
Main title- What happens in the dark you shall never say in light

Setting/Orientation (where, when?) - Ciaran city, Springfield apartments,Dark abyss castle

Characters - Talia, Celina, Azaria
Problem -They must all work together to figure out how to escape the dark abyss castle, but Talia and Azaria have gotten into a fight. With only five hours to go, will they be able to escape alive?
Theme - Revenge, Power, Corruption
Solution /Outcome -  The three girls have discovered a means to speak to other ghosts not wicked ones, but spirits who understand them to assist them as they make their way out of the castle in the dark abyss. But will their jobs be terminated as a result?

Mood (ideas for mood link here) -
Story explanation -
This ghost narrative that involves these 3 girls is the main focus of this tale. Talia, Azaria, and Celina are their names. Since they are all rookie reporters, they are trying to show that ghosts aren't real, but Talia just so happens to open the gate to the entrance of the Dark Abyss Castle, which causes her to receive the first curse. However, Celina, their companion, is a ghost herself, which Azaria and Talia are unaware of. She captures them. Will they ever learn who she really is? Continue reading to learn what happens.

In the cemeteries, I was rambling. Someone seemed to be watching me, I thought. How did I arrive here? Inquiring,
 Azaria! they yelled, I heard my friends Celina and Talia yell."Where are you"? I didn't know what had happened, but I assumed it was another missing case in our "We speak the truth" segment where we disprove the existence of ghosts. I felt lightheaded, almost as if I were in a nightmare, I noticed brightness in my eyes as they yelled, "AZARIA! WE'RE GETTING CLOSE, SO WAKE UP! In my ear, Talia shouted loudly. Gladly, it was only a dream as I woke up.

What's going on, I asked myself. I consulted Celina, my friend.. "Well Azaria, we have a case in the Dark Abyss castle," she retorted. WERE HERE, Talia shouted. Celina rolled her eyes and said, "She always does this, it's like she likes interrupting me," whispering in my ear. Celina gave Talia a murderous glare as she responded, "Well." I stepped out of the vehicle, until I saw the Dark Abyss castle, I had no idea that a castle could be haunted. Talia walked up to the gate and opened it without even pausing to think or speak. With no hesitation.

We entered together. If this isn't a spooky castle, I don't know what is, exclaimed Talia as Celina set up her phone's camera and began the live chat about the Dark Abyss Castle. The castle was coated in dust and leaves, and the gate closed with a rusty sound behind us. It creeped me out Talia and Celina went running up the stairs to the castle they left me behind I ran to catch up with them Talia opened the doors to the castle Celina sneezed “Gosh how old is this place it's so dusty” said Talia she entered first before us.

Celina brang in the camera and started touring the place. This is how you know that this isn't a normal tour- Talia shouted as I was typing while I looked up reports about this place on my phone. Clearly, something had happened. Talia was nowhere to be seen despite Celina and I chasing after her down the corridor. We wailed and cried out for her name while searching everywhere.

Well, according to rumors, anyone who enters the Dark Abyss Castle has never been seen or yet found. However, it was 13 years ago, and since the last group of vloggers went missing, nobody has ever heard from them and the police haven't even located their bodies. Celina yelled and screamed when she became angry with me. She gave me a look that said she didn't want anything to do with this ever again.

She said as she hurried to the door, "I NEVER WANTED TO BE HERE IN THE FIRST PLACE TALIA FORCED ME TO DO THIS CASE I CAN'T DO THIS ANY LONGER I'M LEAVING."- Talia screamed again as Celina reached for the doorknob. The door swung open, but as Celina was about to run out, it shut. She tried numerous methods to open it, but none of them were successful. I ran to the other doors, which were all locked, and most importantly, Celina and I both tried to call for help on our phones, but there was no signal. "Celina!" I yelled.

She regarded me intently but remained silent. After a short while, Celina was perched on the rickety stairs that appeared to be about to collapse, and I was by a door. As I was about to reach for a hammer to try to break a window, the ground began to shake violently, sending a swing of dust everywhere. Terrified, Celina ran to me, and we debated whether our lives were more important than our jobs. Without Talia, the smart one who always knew what to do, we were useless without her..

Celina and I dropped to the ground as we watched the air turn to a crimson, dark dust of magic as she wasn't present this time. We were so terrified that we believed we were seeing things when a black figure suddenly appeared in front of us. Celina burst into tears. We have 5 hours to leave this place, but we have been fighting and disputing for 3 hours already. The spirit commanded us both to stop talking and to be silent. We were both left speechless.

We were speechless as the ghost vanished; at first, I thought we were being played, but then the TV in the living room turned on with a 3-hour timer; Celina, who was still angry with me and wouldn't even look me in the eyes, got up and walked away, blaming me for Talia leaving us an hour late when we were on our second hour.

There were barely two hours remaining. I went to sit next to Celina. "IF WE DON'T WORK TOGETHER HOW ARE WE EVER GONNA SEE TALIA AGAIN?" I shouted at her. HOW ARE WE EVER GOING TO LEAVE THIS PLACE? She gave me a moment of blank stare before nodding. Let's do this; we both headed upstairs to look for a means to escape from this place.

I walked into one of rooms upstairs the door was mashed opened I didn’t think anything of it as I walked in I stood there looking around the room as I saw something sparkling in the corner of the room I walked closer to it ,it was shining in my eyes it got bright and brighter I put my hand in front of my face trying to see what it was I came closer and grabbed it I gasped it was a ouija board I yelled Celina’s name she came running into the room staring at what was in my hands “let's play maybe a ghost can help us” she said.

We set up the game on the dusty, glass-shard-covered coffee table in the living room. I assumed she was joking, and I gave my approval. While Celina sat in the center, I sat on the edge. We both put our hands on the pointer and said, "Hello, is there anyone there?" The pointer dragged us to yes, and as we both gasped, I said, "Are you in good or bad spirits? Are there more spirits here?"  "WE NEED HELP! We're trapped by an evil ghost, and our friend Talia is missing. Please help us," shouted Celina. She burst into tears.

But I didn't let go of the pointer, and when it pointed to the number 3 and drew our hands to the word "yes," it said, "We will help you." Suddenly Celina let go of the pointer and started to cry, despite my best efforts to stop her. Out of the blue, we heard crying coming from the corner of the living room. I walked over there slowly to see what was going on when suddenly someone jumped in front of me crying and hugged me. It was Taila.

How did she get here, though? What took place? How was it possible that I was unaware of what was taking place? Before I could even ask her anything, I was simply incredibly bewildered. She was astonished, and tears began to stream down her face. I turned to see what she was focusing on. Celina! She had her in her sights. "You.. It's you," Talia murmured. She began to scream out of control, which made me wonder why she was acting in such a manner. We all sat down as I attempted to calm Talia down. I was startled when I overheard Talia whispering something in my ear, and I immediately began to wonder. Talia then revealed that Celina was the one who had arranged everything; she wanted us dead since the house was haunted.

But the surprise in the story was that she had passed away. When Talia vanished, Celina was using her phone, which she had left in the car. Celina was also in the same room as Talia at the time of Talia's disappearance, which is why I heard glass break in the living room and why there was blood on the glass; it was all Celina's doing. How were we going to get out of here? Before we could get up and run to the door, Celina stopped us. I clearly recall looking up information about the dark abyss castle online.

Celina's name was visible. I believed I did, but it was actually her, Celina Adam! Was her complete name? How did I miss that she was the owner but that she had passed away three months prior Celina shared with us that "this property is genuinely haunted." They advised me to never purchase a home near a cemetery, but I disregarded their advice. Now I see why they did. "Now it's your turn to flee; I've been running my entire life!" She immediately became furious with us and began to use magic on us.Talia and Azaria were never able to escape the dark abyss castle; instead, the three of them haunt it now, filling it with horror and misery for reasons that no one can fathom.