms.