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Surgery Fund Instruction Packet
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Surgery Fund Instruction Packet

This Instruction Packet will walk you through every question in our application form.

The goal of this packet is to give you the opportunity to carefully think about these questions and your responses ahead of time, so you can submit a high-quality application.

Important Notes:

  • Be sure to review our Frequently Asked Questions before you continue with this packet.
  • You must be 18 years of age or older at the time of your surgery (not necessarily at the time of your application.)
  • The application period begins November 1 and the deadline to apply is November 30 at 11:59pm EST.  The timing of when you submit your application (beginning of the month vs. end of the month) will not affect your likelihood to be considered for funding.
  • No applications will be accepted after the deadline.
  • Only one response per applicant will be reviewed. (In the event of a duplicate response, only the first application will be considered.)
  • All application submissions are final. You will not be able to edit your responses.
  • All applications MUST be submitted through the form provided at the end of this packet. Please do not submit answers via email or snail mail—they will not be reviewed.

Last updated: October 29, 2024

© 2016–2024 Point of Pride. All rights reserved.

Section 1: General Information

We will communicate with you via email regarding the status of your application. We ask for your phone number as a back-up means of communication. Point of Pride is committed to protecting your privacy. Read our Privacy Policy

US-Based Applicants Only

International Applicants Only
(800 character limit)

Due to our non-profit status, all surgeries must be performed in the United States and its territories. That means in order to apply, you have to be physically and financially able to travel to the United States for your care. At this time, our grants cannot be applied to travel, lodging, or other logistical expenses. We’ll ask you to share:

Support Person

Some folks need added support with their application due to language barriers, disability, inconsistent access to the Internet, or other factors. Both you and your support person will be included on all emails regarding your application. If you choose to add a support person, we encourage you to notify your support person ahead of time to get their consent.

Section 2: Demographic Information

The optional demographic info collected in this section helps us identify additional grant and partnership opportunities, and better serve our applicants and community in the future. Your responses will not affect your eligibility for this (or any other) Point of Pride program. It is for statistical use only, and you may decline providing some or all of this information:

Section 3: Information About Your Surgery

We ask these questions to better understand your situation, and in case we are able to connect you with other resources and opportunities. Please answer as honestly as you can:

Section 4: Short Answer Responses

In the last section of the application, you will complete four short answer responses. These prompts are highlighted below. Please read the explanation and examples beneath each question, so you understand what our reviewers are looking for.

To ensure a fair and unbiased review, applications are reviewed anonymously. In your written responses, please do not include your name or other personally identifying information, such as your full name, links to a personal website or GoFundMe page, links to social media pages, or anything else that could be used to determine who you are.

You will have 800 characters for each short answer response, which is roughly 160 words.

Your application is completely confidential and will only be shared with the review team for the purpose of reviewing your application. In the event that you are a recipient of our program, nothing you disclose is shared publicly without your permission and approval.

We are looking for authenticity in your responses. If you choose to use AI such as ChatGPT, we ask that you do so as a tool to edit what you have already written, not create answers entirely.

Note: This is not an English test. We will NOT consider grammar/spelling or writing ability when reviewing your responses. Above all, please give us detailed, thorough responses so we understand your unique situation.

  1. Describe your current financial situation. 
    (800 character limit)
    This question impacts our decision-making process more than any other response. We ask this question to understand the expenses and circumstances that have created your financial need, as well as your lack of access to outside support. Examples of what you can discuss here are:
  1. Describe all attempts you have made before to afford gender-affirming care, including savings, fundraising, or insurance. 
    (800 character limit)
    We ask this question to understand what steps you have taken in your healthcare journey, and that you fully understand the financial roadblocks unique to your situation and have exhausted different potential solutions to overcome them. Examples of what you can discuss here are:
  1. obtaining insurance or changing insurance providers
  2. navigating multiple or conflicting responses from insurance providers
  3. inquiring with your current insurer about gender affirming coverage
  1. appealing an insurance denial for surgery
  1. seeking CareCredit or financing for surgery
  1. creating a surgery-specific savings account
  2. creating a fundraiser, GoFundme, etc.
  3. taking on an additional job
  1. inability to save money due to disability benefits and/or immigration status
  2. inability to crowdfund due to employment status and/or immigration status
  3. inability to take on an additional job due to student, disability, immigration, and/or caregiver status
  4. inability to finance surgery due to existing debt, poor credit score, and/or immigration status

  1. Describe your preparations for surgery and post-operative care: any research you have done, any consultations you have had, and pre- and post-operative considerations.
    (800 character limit)
    This question helps us understand where you are in your healthcare journey around gender-affirming surgery and how comfortable and knowledgeable you are with the details of what surgery might involve. Examples of what you can discuss here are:
  1. pre-op considerations, such as your procedure type, your employment situation if applicable, plans for family members you currently provide for
  2. post-op recovery considerations, such as staying with family, chosen family, friends, neighbors, hired personnel/staff, and other caregivers, or what this means for your employment situation and time off from work if applicable
  3. selecting a preferred surgeon or seeking consultations, such as consultations you've had or will have or downpayments towards care
  4. if traveling for surgery: plans for lodging, transportation, and the caregivers that might accompany you
  5. if living in an an unsupportive housing environment (i.e., with family members who do not affirm your identity) or navigating housing insecurity: plans for post-op care and ensuring your safety is prioritized
  6. if a caregiver to children and/or dependent adults: plans for their needs while you have surgery and recover

  1. Tell us something else about yourself. 
    (800 character limit)
    Each of us is so much more than just our trans identity. We ask this question because we want to have a better understanding of who you are as a person. Without sharing identifying information, tell us: what makes you, you? Examples of what you can discuss here are:

Apply Now
Click the link below to access the application form: 

Applications are open on November 1.
The deadline to apply is November 30 by 11:59pm EST.
All applications must be submitted online.