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CAC 9_19_2024 3_45AM.docx
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CAC 9/19/2024 3:45PM-5:08 PM

  1. Introductions
  2. Deciding on members and chairs: Taking Mr. Bondoc back to the staff for decision; we need to have a parent co-chair; former co-chair (Doug Boyer) is willing to give it to a new parent; Parent (Laura) asked what the roles and responsibilities are of the parent co-chair; D. Vallejo explains and shows the responsibilities per the district (included→a part of the principal voting & interviewing process)...we are no longer the campus of DAC. The goal is equal voice of parents and teachers. We are currently out of ratio.
  3. Principal Vallejo reviews the district CAC slidedeck
  4. AISD Strategic Plan Update: still in progress by the district
  5. Campus Budget: Staffing formulas in November; elementaries receive a set budget based on staffing and resources year-to-year (does not deviate often)
  6. Member offers history and offerings of Govalle CAC
  7. Questions:
  1. Basse- attendance
  1. Verification Form:
  2. Review of CIP (due 10/14/2024; feedback needed prior from the CAC): Needs to add goals
  1. New mission and vision statement
  2. Demographics- 370-380 students
  3. Strengths: Increase in Culture & Climate
  4. Needs: Academically (Math & Literacy); TELPAS
  5. Enrollment of Students with Special Needs
  6. Lowest Scoring area in climate & culture surveys: Sense of Belonging
  1. Question: comparison to other schools
  2. Safety: student vs. parent discrepancy
  1. Resources: Partnerships with community
  1. Documentation of communications with district around resources for CAC agenda
  2. Campaign kickoff Saturday at noon for new board member (Meanwhile Brewing)
  3. Parent Volunteering: cafeteria, bathroom, small groups (science)
  4. Furniture needs to be received by October (1 year later)
  5. PTA is trying to fundraise money through businesses and families
  6. Encourage the use of makerspace
  1. Closing:
  1. Email Vallejo and Eden (CC others) topics for agenda
  2. We still need 2 more parents