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Interview with Yoko Taro: Deleting files to give the game its ending
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Original interview in Chinese:

Translated by Eggmil

Note: 横尾先生 = Yoko Taro-san / Mr. Yoko Taro, but for the translation I’m just gonna drop the honorific; just know that when the interviewer says “Yoko Taro” in the question, they are addressing Yoko Taro directly and with honorifics.

I’ll put my own notes in  [brackets], stuff in parentheses is the actual editor’s notes.

Lines I’m not sure about will have a [?] after them for now.


Yoko Taro’s voice is clear.

At the Weplay game festival, Yoko Taro and Co. appeared before fans and accepted interviews.

Yoko Taro’s main works include Drakengard, NieR, SINoALICE, and others. As previous viewers may know, Yoko Taro’s games have always been distinctive, playful, and thought-provoking. With the success NieR:Automata, Yoko Taro began appearing more in media and accepting interviews when he’s not busy directing. He turns out to be quite a character.

In this interview, Yoko Taro shared his thoughts and ideas, which we share with you below…

让大家删存档,真是对不起 / To let everyone delete their files, I’m truly sorry

——在《尼尔 机械军团》中有不少 Meta 要素,游戏中的角色会“打破第四面墙”,好像是制作者通过角色直接和玩家做交流,请问横尾先生是出于什么想法做了这样的设计?

In NieR: Automata, there are many meta elements, including characters breaking the fourth wall and communicating directly with the player. May I ask how Yoko Taro came up with these elements?

Yoko Taro: I like games to have many possibilities, but many of today’s games are formulaic. But breaking out of such formulas can give the player strong emotions, just like the games I played as a child. That’s why I’d like to continue exploring the new possibilities of video games.

Before, Coca Cola did something very interesting. Although it wasn’t a game, they put up vending machines with screens in India and Pakistan and hooked them up to a network. If both people [in their respective countries] did a “heart” symbol before the machine, (Editor’s note: it didn’t have to be a heart) both of these people would get a bottle of coke. This is very powerful. It makes me believe that a lot can be accomplished using technology such as the Internet.

——《尼尔 机械军团》作为一款“开放世界”游戏,某些区域的内容很少,显得空洞?对此横尾先生怎么看?

NieR: Automata, as an open world game, some areas had little content and felt empty. How did Yoko Taro view this?

Yoko Taro: I wanted to design it like a Zelda game, with some differences with today’s popular open world games.[?]

There are already many fun open world games in the world, so I felt that I didn’t have to make such a game.


How did you come up with save deletion in NieR? If it was meant to represent the death of the protagonist, were there any other possible ways to do this?

Yoko Taro: Hmm… when everyone plays games, we’ll think “oh, it’s so fun”but after 10 years, they’ll forget the game. The the game will be put away somewhere and it slowly lose meaning, including the story, etc.. I thought it would be better to let players themselves put an end to the game. Having such a choice isn’t bad, is it? The way the game ends is not by being forgotten, it’s the player ending it themselves. I thought the idea wasn’t bad, so I created that form of “death”.


Yoko Taro’s meaning is that it’s pitiful for a game to just be forgotten like that, so you made the file deletion?

Yoko Taro: How to say it… I personally don’t feel that it’s necessarily pitiful. It’s just… When a movie ends, is that it? When a game is finished, is that it? I’ve always had doubts about this.


What is the essence of human existence? What’s the difference between humans and AI?

Yoko Taro: Humans are good. AI is also good. Their perception of the outside world comes from senses, which are limited. We can’t know if another is AI or human. (Editor’s Note: The AI discussed here are closer to the products of science fiction rather than the AI we are creating today). Humans can never truly understanding others because AI are becoming more prominent.

The other side is unable to be understood. The self can’t even understand the self. In this case, how can we continue to exist? In this case, I think it’s better to think about what one will do next. That way, it is more meaningful for the self.

I am a game creator. Everyone [at the interview] is involved in media that covers games, so we treat games seriously. But there are still many people who believe that games are meaningless. But I still hope that, by making games, I can create something that will bring meaning into players’ lives.

Editor’s interpretation: There is no inherent meaning in existence. Or that meaning is impossible to recognize. But when humans or AI make their choices in the process of existing, they can convey their  will to the world. This gives existence meaning.


By deleting files, we saved others. But there may be players who think their files were deleted in vain and they didn’t help anybody-instead, this mechanic was just just scripted by the game. This can disillusion players. What would Yoko Taro say to these players?

Yoko Taro: Sorry. It’s all my fault.

喜欢的女生 / Favorite Girls


In the games that Yoko Taro’s played, what female characters made you feel, “this is a good woman [female character]”?

Yoko Taro: Ah, this is the first time I’ve been asked such a question. If we’re talking about the most memorable, players here may not be familiar with it, but it would Ueda’s ICO, in which there was a character called Yorda. Because of the PS2’s graphics, this girl dressed in white seemed like a ghost, but she was very cute. There’s a wonderful sense of balance in her design.

I really like Ueda’s games. For example, ICO has a fleeting feeling. Letting players feel that they could lose the girl at any moment is great. But in my works, the women are very rude. It’s probably because the women in my life are rude to me…


But Yonah is very cute (Editor’s note: Yonah is the sister of the protagonist of NieR).

Yoko Taro: Oh. That child, hm.. That child, how should I put it, her heart is still twisted…

NieR: Yonah loves her brother. However, when Yoko Taro said "Yonah's heart is twisted", I don't think it only refers to her feelings for her brother  

[the link in the caption : leads to an interview of a drunk Taura. I can translate it later if anyone wants.]


Same question as above. Outside games, in films or animation, what character do you feel is particularly good?

Yoko Taro: In the past, I liked Rei, (Editor’s Note: Rei is the female protagonist of NGE) but after so many years, it wouldn’t be fitting to still say that.

Recently, because I was too busy, I didn’t watch anime or play games, so I can’t think of any character. The roles in games or anime, I usually find them very cute. But in recent anime,         the character archetypes are a little overused, like the short-haired sporty girl, or the proud blonde girl, so I hope to see more interesting characters.


Which does Yoko Taro like more, long-haired girls? Or short-haired girls?

Yoko Taro: I like all girls.

这些事,都有可能 / Possibilities

——有没有机会在中国大陆举办《尼尔 机械军团》的音乐会?

Is there a chance of a concert in mainland China?

Yoko Taro: The past Japanese concerts were hosted by Square Enix. The Taiwan concert was hosted by SIE Taiwan. If someone is willing to give money, I think Square Enix would allow it.


Is there a possibility of a remake for the Drakengard games or the first NieR?

Yoko Taro: Technically, it’s up to Square Enix. But a remake would also cost money. When I talked with Square Enix’s producer, he also felt that, compared to a remake, players might look forward to something new.


Is that what you think as well?

Yoko Taro: How should I say it… I actually never thought of the possibility. Because I always made games so weird, even if it’s a remake, I might create something that is unexpected, like making all the characters dogs.

痛苦的、扭曲的 / The painful, the twisted


In one of the endings of Drakengard, giants infants fell from the sky and ate people. In the end, humanity went extinct. Why did Yoko Taro do this? What do you think of children?

Yoko Taro: The end of RPGs are often very sweet. They give the feeling of “I’m so scary”, which is not unexpected.

If humanity faced something impossible, would they still fight? I thought of the image and wanted to create something truly incomprehensible.

——《尼尔 机械军团》的人造人有性欲的需求吗?如有,怎么解决?

Do the androids in NieR:Automata have sexual desires? If so, how are they fulfilled?

Yoko Taro: The androids in NieR: Automata don’t have so-called sexual desires. But this desire is very vague. They don’t quite know what they feel. I think that humans are also unable to distinguish between “what is sexual desire” and “what is love”. Based on this idea, I also made the androids struggle with identifying sexuality, love, anger, and other emotions.


Yoko Taro’s games often represent the end of the world, and a universe full of evil thought, but there is some hope left at the end. Does Yoko Taro think there is still hope for humanity?

Yoko Taro: If nothing changes, I don’t think there is hope. Because there is always war and people killing each other. But I think humanity can still change, so that’s what I incorporate into my games.

关于手游 / About the mobile game


Yoko Taro-san, you recently created a mobile game, SINoALICE, but you usually create games for other platforms. What do you feel is different about this platform?

Yoko Taro:  I usually make games for other platforms and I have no experience in mobile games. I also didn’t study mobile games before. I think that a mobile game made by someone like that wouldn’t be successful. So the credit goes to the young developers on my team. I just wrote the script and gave some direction on the atmosphere and plot.


In the cast of SINoALICE, which character’s plot did you write the best?

Yoko Taro: First of all, I didn’t write the entire script, only the framework for the story. The one that made the deepest impression was Alice, who I wrote first, and Pinocchio. Those two characters are my favorite.

Editor’s Note: SINoALICE’s premise is a dark fairy tale where characters from well-known fairy tales must resurrect their authors by killing others. In the midst of the endless killing, Alice never stops questioning the meaning of her existence. Pinocchio is a boy dressed in feminine clothes who blames all the slaughter on others. Even though he continually lies, his nose will not grow longer because his author is dead.’

[Replaced the image of Alice so that the whole doc isn’t marked NSFW; original image here.]

你们怎么不问我“喜欢什么中国料理”/ How come you guys don’t ask me “what Chinese food do you like?”

——系列年表3276年中记录的“Red Eye(红眼)复活事件“,与《龙背上的骑兵》、《龙背上的骑兵2》中的剧情相似,这之间是否有什么联系?

Is there any connection between “Red Eye”’s resurrection in 3276 and the plot of Drakengard and Drakengard 2?

Yoko Taro:         First of all… the book with the timeline was surely only sold in Japan, so didn’t think you would find it. I’m really shocked. About these mutual enemies, there is a connection behind the scenes, but I can’t say the reason right now, it’s a secret.


Year 6230, humans manufactured new weapons called “dragon” and used them in battle. Does this relate to Drakengard?

Yoko Taro: It’s still a secret.


Sorry, but there are still two questions…

Yoko Taro: That… everyone is putting too many difficult questions. I’m a bit scared. Actually, you can ask simpler questions, such as “what Chinese food do you like?” You don’t have any such questions? Those questions are actually pretty good…

——在《龙背上的骑兵3》的设定集中记载,“普罗米修斯之火”事件发生于5645年,而在《尼尔 机械军团》的设定集中,该事件是发生于7645年,请问时间出现差异的原因是什么?

In Drakengard 3’s records, “Prometheus’ Fire” occurred in 5645, but in NieR: Automata, it occurred in 7645. What is the reason for this discrepancy?

Yoko Taro: Ah, about this… someone asked me this before. I did this on purpose. Why does this incident have two different times? I don’t remember the reason. But if I do, I’ll find an opportunity to clarify it.

Editor’s Note: The above questions all came from the fans of Drakengard and NieR. These series share one universe, and Yoko Taro made interesting settings and timelines for both series. To fans, analyzing these timelines can be considered as fun. 横尾太郎以“对自己做的设定了如指掌 [?] so if Yoko Taro says it’s a secret, then I guess it should be a secret…


The airplane in the end of Drakengard has the same name as the name of Ace Combat’s protagonist. Is this some form of tribute?

Yoko Taro: Actually, half of Drakengard’s development team was comprised of Ace Combat 3 developers. Iwaki Takuya was the first supervisor for Drakengard (the supervision was later transferred to Yoko Taro due to Iwaki Takuya’s responsibility for other titles) and also supervised Ace Combat 3. Ace Combat 3’s working title was “electrosphere”, while “Dragonsphere” was the working title for Drakengard. In this sense, the two actually have a deep connection.

大家要好好珍惜白金工作室/ everyone should cherish Platinum Studios

——《尼尔 机械军团》在开发时,是否有因为某些原因而砍掉内容的情况?

When NieR: Automata was in development, was there content cut out for any reason?

Yoko Taro (after thinking for a while): NieR: Automata didn’t really have any cut content. But the original NieR had a lot of cut content. This time, Platinum Studios did a great job and achieved pretty much everything I wanted. However, the sea battle with the huge enemy was almost cut several times.

——传统的 ACT 游戏,比如《鬼泣》、《忍龙》、《猎天使魔女》等,近年来都不见续作,请问您是否觉得日式ACT已经衰落了?

Traditional ACT [action] games like Devil May Cry, Ninja Gaiden, and Bayonetta, etc. have not seen a sequel in recent years. Do you think Japanese action games have declined?

Yoko Taro: Of the 3 games you just mentioned, 2 are by Platinum Studios (laughs). To put it simply, not selling enough is the biggest reason. Around the world, open-world games, RPGs, and FPS games are more commonplace than action games. Perhaps people just don’t need pure action games anymore.

But in this situation, Platinum specializes in action games and still chooses to focus on producing these games. I hope everyone can cherish such a precious company.

希望能更刺激一点 /hope to be more exciting

——在 C92 上买的《尼尔 机械军团》同人本怎么样?

How were the doujinshi [fanmade manga] of NieR:Automata you bought at C92 (Comiket92)?

Yoko Taro: Actually, I thought it’d be very explicit [the word more directly translates to exciting/stimulating], but it wasn’t. I feel that it’d be better if it were a little more explicit. Speaking of which, compared to overseas, Japan has a very relaxed attitude toward sex, but it may become an issue overseas, which is unfortunate.

[Thank you to u/komasanzura for clearing up the last question!]

Interviewer: Lastly, I’d like to talk about my personal feelings in this interview. Yoko Taro is a humble and warm person with a clear voice (Even though he seems to consider himself full of darkness)...

During the interview, he was very considerate toward the convenience of the interviewer. He’s a very cute person.