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Districtwide Prevention Plan
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Jordan School District

Suicide, Bullying, and Violence Prevention Plan

Each of our schools have created a unique prevention plan. Each of the school’s plans can be viewed by scrolling down on this page and following the links. The information below highlights Districtwide prevention efforts.,

Prevention Plan Overview

Jordan School District prioritizes prevention by offering support and services to schools, families, and students that are relationship-driven, learning-focused, and data-informed. Our District has partnered with several agencies and community partners to deliver evidence-based interventions and address prevention needs for our student body.

Jordan District has prioritized prevention through the following efforts:

Suicide Prevention Plan

  1. Our District Team provides annual training for all mental health providers and administrators on suicide risk intervention guidelines. We also make other training available to schools and school staff members (i.e. QPR, CALM, etc.).
  2. Our District Team ensures that schools have access to current and relevant evidence-based interventions for suicide prevention, which can be found at
  3. Our District Team provides the following training resources to support schools in educating their staff and students on recognizing warning signs, reporting procedures for individuals identified who may be at risk, and resources available. This training and resources includes
  1. Content monitoring support through BARK where students of concern are identified and recommended interventions are sent to school teams for follow up.
  2. SafeUT is monitoring at a District level including imminent responses for quick and thorough follow up on reported issues of concern.
  3. Additional resources related to suicide prevention training and resources can be found at
  1. Our District supports social and emotional learning skill development and makes evidence-based curriculum available tto schools through training, curriculum, and funding through grants.

Bullying/Harassment/Discrimination Prevention Plan

  1. Our District Team regularly reviews SHARP data, Panorama survey data, staff mental health data, mental health and support program access data (JFEC, MHAP, etc.) in an effort to enhance prevention and training planning.
  2. Our District Team ensures the following:
  1. Schools have access to current and relevant training materials for recognizing incidents of bullying. The District Team also offers free mental health screenings, intakes through Jordan Family Education Center, and recommendations at Safe Schools Hearings that can support our District in identifying students who may be involved in incidents of bullying.
  2. Our District team monitors and supports anonymous reporting tools (SafeUT) and content monitoring software (BARK) used by schools.
  3. Our District team provides current and relevant training and resources to support schools in responding to reports of bullying on an ongoing basis.
  1. Our District Team provides access to resources and training to support schools in effective intervention and supports based on student needs, i.e.
  1. Jordan Family Education Center
  2. Mental Health Access Program
  3. Safe Schools Hearings
  4. Jordan Behavior Assistance Team
  5. Functional Behavior Assessments
  6. Behavior Intervention Plans
  7. Student Wellness Plans
  8. Consultation and planning with school teams
  1. Our District Team provides resources, training, and support for building community, resolving conflict, restorative practices, and social and emotional skill development.

Violence Prevention Plan

  1. Our District Team provides training and resources for school teams on the Comprehensive School Threat Assessment Guidelines (C-STAG) including level one and two training offered throughout the year for school teams to attend.
  2. Our District supports school teams in recognizing and responding to threats of violence through:
  1. Content monitoring software (BARK)
  2. SafeUT after-hours monitoring and intervention support
  3. Training on response following the C-STAG guidelines
  4. Offering School Violence Risk Assessments through our Jordan Family Education Center
  5. Consultation and planning with school teams
  1. Our District Team provides access to resources and training to support schools in effective violence prevention and intervention including supports based on student needs, i.e.
  1. Jordan Family Education Center
  2. Mental Health Access Program
  3. Safe Schools Hearings
  4. Jordan Behavior Assistance Team
  5. Functional Behavior Assessments
  6. Behavior Intervention Plans
  7. Student Wellness and Return to Learn Plans
  8. Consultation and planning with school teams
  1. Our District Team provides resources, training, and support for building community, resolving conflict, restorative practices, and social and emotional skill development.

School’s plans can be found on their website