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Tips & Recommendations for Managing Distress Related to Novel Coronavirus
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Tips & Recommendations for Managing Distress Related to Novel Coronavirus

Wellness Center for Health and Counseling

                             315-445-4440 (Health)                 315-445-4195 (Counseling)


On-going news reports about the novel coronavirus, travel restrictions, and concerns for our own and our loved one’s health, may contribute to increased mental and emotional health distress. Please reach out to our office or other campus resources if you (or another student you know) are experiencing any of the following:  

Tips for Managing Emotional/Psychological Distress

Mutual Trust, Respect, Civility & Dignity

 The Wellness Center is aware that fear and anxiety can lead to mistrust, bias, prejudice, discrimination, stereotyping, and microaggressions, which we are committed to proactively combating. In an effort to maintain and promote mutual trust, respect, civility and dignity in our community, please consider practicing the following: