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NLCH Bylaws Rev 3/30/14
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Revision Date 03/30/2014



We, the horseshoe pitchers of the Eastem Connecticut area, in order to help promote and aid the game of horseshoe pitching as a sport, and to provide the opportunity and facilities for all people interested in horseshoes in the area to participate in the game, and to insure its continued existence and growth, do hereby establish this constitution for the New London County Horseshoe League.


The name of the league shall be "The New London County Horseshoe League"


The purpose of the league shall be to further the game of horseshoe pitching byall areas within our influence.


Requirements for membership shall be to set forth in the by-laws. All league members and substitutes are required to be sanctioned with the NHPA.


The officers of this league shall be elected at the annual meeting by a majority vote of league members present and in good standing. Newly elected officers will hold their positions for a period of two years. No person may hold more than one office at a time. Authorities of Officers are incorporated by reference in the fulfillment of any league duties and operations.


The Board of Directors shall be the governing body of the league and shall consist of the four (4) officers and team captains. A captain may name another team captain to act as his representative at a board of directors meetings. Any officer shall be considered a team captain. If two officers are elected from the same team each shall having voting rights on the Board of Directors. Each team is entitled to one (1) vote. A majority of the members of the Board of Directors constitutes a quorum for any duly announced league meeting, board of directors meeting, and the transaction of business.


Article l — DUTIES

Board Of Directors

l) Set league playing schedule and playoff rules before the start of the league schedule.

2) Approve the prize list.

3) Determine the salary to be paid to the league secretary or any other officer.

4) Rule on all grievances, protests, or forfeiture of play.

5) Approve all expenditures of the league outside of normal operating expenses.

6) Set membership dues for the year required to cover league expenses.

7) Conduct an audit of the treasurer’s records annually.

8) Have the right to suspend membership of any member for non-payment of dues or other conduct deemed detrimental to the league.

President: The president shall preside at league meetings, to administer the business of the league and to pass on any obligations the league may wish to incur, and to handle whatever other duties that come to his attention in the promoting the best interest of the league. The president shall approve all normal operating expenditures for the league. The president shall have final rule on all grievances, protests or forfeiture of play in which a tie vote by the Board of Directors exists.

Vice President: The vice president shall have the same duties as the president when the president is absent. He shall also aid in the ordering of awards in the time for the banquet, preparation of the banquet and the presentation of awards at the banquet.

Secretary: The secretary shall keep accurate minutes of league meetings, keep records of the team and individual members, set up a playing schedule and post weekly team and individual standings and statistics, and publish the final standings in a pamphlet for the banquet. Verify NHPA membership of players prior to the start of the season and sign up new members into the NHPA during the season. Review proposed by-law and constitution amendments prior to submission to the league membership. Generate a complete set of league-approved by-laws prior to the start of league play, to each member of the board of directors. Submit final NHPA stats sheet at the completion of the league schedule. Submit final standings to the vice president or awards committee in order to generate league awards for the banquet.

Treasurer: The treasurer shall establish a bank account in the name of the league with the signatures of at least two (2) officers needed for withdrawals. Keep accurate records of all money received from dues, all money remaining. He will provide an accurate financial statement for all team captains and league officers at the next annual meeting.

Captains: The captain is the team representative and shall be responsible for, collecting weekly fees and enter such fees into an envelope for remittance to the league treasurer, responsible for the eligibility of the team and its members under the rules of the league, enter names onto the score sheets prior to league play, tally scores when a tie is in question. If a sub is used, make sure the player is sanctioned prior to the start of league play.


l) Any regular member of a team shall be considered a member of the league.

2) All members of the league shall have voting rights at meetings provided they are in good standing.

3) Members suspended by the Board of Directors are not in good standing. Any member suspended

by the league may only be reinstated by a Board of Directors vote.


l) Each regular team member will pay the required dues as established by the Board of Directors, paid prior to the start of league play each night. Any regular team member who falls more than four weeks in arrears of dues will be suspended from league play. All regular team members must be paid in full in order to participate in playoffs or to be eligible for individual awards. The Board of Directors may approve exceptions to this rule on a case-by-case basis. All regular members are required to pay weekly dues whether they pitch that week or not.

2) The treasurer will issue each team captain a payment envelope on the first week of league play. Each week these envelopes will be passed out with the score sheets prior to the start of league play. All captains, after collecting weekly fees, will enter the amounts under each players name and return the envelope to the treasurer prior to the end of the match.

3) All league funds will be deposited into a bank account in the name of the league. Funds will be deposited weekly. The president may audit the league’s financial records at the mid- point of the season to approve its accuracy. No money will be paid out unless approved by the president or his representative.

4) Each team must have a minimum of four (4) fully paid up regular members by the end of the season in order to participate in any playoffs. All regular members must be paid up in order to participate in playoffs, attend the banquet or to receive an award.

5) All funds remaining after the season ends will be kept in the league account, and carried into the next season. All expenses must be paid in full along with a financial statement showing a balance of funds remaining for the next season. Financial statements shall be made available to the Board of Directors within one month following the annual banquet

Article 4 — MEETINGS

1) An annual league meeting will be held at least one month prior to the start of the regular season. League members shall be given at least two weeks written notice of the annual league meeting.

The current league President shall preside over the meeting. In the event of the Presidents’ absence the Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer shall preside in order. Other league meetings will be scheduled as needed.

Other full league meetings may be called as deemed necessary by the President. Team captains shall be notified of the meeting date and agenda at least one week before the scheduled meeting.

2) Annual meetings will be conducted as follows; reading of previous minutes, treasurers report, discussions on old business, new business, good and welfare of the league.

3) Board of Director’s meetings shall be called as needed by the President. All Board of Directors shall be given notice of such meeting at least two days in advance of the meeting. The President shall make every attempt to schedule meetings such that all members may attend.

4) Any league or Board of Directors meeting must have proper notification and a quorum of at least one officer and one half of the Board of Directors to be considered an official meeting.


Officers will be elected at the annual meeting as the first order of new business. Officer terms shall be for two years. The positions of President and Secretary shall be elected in even numbered years and the positions of Vice President and Treasurer in odd number years. Officers shall be elected by a majority vote of all league members in attendance and in good standing. Votes will be cast by paper ballot. Three members of the league who are not running for office will be assigned to distribute and count ballots.


Any protests or grievances will be made in writing and submitted to the Secretary of the league. The Board of Directors will rule on all protests and grievances by a majority vote of the necessary quorum. Board of Director members involved in protested games are not considered for quorum purposes. Protested games will be ruled on by the start of the next scheduled match. Grievances will be ruled on within one month of being submitted to the Secretary.


Any member of the league in good standing may purpose a constitution or by-law amendment. Purposed amendments must be made in writing and submitted to the Secretary. The Secretary will distribute copies of proposed amendments to the Board of Directors at least two weeks prior a scheduled league meeting. Captains are then responsible for distribution to members.

Proposed amendments will be presented at a league meeting and voted upon separately. A two-thirds (2/3) vote of league members present at the meeting is required to pass an amendment.

Article 8 — LEAGUE PLAY

l) The Board of Directors will determine the season format and playoff format at the start of each season based on the number of teams in the league. The scoring of games will be based on a handicap-adjusted system for each players ability. Each player will have an assigned handicap that is adjusted following each scheduled match. The league will begin its season on the first Wednesday of May and continue for as many weeks as needed with, the addition of Mondays as needed, to complete the schedule.

2) Teams are expected to complete matches against an opponent on the scheduled night of play. The President may postpone matches due to severe weather at least three hours before the scheduled start time. All team captains or alternates must be notified of postponements. If the President has not postponed matches, teams are expected to play with forfeiture of games at risk. Once at the courts the Board of Directors will rule on all postponements. The Secretary will reschedule postponed games for the next available Monday night.

If a team cannot make a scheduled match the match may be rescheduled with the opposing team to a mutually agreeable date. Rescheduled matches will be completed within two weeks of the original date. If a mutually agreeable date cannot be decided The Board of Directors will rule on the completion date.

3) Start time for the league matches will be determined by the Board of Directors. Matches shall start when a legal team is present. A fifteen-minute grace period will be given to a team to have a legal team present.

4) Players in the league as defined as follows;

 Regular team member — a dues paying member who regularly pitches scheduled matches. Substitute team member — a non-dues paying member who substitutes for a specific team. Roving substitute — a non-dues paying member who may substitute for any team.

All players in the league shall be sanctioned members of the NHPA in order to compete.

5) Teams shall consist of a minimum of four regular team members. Teams may choose to list substitute team members. Teams are limited to a maximum of seven team members. Captains shall turn in their rosters to Secretary prior to the start of league play. The Secretary shall confirm all team members are sanctioned members of the NHPA prior to the start of play.

Players are eligible to pitch for only one team during the season. If a team falls below the minimum number of regular members due to unforeseen events a replacement player may be added. Roving substitutes and team substitutes who have not competed for their team are eligible to join that team.

6) A legal team for matches will be two (2) or more members from the team roster. A roving sub may not be used to make a legal team. No team can refuse to play a scheduled match if there is a legal team present.

A team has the option to use a roving sub(s) to complete the team for a match or use an absentee score. If a team has four regular members of the team present for a match neither team substitutes or roving subs may used.

7) League matches will consist of the number of games decided by the Board of Directors. The rules of the National Horseshoe Pitchers Association of America will govern league matches.

8) All players will use the same handicap percentage. The handicap allowance shall be 90%, figured on the difference between each individual’s average and a scratch score as determined by the Board of Directors. Handicaps will be based on the entering average for each player until completion of the first week. Thereafter, the handicap shall be based on a player’s current average.

Entering averages shall be determined as follows;

Returning players who have pitched in any season during the last three seasons will use their last participating season average as their entering average, e. g. a player who pitched two seasons ago would use the ending average of that season. Players who have pitched in a NHPA sanctioned league will have their previous league average as an entering average upon verification by the Secretary. The average will be adjusted to the number of shoes pitched per game. New players who never pitched in a sanctioned league will establish an average after completion of their first week.

9) Games in each match will begin with two (2) members of each team opposing each other on two (2) sets of courts. Each team will have players l through 4 in direct competition with each player pitching two (2) shoes consecutively. All points shall be counted for each player. The start of play will have the home team pitching last and continue with the "follow your partner" format throughout the game. Players receiving the shoes will "call-out" the points scored to the scorekeeper and all players involved. Players will maintain their position in the order unless they have sat out a game such that another regular member may participate. If any team starts a game using an absentee score the game will continue using the absentee score regardless if a team member or roving sub becomes available.

At the completion of a game the winner will receive one point. If a tie occurs each team will be credited with one half (l/2) point. There shall be no playoff for such ties. One member from each team will check the score to verify the tie game prior to starting the next game.

At any time during a game or in the final scoring of a game a discrepancy in scoring is discovered, the discrepancy will be corrected to the satisfaction of both teams. If team captains cannot agree on a resolution than a protest must be noted on the scoreboard before the start of the next game. If it is the final game of the match the protest must be noted before the score sheets are returned to the Secretary. The Board of Directors will decide the outcome of protested games. Games replayed due to protest will be replayed with their original players in the original position.

10) Absentee scores shall be allowed when a team has a legal team but less than a full team at the start of any game in. The absentee score is figured by subtracting five (5) points off the average and handicap, (10 points deducted). The average and handicap used for the absentee score will be taken from absent players on the roster in order of the highest average.

11) When one of the two teams scheduled against each other fails to present a legal team, and a postponement was not requested, the games are forfeited unless there was an emergency that could not controlled by the team. The Board of Directors shall have final ruling on all forfeited games. Games ruled not to be forfeits will be rescheduled.

Teams are not required to pitch games in which their opponent is not present. A team must have a legal team present in order to receive match points.

12) At the end of the season, playoffs will be held based on the format decided by the Board of Directors. To be eligible to pitch in playoff games, a player must pitch in at least fifty (50) percent of scheduled games with the same team for the entire season. If a team has only three eligible members for the playoffs a team captain may appeal a player’s eligibility to the Board of Directors.

In all playoff and championship matches, Board of Directors not involved may keep score and keep teams posted as the current score or inning as requested.

13) The Board of Directors will determine awards given at the end of the season. Players must pitch in a minimum of fifty percent of regular season games and be fully paid up in order to be eligible for an award.

The Vice President shall aid in the types of awards with an awards committee. All awards will be presented at the league banquet.

