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AP Psychology Summer Assignment


Why do I have a summer assignment for AP Psychology?

Completing this assignment will allow you to:

What do I need for my summer assignment?

*new or used is acceptable

Assignment: Reading and Assessment

Assignment: FRQ Writing – Defining and Applying My Strengths

“What three strengths do you believe have helped you achieve the most in life?”

The FRQ writing assignment will be due on the first day of school, printed.

What is a Free Response Question?

• It is simple straight forward, clear, concise response to a given scenario.

• Questions will ask students to do the following: Explain behavior and apply theories using concepts   from different theoretical frameworks or subdomains in the field.

• Analyze psychological research studies, including analyzing and interpreting quantitative data.

This summer assignment is your first step towards mastering the FRQ.  You will articulate though writing, how your three strengths are significant to your life.  There are different formats and types of FRQ’s and when writing a FRQ, it is important to focus on psychological concepts.  For the summer assignment, describe how each of your strengths apply to success in areas of your life such as academics, athletics/clubs, work, and relationships.  All of these areas of life consist of psychological concepts.  Start by defining your strengths, and next write your application.  

Throughout the academic year, we will focus on improving writing skills that will help with your success in the AP Exam, but will also help with general writing skills that are accentual to academic success.  This summer assignment is your first step towards success.