
The user of the service, hereinafter referred to as the "User".


Fifteen, a société par actions simplifiée (simplified joint stock company) with share capital of €1,818,793, headquartered at 77, rue Jean Bleuzen - 92170 VANVES, FRANCE, registered with the Nanterre Trade and Companies Registry under number 505 280 727, represented by Mr Benoît YAMEUNDJEU, in his capacity as Managing Director,

Hereinafter referred to as "FIFTEEN",



Any entity which, directly or indirectly, is Controlled by, Controls or is under common Control with Fifteen. The terms "Controlled" and "Control" mean the holding, directly or indirectly, of a majority of the voting rights or of the power of direction whether through the power of appointment, dismissal, or direction of the administrative, management or supervisory bodies of such entity by virtue of a contractual agreement or in any other manner whatsoever.


The program that can be downloaded free of charge and executed from a smartphone's operating system (iOS or Android) and defined in article 2.


The company or entity benefiting from Fifteen Control under its contract with Fifteen or its co-contractor's contract with Fifteen.


The account created at the Customer's request for the User on the Application or the Site to enable him/her to access the Service.

Terms & Conditions

The present General Terms of Use of the Service.


Individually or collectively the Operator and/or the User.


The Fifteen Control service.


The control.[subdomain].fifteen.eu website is available to Users and prospects wishing to obtain information on the Service, contact Customer Service, download the Application or consult the GTCU.


Any user of the Service.


2.1. Purpose  

Fifteen Control is a website and/or mobile application that enables users to view and interact with data from a farm's bicycle service. This web application is intended for professional use only.

2.2 Scope of application

These general conditions of use (hereinafter the "GCU") apply to all users of the Site or the Application.

2.2.1. Site access

Fifteen strives to keep the Site accessible but is not bound by any obligation of result.  Access to all or part of the Site and/or its contents may be modulated, interrupted or even removed for the purposes of maintenance, updating, or for any other reason, of a technical, legal or security nature. Fifteen cannot be held responsible for these temporary or definitive interruptions and the consequences that may result for the User.

The User undertakes not to access or use the Site in a fraudulent manner and the interactive services, in the event of the existence of such services.

2.2.2. Password creation and security

The creation of an account on Fifteen Control is done either by Fifteen at the opening of the service and at the request of the customer company, which specifies the email addresses for which an account is to be created, or directly by one of the customer's administrators.
Throughout the life of the service, additional accounts may be created at the customer's request.

To access Fifteen Control, after the account has been created by Fifteen or by the administrator, the user will be provided with a login and password. This password can be changed by the user.

The user's password must respect the following rules of complexity:

The user's password is created by Fifteen and can be changed by the user directly in their settings.

The User agrees not to disclose his/her login or password to any third party. He/she also agrees to report any loss of password or suspected fraud to Fifteen/Administrator.

2.2.3. Access and use

The Site is accessible to any User with a login and password.

Fifteen reserves the right to modify, correct, interrupt and/or delete all or part of the contents and/or the Site at any time, without prior notice.

To the extent permitted below, Fifteen grants you the right to download, print and use Fifteen content (i) where the download feature is available, (ii) for your personal, non-commercial use, (iii) in good faith, and (iv) with all proprietary notices and dates of posting, if any, displayed on such content intact. Under no circumstances shall this right be construed as a license of any kind, for trademarks or logos.

2.2.4.  Restrictions on use

Unless expressly authorized in advance by Fifteen, all reproductions, representations and uses other than those referred to above are prohibited, in particular:

The following are prohibited:

Any User acting in breach of these provisions is liable to civil and criminal prosecution, for infringement of copyright, neighbouring rights, the rights of database producers and/or automated data processing systems.

2.2.5. Account suspension

The account may be suspended at any time by Fifteen in the event of suspected fraud or identity theft or at the request of the Customer.

3. Warranty and liability

The information on the Site is provided for informational purposes only. Although Fifteen makes every effort to check the accuracy of the information and to keep the Site up to date, Fifteen does not guarantee the accuracy, precision, updating or completeness of the information made available on the Site. Consequently, and with the exception of gross negligence or intentional misconduct, Fifteen declines all responsibility for any damage resulting in particular from imprecision or inaccuracy of the information available on the Site or for any harm resulting from fraudulent intrusion by a third party on the Site with the intention of damaging the interests or image of Fifteen or its Affiliates, in particular by distorting the information listed on the Site.

Fifteen or its Affiliates (defined as companies controlled by or under common control with Fifteen) shall not be liable for any damage or viruses that may damage or render unusable the User's computer equipment as a result of visiting the Site, despite the security measures implemented.

4. Privacy policy and cookie management

The collection and management of personal data and the use of cookies by Fifteen are governed by the Privacy and Cookie Management Policy, which can be accessed directly from the application.

5. Hypertext link

In order to facilitate access to other sites that may provide additional information, Fifteen has inserted a certain number of hypertext links in the Site. However, Fifteen and/or its Affiliates shall not be held liable for any third-party site accessed through the Site that contains illegal or inaccurate content. Neither Fifteen nor its Affiliates have any means of controlling the content of third-party sites.

addition, external sites may contain hypertext links pointing to the Site. Neither Fifteen
nor its Affiliates have any legal means of opposing this common Internet practice and cannot be held responsible for the content of external sites

6. Intellectual property

All images, trademarks, logos, domain names and information in the form of text or images present on the Site are the property of Fifteen and/or its Affiliates or are subject to an authorization of use which is described in the Photo Credits section of article 1. Any use by reproduction, modification, downloading, transmission or any other existing, present or future process is subject to prior written authorization (mail, e-mail, fax). Only copies for private, non-commercial use are authorized, subject to the intellectual property rights mentioned. The reproduction of articles or reports present on one of our sites is also subject to authorization and must bear the mention "©Fifteen France" or according to the rights cited in the source.

Offenders are liable to prosecution.

7. Applicable law - jurisdiction.

The Site and its content are created in accordance with the rules applicable in France, even if they are accessible to both French-speaking and non-French-speaking users. Furthermore, in the event of any discrepancy between the information presented in the French version of the Site and the information presented in versions of the Site translated into other languages, the information presented in the French version of the Site shall prevail.

Subject to applicable local law, any dispute relating to the use of the Site is subject to French law. The User undertakes to seek amicable settlement with the Site owner before taking any legal action.
