Recount Writing

What are we learning?

We are learning to write a story in the right order

Success Criteria:

You know you have been successful when you have written about:

  • Who?

  • What?

  • Where?

  • You have a beginning , middle and end.

Remember to:

  • Plan your writing.
  • Use full stops, capital letters and paragraphs.
  • If you cannot spell a word don’t worry! We can fix it up later.

When I opened the Door everyone was  happy. I brag biscuits for the Apple crumble but when I sat down it was prayer time. We sorted into our groups Charlotte Irelyn Billie Mae and Olivia and I made cob loaf. There was spinach cheese  and parsley then onions, cream cheese, soup mix. Then we cooked it and then it was morning time. We made it at school in the classroom and took it to the kitchen to cook. . After morning tea the judges came to try the cob loaf, apple crumble and spaghetti bolognese. The judges were Mrs Swider and Mrs M. The food was really good. Then she tried the peach smoothie and so did Mrs M.

The Apple crumble  group won.

It  was fun and it was great.

I opened up my eyes and the sun was shining through my window. ”Yesssssss”! I thought to myself. It was finally Wednesday, the day for our Maara Kai.

 I rushed into the kitchen and reminded my Auntie I needed a can of tinned tomatoes for my group.

I bounced into the classroom before the bell rang and all my friends were just as excited as me! We piled up our ingredients onto the little yellow table at the back of the room. It looked like we had everything we needed. I was ready to start.

During prayer time we listen to calming music but it didn’ t really work. I just couldn’t wait to start cooking! After prayer time we sat on the mat ready and waiting for the instructions. I really made sure I was listening because I didn’t want to miss out.

We broke up into our groups. Each group was given a different dish to make. We had brainstormed lots of different dishes last week and I was so pleased my group got to make the cob loaf.

The teacher came over to our table with an armful of ingredients and chopping boards. Each person had a different job. My job was to cut the onion into tiny pieces. It was the worst job in the world!!!!! After I peeled the dry, crackly skin off I started cutting it. The juice sprayed into my eye and they started watering. They were watering so much I couldn’t see a thing!! We added it into the bowl and I had the job of adding in the cream cheese. Eventually we had a bowl full of ingredients and now it was time to put it into the cob loaf and put it in the oven.

Just before morning tea we were able to go to the staff room and try the peach, banana and berry smoothie. My pink smiley face cup was filled to the brim with creamy purple milk. I had my first sip and smiled. It was perfect. Mrs B laughed at me because I had a milk mustache.

After morning tea it was time for the judges to visit our class and share their ideas about our dishes. Our cob loaf was the entree so they tried it first. “Ummmmmmm” I heard Mrs Swider say. That had to be a good sign!

After the judges shared their thoughts about our cooking we got to eat. We got to try all the dishes. We started off with the cob loaf. It was so delicious. The cream cheese, cheese, onion and spinach had cooked perfectly. It had become a gooey, cheesy, mixture that went so well with the toasted bread.

Next, we tried the spaghetti bolognese. It was so good. I actually had seconds. That group had done a great job and I could really taste the herbs from our garden.

Finally, we tried the apple crumble. Oh my goodness… it was just so sweet and tasty. A perfect end to an enormous feast.

By this stage I was so full I was ready for a big sleep. But instead the bell rang and it was time for lunch. It had been such a fun morning. I hope we enter the Maara Kai competition next time.  I am already planning our veggie garden and dishes!