Letter from Band Director to All Band Students

Mark Calendars for Required Participation in State’s Large Group Performance Evaluation

Dear Band Students,

I am writing to inform you about an important event that is coming up on our band calendar. The state Large Group Performance Evaluation (LGPE) is a required event for all band students, and grades will reflect your participation or lack of participation. This event is a benchmark for our band program and how we are doing in reference to the standard of performance level set for all bands in our state.

The LGPE is a fantastic opportunity for us to grow stronger as a performing organization. We will have the chance to showcase our skills and receive valuable feedback from professional evaluators. This feedback will help us identify areas that need improvement and create a plan to enhance our performance abilities.

In addition, participation in the LGPE is a great way to demonstrate our commitment to excellence as musicians and as a team. This event requires a lot of hard work and dedication, but the rewards are significant. We will have the chance to perform in front of an audience and receive recognition for our achievements.

Therefore, I am asking all band students to hold the date of ___________________ [Date] for the state LGPE and to make every effort to attend. The event is a crucial part of our band program, and I am confident that we will do our best to represent our school and community.

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I look forward to working with you to prepare for the state LGPE.
