The name of this Committee is the Argonne Elementary School Site Council. Throughout these bylaws it is referred to as the “SSC.”


The Argonne Elementary SSC will follow State guidelines and be consistent with policies of the San Francisco Unified School District. The SSC is expected to:


Advise the school regarding the planning, budgeting, implementation and evaluation of the School Site Plan. (See EC [Ed Code = state education laws] 52853.)


Study and refine the School Site Plan (School Plan for Student Achievement - SPSA) to meet the educational needs and learning styles of all students. At Argonne Elementary the needs of SFUSD targeted students will be especially supported: Special Education students, English Language Learners and other underserved students as deemed by student data.  The School Site Plan will include related staff development activities for adults working with these students.  (See SFUSD Strategic Plan and EC 52853)


Support the Goals of the District:

a.) Access & Equity: Make social justice a reality.

b.) Student Achievement: Engage high achieving and joyful learners.

c.) Accountability: Keep our promises to students and families.

(See SFUSD Strategic Plan).


Emphasize the role of the parent as the first teacher of the child and provide opportunities for all parents develop the intellectual, social, and physical abilities of their children.


Take other actions as required by the California Education Code.



Section 1.

Composition and Size. To meet SFUSD and State guidelines for elementary schools, the SSC will consist of a minimum of ten members and include a broad representation of parents/community members, and staff. The SSC will include a range of socioeconomic and ethnic groups representative of the school student body. (See EC 52853.)


  1. Half of the SSC will consist of the principal, classroom teachers (PreK-5), and other school personnel. (Teachers will be the majority of this half of the SSC).
  2. Every staff and faculty members will be elected by their respective peer groups.


  1. The other half of the SSC will consist of parents (Pre-K-5) and community members. (Parents will be the majority of this half of the SSC.)
  2. No employees of the school site may serve as a parent or community representatives of their SSC where they work (although they can serve for the staff half of the SSC).
  3. All parents and community representatives will be elected by parents of the school.


A minimum number of alternates will be voted into the SSC at a regular election:

  1. Two alternates to represent classroom teachers.
  2. One alternate to represent other staff.
  3. Two alternates to represent parents and/or community.

Alternates will also be elected by their respective peer group.


The SSC will have at least these minimum number of members:

  • 1 Principal
  • 0 Other Administrator
  • 4 Classroom Teachers
  • 5 Parents or Community Members

10 total

(If the council is larger, the ratios shown in “A & B” above must be maintained.)

Section 2.

Election of Members and Term of Office. The election procedures must be consistent with the District policy. Elections for SSC members and alternates will occur every two years, during the even-numbered years.  Elected members and alternates and will serve for two years until their successors have been elected and qualified. Newly elected members will assume their office at the regular meeting during the month of October.  (Staggered terms are recommended to establish better continuity of experience on the council. Consider having some members run for a one-year term to begin the staggering. You would then run elections each year.)

Section 3.

Termination of Membership. Membership should automatically terminate for any member who is absent from (three) consecutive meetings. The SSC may also suspend or expel a member for cause by affirmative vote of two-thirds of all the members of the SSC.

Section 4.

Alternates. An elected alternate may be seated in place of an absent SSC member. Any seated alternate will have voting power for the meeting at which he/she is officially seated by the SSC.

Section 5.

Vacancy. Any vacancy on the SSC will be filled for the remainder of the un-expired term through the appointment of a duly elected alternate.  It is recommended that The alternate who received the most votes in the regular election shall be appointed.  If the composition of the SSC falls below minimum membership and no alternatives are available, vacancies for the unexpired term must be filled by a new regular election.


Section 1.

The officers of the SSC will be: Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, and other officers as the SSC deems desirable.

Section 2.

Election and Term of Office. The officers of the SSC shall be elected bi-annually by majority vote of the SSC members and shall serve for the term of their election.

Section 3.

Duties. The duties of the officers:


  1. Preside at all meetings and sign documents as directed by the SSC.
  2. Prepare an agenda for each meeting and publicly post the agenda at the school site 72 hours in advance of each SSC meeting.


  1. Assume the duties of the Chairperson during his/her absence.
  2. Perform other such duties as be assigned by the Chairperson or by the SSC.


  1. Receive and handle all mail addressed to the SSC.
  2. Keep a current roster of SSC members, including addresses and telephone numbers.
  3. Keep the minutes of all meetings, including attendance and summary reports.


The SSC will form any committees required to carry on the work of the Council.

Section 1.

Quorum. The quorum for any committee meeting will be a majority (i.e. greater than 50%) of its members.

Section 2.

Selection of committee members. The committee chairperson and members of committees will be appointed by the SSC Chair, subject to the ratification by the Council.

Section 3.

Reporting responsibilities. Committee chairs will present work plans and recommendations to the SSC for approval.


SSC members will:

  1. Attend all council meetings on time, or inform the secretary of the expected absence to assign an alternate.
  2. Accept a position as a committee officer or member when appointed or elected.
  3. Actively participate in workshops and training sessions to increase knowledge of the school site council's purpose and functions
  4. Regularly report SSC proceedings and actions to their own peer groups, and bring back peer group recommendations to the SSC.
  5. Review and approve budgets and school plans (i.e. Balanced Score Card).


Section 1.

Regular Meetings. SSC will be held 6 to 8 times a year.  Meeting times will be 5:30-6:30pm in the Learning Center Room or Library or via Zoom.

Section 2.

Notice of Meetings. Members must be notified of regular meetings at least 72 hours in advance. (Consider listing modes of communication such as e-mail, phone calls, etc.) A meeting notice and agenda must also be posted in a regular public location at the school site at least 72 hours prior to each meeting.

Section 3.

Emergency Meetings. Emergency meetings may be called by the Chairperson, the principal or by a majority vote of the SSC. A meeting notice and agenda must be posted in a public location at the school site at least 24 hours prior to an emergency meeting.

Section 4.

Meetings Open to School Community. All regular and emergency meetings of the SSC or special committees will be open at all times to members of the school community. Notification will be posted in a timely manner according to Article VII, Section 2.

Section 5.

Order of Meetings. All regular and emergency meetings of the SSC will be conducted in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order or an appropriate adaptation. Meetings of the SSC shall be conducted with the intention of reaching consensus. We require 2/3 (7 out of 10) votes for budget; majority (6) votes for all others.

  • Vote by hand, optional use of ballot.

Section 6.

Comments by the parent, community members, administrators, staff, faculty or parents not on the SSC. The SSC will allow anyone who is not representing SSC but wants to make comments in the meeting will require a written request 24 hours in advance.

Section 7

Quorum. All meetings of the SCC must have a quorum present. A quorum shall consist of greater than 50% of the SSC membership.


These bylaws may be amended by the SSC. The proposed amendments must have been presented and discussed at one regular meeting and noted on the agenda for review.


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Signatures of other SSC members:

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