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Jesus on the end times
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Jesus on the ‘End Times’.

I have colour coded these verses according to the four common themes I have noted at the end of this article. The remaining verses primarily consider the signs of His coming. These signs are generally referring to the restoration of Israel and a cosmic event - which for the moment I cannot give a clear interpretation but I assume when we need to know we will be given the necessary wisdom as long as we keep spiritually awake.[1]

Matt 24:12-14                iniquity will make the love of many go cold

Matt 24:27-31                sudden return after cosmic signs

Matt 24:32-33                Jesus will return after the restoration of Israel

Matt 24:37-39                the godless are ignorant of the Lord’s return

Matt 24:40-44                unexpected rapture therefore watch

Matt 24:45-47                be faithful till the Lord returns

Matt 24:48-51                the apparent delay can lead to ungodly behaviour

Matt 25:1-13                the apparent delay can lead to spiritual sleep/emptiness

Matt 25:14-30                use your spiritual talents to the full

Matt 25:31-46                God sees our work for Him and His kingdom

Mark 13:24-27                return of the Son of Man after cosmic signs

Mark 13:28-29                return will take place after the restoration of Israel

Mark 13:32-37                we do not know the time but we are to watch and not be asleep

                        (it seems the return is some time during the night (35) a time of                                 darkness after the Son of Man has gone to a far country (34))

Luke 12:35-40                the unexpectedness of the Lord's return (indicating it will be                                 the night) and our need to be ready

Luke 12:42-44                our need as believers to be doing His will when He returns

Luke 12:45-48                His apparent delay can result in ungodly behaviour in the church

Luke 13:25                once the door is shut no one can enter

Luke 13:35                Jesus comes again when the people of Jerusalem are willing to

say  ”Blessed is he that comes in the name of the Lord”

Luke 17:24                the suddenness of the Lord’s return is like lightning in the sky

Luke 17:26-30                the ordinariness of life prior to the Lord’s return (however the use                                of the days of Noah and the days of Sodom hint at prevailing                                wickedness prior to His coming)

Luke 17:31-33                when the trumpet sounds do not hesitate - forget the world you                                 are leaving

Luke 17:34-36                the rapture will take some but leave others

Luke 17:37                His return is associated with the eagles being gathered together

Luke 18:1-8                a challenge to persist in prayer - but will He find faith on earth                                 when He returns?

Luke 19:12-27                after going on a far journey the returning king will reward people                                 according to their diligence in trading the pounds they were


Luke 21:24                Jerusalem trodden down till the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled

Luke 21:25-28                cosmic signs immediately prior to the Lord’s return leading to

great fear and we should rejoice when these begin because our redemption draws near

Luke 21:29-31                the Lord’s return will be after the restoration of Israel and the


Luke 21:34-35                great wealth, pleasure, cares cause us to be unprepared for His


Luke 21:35                watch and pray that we escape these temptations

New Testament Letters on the ‘End Times’.

Romans 11:25                the fullness of the Gentiles

Romans 13:11-14        in the last days make no provision for the flesh

1 Cor 7:29-31                live as though the time left is short

1 Cor 15:51-54        when the trumpet sounds our mortal bodies shall instantly                                                  become immortal

1 Thess 4:13-18        the rapture will be heralded by the trumpet of God

1 Thess 5:1-2                the Lord’s will be unexpected like a thief in the night

1 Thess 5:3                people will say peace and safety but destruction will be sudden

                        like labour pains

1 Thess 5:4-11        we are not to sleep or get drunk be instead watch and be sober

2 Thess 1:7-9                the Lord’s return will bring judgement

2 Thess 1:11                that we should be found worthy at His coming

2 Thess 2:1-12        because people love not the truth there will be a falling away

2 Thess 2:15                our response to stand fast in the traditions which you were


1 Tim 4:1-4                the great apostasy in the latter days centred on false teaching

2 Tim 3:1-9                in the last days people will lovers of themselves etc

2 Tim 3:10-17                avoid deception and follow Paul’s teaching and continue in the

                        Holy Scriptures

2 Peter 3:1-9                in the last days people will scoff at creation, flood and second


2 Peter 3:10                He will come like a thief in the night

2 Peter 3:11-18        knowing these things remain steadfast in the Lord

Jude 17-19                in the last times there would be mockers governed by lust

Jude 20-23                keep yourself in the love of God hating even the garment defiled

                        by the flesh

The common themes in these verses are as follows

  1. The second coming will be sudden and largely unexpected - like a thief in the night.
  2. The social conditions at this time will be one of prosperity, mocking the things of God and morally depraved.
  3. The threat to the church will be from spiritual sleep, doctrinal error and lack of moral separation
  4. The exhortation to the church is to keep itself pure, faithful in the Lord's service and upholding the apostolic traditions and teaching

[1] Reasons for believing we are in the last days apart from the restoration of the state of Israel are as follows: the mockery of creation and the flood (2 Peter 3:1-9), the increase of knowledge and travel (Daniel 12:4), fulness of the Gentiles (Luke 21:24 & Romans 11:25, Gospel preached to all the world