CAC 9/19/2024 3:45PM-5:08 PM
- Introductions
- Deciding on members and chairs: Taking Mr. Bondoc back to the staff for decision; we need to have a parent co-chair; former co-chair (Doug Boyer) is willing to give it to a new parent; Parent (Laura) asked what the roles and responsibilities are of the parent co-chair; D. Vallejo explains and shows the responsibilities per the district (included→a part of the principal voting & interviewing process)...we are no longer the campus of DAC. The goal is equal voice of parents and teachers. We are currently out of ratio.
- Principal Vallejo reviews the district CAC slidedeck
- AISD Strategic Plan Update: still in progress by the district
- Campus Budget: Staffing formulas in November; elementaries receive a set budget based on staffing and resources year-to-year (does not deviate often)
- Member offers history and offerings of Govalle CAC
- Questions:
- Basse- attendance
- Verification Form:
- Review of CIP (due 10/14/2024; feedback needed prior from the CAC): Needs to add goals
- New mission and vision statement
- Demographics- 370-380 students
- Strengths: Increase in Culture & Climate
- Needs: Academically (Math & Literacy); TELPAS
- Enrollment of Students with Special Needs
- Lowest Scoring area in climate & culture surveys: Sense of Belonging
- Question: comparison to other schools
- Safety: student vs. parent discrepancy
- Resources: Partnerships with community
- Documentation of communications with district around resources for CAC agenda
- Campaign kickoff Saturday at noon for new board member (Meanwhile Brewing)
- Parent Volunteering: cafeteria, bathroom, small groups (science)
- Furniture needs to be received by October (1 year later)
- PTA is trying to fundraise money through businesses and families
- Encourage the use of makerspace
- Closing:
- Email Vallejo and Eden (CC others) topics for agenda
- We still need 2 more parents