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Updated automatically every 5 minutes


Every league start/end dates and game times are posted online.  Start/end dates and game times are subject to change based on field availability, rainouts, and unforeseen circumstances, which may arise. Team schedules are posted after registration is closed and all payments have been received.  Schedule requests must come from team captains, and must be submitted in writing at least three [3] business days prior to the start of Week 1 games.  SFCS or SOCO reserves the right to schedule any team for any of the advertised dates and game times posted on the league homepage.  These dates could shift causing an extension of league play if a league suffers several rainouts during the advertised months.  Bye requests will likely result in teams playing doubleheaders before or after their week off.


Being in South Florida, we do happen to experience our fair share of weather issues.  Game stoppage could be for any reason that prevents us from finishing a game (weather, lightning, lights malfunction, running out of time on the field, park error, injury….etc).  Games that are in progress will be considered a legal game and score based on the following rules:


Games that fall on religious holidays that occur on dates other than recognized statutory holidays by the federal government will not be rescheduled by South Florida or SOCO Club Sport.  Individuals and teams affected by this policy are absolutely free to choose not to play their games; however, South Florida or SOCO Club Sport will not be responsible for rescheduling of games or any financial damages for teams or individuals wishing to observe their religious holidays.


  1. The following holidays will be automatic byes for all leagues:
  1. New Years Day (Jan. 1)
  2. Easter Sunday
  3. Memorial Day Weekend (Friday-Monday)
  4. Fourth of July (July 3 & 4) & possibly the 2nd or 5th depending where they fall in the week.
  5. Labor Day Weekend (Friday-Monday)
  6. Thanksgiving Weekend (Wednesday-Sunday)
  7. Christmas Eve through New Years Eve(Dec. 23 - Dec.31)

Given the amount of rainouts and potential days off, Club Sport plays on all “HALLMARK” holidays.  A basic rule of thumb is unless parks/venues are closed, games will be scheduled.  

Club Sport will schedule games on the following days for all teams, unless a request was submitted prior to the start of the season: for the following holidays unless a majority of teams request a bye prior to Week 1. Club Sport reserves the right to cancel games:

  1. MLK Weekend
  2. Valentine's Day
  3. St. Patrick's Day
  4. Cinco De Mayo
  5. Mother's Day & Father's Day
  6. Columbus Day
  7. Halloween
  8. Veteran's Day