Letter Templates You Can Use
Here are a few letter templates to give you ideas, to copy, customize and paste in your letter writing campaign. Click on the link to see the full text of each letter. Please e-mail me any letters you think others could use and I’ll include them here.
Letter #1A Template - To David McGuinty and John Fraser
Otto's BMW in Canada is Tarnishing the BMW brand
Otto's BMW Seeking Approval to Pave 4 Acres of the Hunt Club Forest
Posting on the Friends of Mud Lake, an eco-friendly Facebook group. The posting generated a couple of hundred signatures on the petition.
Letter #12- Generic Motion for consideration by Ottawa City Council
A generic motion drafted by Dr. Daniel Buckles and Debra Huron for CAFES.
Letter #13 - Letter to the Editor
This text has been suggested on the Facebook group as a good letter to the editor.
Letter #21 - Letter to MP Mona Fortier from Sahir Seif
Letter #22 - Letter to Minister of Transport from Michael Vorobej
Letter #23 - Letter to Opposition Party Critics from Eric Snyder
Letter #24 - Letter to Minister of Transport / Minister of Environment from Eric Snyder
Letter #25 - Letter To Minister of Transport / Environment from Marianne Arignello
How to Write a Good Protest Letter
Save Hunt Club Forest Dashboard
717 Useful Tree Quotes
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Eric Snyder
Last update: Thursday, 2022-06-23 09:35 AM