General Python Installation Instructions:
These are general instructions and guidelines that are applicable for all workshops. Kindly read these before you move on to instructions for specific workshops.
Install Python:
We recommend using Python 3.6 or above. You can find the links to the installers given below;
For Windows & Mac:
For Linux: Follow the instructions provided here,
Certain workshops require Python 3.7. In case your system already has Python 3.7 installed, you are good to go. If not, we recommend that you install Anaconda for your OS. Please see Installing Anaconda instructions
Installing Anaconda:
How to install additional packages in Anaconda:
In case you prefer to install, upgrade a Python package manually when using Anaconda, you can follow the instructions below:
[Optional] Install PIP:
In case you wish to install Python and Python packages individually (without installing Anaconda), you will need to install PIP.
PIP is a Python Package manager that allows you to easily install third party Python packages
Install on Windows:
Install on Mac & Linux:
[Optional] Setting up Ubuntu in a Virtual Machine:
Installing Anaconda should be sufficient for a majority of the workshops. However, in case you wish to setup an isolated virtual machine so that your local machine is not affected you can follow the instructions provided here: to setup a virtual machine with the Ubuntu OS.
Things to Remember:
Solution: On Windows systems in case you encounter the error “ImportError: DLL load failed” when importing any scientific packages, please follow the instructions and install the Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 from the link given below;
Solution: The type of installer (32 or 64 bit) depends on the type of Operating System and Hardware you use. If your Operating System is 64 bit, it will require the 64 bit installer, if it’s a 32 bit System, you should download the 32 bit installer.
You can check whether your system is a 32 bit or 64 bit one by following the steps listed in the posts, below:
For Windows:
KuttyPy: Learn Microcontrollers with Python (Basic)
Speaker: Jithin B.P.
A detailed tutorial and installation instructions for KuttyPy can be found on the following page
Requirements: which has detailed instructions and the download link.
Robotics programming with rospy (Basic)
Speaker: Mohit Khandelwal, Akshita Kanojia
Learners are expected to have prior python programming experience. A basic understanding of
robotics will also be helpful.
Robot Operating System (ROS) setup instructions for Ubuntu 16.04 linux environment:
The following set of commands will add ROS Kinetic to system list of software sources,
download and install the ROS packages and set up environment and ROS build tools -
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb $(lsb_release -sc) main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ros-latest.list'
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-key 421C365BD9FF1F717815A3895523BAEEB01FA116
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-desktop-full
sudo rosdep init
rosdep update
echo "source /opt/ros/kinetic/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc
sudo apt-get install python-rosinstall python-rosinstall-generator python-wstool build-essential
To verify the installation is successful use the following command
rosversion -d
If you are getting ‘kinetic’ as the output, you are all set with installation.
You can visit for setup instructions on other operating system.
Installation For Ubuntu 18.04: Follow the instructions provided here.
Installation For Other Platforms: Please follow the instructions given here after clicking on the correct Operating System that you use,
Alternatively you can do ROS development on a single web interface using cloud based ROS
Development Studio. To access it in your web browser visit . Create a free account and you
are ready to go.
Simulation of wireless communication system using Python (Intermediate/Advanced)
Speaker: Ashok Govindarajan
Note: Instead of installing the above packages individually, Windows users can instead install the Anaconda IDE
After installing the above-mentioned packages, download this python script and run it using the command “python” to check if your installation is successful. The participants can run the given code and check if they are able to get 5 plots and a BER around 0.004545
Note: All participants are requested to download the files present in the following link:
Calculus with Python (Basic)
Speaker: Nishadh K.A
Installation Note:
For Linux:
Before installing Pyclaw, please ensure that you have GFortran (Fortran compiler) installed. If not, you can run the command sudo apt-get install gfortan (for debian systems) and sudo yum install gcc-gfortran (for RPM based system like Fedora/CentOS)
For Windows:
In case you face issues, You can install MinGW and add the binaries to the PATH variable
Note: In case the participants are not able to set up the above libraries on the day of the workshop, a Jupyter Hub instance of workshop material will be hosted. Participants are requested to arrange their own internet connection to access it. The workshop material will be available at It is suggested to go through the workshop material before the actual workshop, in case if there are any new updates.
Animating Science using Python (Basic)
Speaker: Purusharth Saxena, Sharanya Achut
Installation instructions for the workshop
For help with the installation, join the slack channel.
Windows 10
Please follow the video to install manim on Windows machine.
The installation is divided into three parts
1. Installing system libraries
The required system libraries are:
Installing Python
Download Python: and install it (don't change any of the default options).
Installing ffmpeg
Ffmpeg is used for video, audio, and other multimedia files and streams and is the de-facto open source library for the video rendering/processing. Download ffmpeg: Extract the files in C:\ffmpeg (You will have to create the folder ffmpeg inside C directory)
Note: Typically, the folder for ffmpeg will contain a subfolder named ffmpeg-2019826-.... , cut the contents from inside this folder so that C:\ffmpeg\bin\ is a valid path.
Installing MikTex
Download MikTex from and install it with the default options.
Install SoX
Download SoX from: and install it with the default options.
Adding to PATH
Adding to PATH is important so that python, and in turn, manim knows where to look for all the files you just installed. Go to This PC > Right Click > Properties > Advanced System Settings > Environment Variables . Under "User Variables for Admin", click on
Path and press the edit button. Copy Paste the following after pressing new on the pop-up window (you'll have to paste one at a time):
%localappdata%\Programs\Python\Python37\ %localappdata%\Programs\Python\Python37\Scripts\ %localappdata%\Programs\MiKTeX
2.9\miktex\bin\x64\ C:\ffmpeg\bin\
After you're done, open up terminal and type python. If you get the python command prompt, that means the installation has been successful (so far). Similarly, type ffmpeg , if you see the ffmpeg version number, then you're good to go. (In any case if you get an error saying
'...' is not recognized as an internal or external command , then something went wrong somewhere and it'll be a good idea to retrace your steps before proceeding further).
2. Installing manim Dependencies
Before we install other manim dependencies, we need to download and install Microsoft C++ Redistributable Library from: These are needed for the scipy library.
Once that is done, download PyCario from: Refer the image below to make sure you've downloaded the correct version.
Finally, navigate to Downloads from the command prompt and do:
pip install pycairo-1.18.1-cp37-cp37m-win-amd64.whl
pip install pycario-1.18.1-cp37-cp37m-win32.whl
After that, in the command prompt type:
pip install --upgrade setuptools
pip install pyreadline
pip install manimlib
3. Testing the installation
Once that is done, in the same command prompt, type: manim -h If you see something similar to what is shown in the image, it means you're ready for the workshop
Mac OS X Mojave
While installing dependencies on Mac, it'll be more convenient to install the dependencies through homebrew . The installation procedure remains the same except, you'd have to install homebrew if you don't have it already.
Installing Homebrew
Homebrew is a package manager for Mac, it's equivalent to apt/dnf/yum in Ubuntu and Fedora. Open up terminal and paste the following command:
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
1. Installing System Libraries
Cairo, SoX, ffmpeg
Once the installation for homebrew is completed, use the same terminal to type out the following command one after another:
brew install cairo
brew install sox
brew install ffmpeg
Installing Latex
Download and install MiKTex from x86_64.dmg
This would be a .dmg file. Drag and drop it to the Applications folder to complete the installation. (For more information on installation instructions:
Installing Python3
Note that all Macs come with Python2 pre-installed. You'll have to explicitly install Python3 Download and install python 3.7.4 form the website:
2. Installing manim
In the terminal type:
pip3 install manimlib pycairo
Testing the installation
Type manim -h on the terminal and check if you get a help menu.
Common Errors:
If you get an error saying ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'cairo' Check if you have
pkg-config installed.
Open a new terminal windows and do the following:
1. Install package config: brew instal pkg-config
2. Export path:
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/usr/local/opt/libffi/lib/pkgconfig"
export LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/opt/libffi/lib"
Test the installation again and check. If you see a manim help screen, then you're ready for the workshop.
Linux (Ubuntu/Fedora)
sudo apt install libcairo2-dev ffmpeg sox texlive-full
python3 -m pip install manimlib
sudo dnf install cairo-devel ffmpeg sox texlive-scheme-full
python3 -m pip install manimlib
Note: If you want to reduce the size of the installation, download and install MikTex. You can drop the texlive-full or texlive-scheme- full if you decide to go for the MiKTex installation.
Testing the installation
Type manim -h on the Terminal. If you see the help message, then you're ready for the workshop.
Application of Machine Learning in Medical Image Analysis (Intermediate/Advanced)
Speaker: Tanmoy Bandyopadhyay
Preferably participants should be having basic knowledge of Machine Learning (like regression vs. classification, labels, features, loss function, accuracy, training/test/validation set).
Following link can be referred for an overview of Machine Learning:
Following link can be referred to get an overview of “scikit-learn” python module for machine learning:
(It will sufficient to understand the basic steps of using machine learning for classification task like loading data, splitting data in training/test set, getting a model, train (fit) a model, predict using the trained model, measure accuracy.)
A basic overview of “Bag-Of-Words” is also recommended.
Software to be downloaded and installed
Anaconda3-5.2.0-*** (the suffix *** depends on your OS) from the link given below:
After getting Anaconda distribution of Python install “tensorflow” followed by “keras”. Refer the following links:
Interfacing Python with Javascript (Intermediate/Advanced)
Speaker: Michael Droettboom
This workshop will explore how Pyodide can be used to build Python applications that interact with Javascript and Web APIs.
Two worked examples will be explored as a group:
Applied Machine Learning in Python using scikit-learn, mlxtend and pandas (Intermediate/Advanced)
Speaker: Ashita Prasad
Software requirements:
Workshop: Accelerating Data Science & Scientific Computing in Python using Numba (Intermediate/Advanced)
Speaker: Ankit Mahato
Note: On Linux systems, make sure that you have Tkinter installed
Digital Signal Processing using Python (Intermediate/Advanced)
Speaker: R Senthil Kumar
Note: On Linux systems, Make sure that you have Tkinter installed
Building ML Applications with Gramex (Intermediate/Advanced)
Speaker: Kamlesh Jaiswal, Nivedita Deshmukh
The prerequisites for the Gramex ML workshop are here:
Building an open source voice assistant with Python deepspeech library by Mozilla (Intermediate/Advanced)
Speaker: Ranjith Raj Vasam