Unit 10 Lesson 3

Name(s)_______________________________________________ Period ______ Date ___________________

Activity Guide - Privacy, Security, and Innovation

Choose a Website and Find the Data Privacy Policy

Choose an app, website, or other online service you are familiar with to research their data policy. The easiest way to find a data policy, if it exists, is to search for the company name followed by the terms “data policy” or “privacy policy.”  

Your website or app: Netflix__________

What Is Their Data Policy?

Respond to the questions below. Even if you can’t find information, you should record where you looked and the fact that you can’t find it. If there isn’t a policy or it’s hard to find, that can be just as interesting as seeing the policy itself.

Question 1: What kinds of data is collected?


Question 2: How is the data you listed above being used? What features are enabled by the data?

We use information to provide, analyze, administer, enhance and personalize our services and marketing efforts, to manage member referrals, to process your registration, your orders and your payments, and to communicate with you on these and other topics. For example, we use such information to:

Question 3: Does the company share the data with anyone else? Who?

Question 4: Can you get access to your own data? Can you modify what is collected, or delete your data if you wish?

You can request access to your personal information, or correct or update out-of-date or inaccurate personal information we hold about you. You may also request that we delete personal information that we hold about you.

Privacy vs. Security Tradeoffs

Question 5: Do you believe the benefits of the innovation you researched outweigh the privacy concerns? Explain why or why not making explicit connections to responses 1-4 above.

No, we should be able to know where our information is sent and what information they are sharing and to where.

Question 6

Which of the above categories best describes your overall comfort with using data to drive innovations or ensure security? Write a paragraph below explaining your response and tying it to either the information in this activity guide or discussions shared in class.



Extensive Evidence

Convincing Evidence

Limited Evidence

No Evidence

Data Collection and Use

Response 1 include many examples of data collected by the company that are clearly tied to the examples in Response 2 indicating how that data is used.

Both responses include many examples but there may not always be connections between the kinds of data collected and the way it is used.

One or both responses is either missing significant information or there is no clear connection between the responses.

Both responses are either incomplete or missing.

Data Sharing and Control

Response 3 and 4 clearly describe how users data is shared externally and whether and if users have any controls over their data. There are clear ties between the way data is used and the controls users have over that use.

Response 3 and 4 include examples of how data is shared and controlled but there many not always be clear ties between the responses 1-3 and the data controls mentioned in response 4.

One of response 3 and 4 is significantly lacking in clarity over how the data is shared or how the data is controlled.

Both responses are either incomplete or missing.

Evaluating Your Innovation

The response provides a clear opinion on the tradeoffs based on the information provided on the first page.

The response states a clear opinion but some portions may not be tied to responses 1-4.

The response states an opinion but it is not at all tied to the responses 1 - 4.

The response is missing or unrelated to the prompt.

Evaluating the Privacy Tradeoffs Overall

The response provides a clear opinion on the overall privacy tradeoffs based on the information in this activity guide and covered in class.

The response states a clear opinion but some portions may not be tied to responses 1-4 or information covered in class.

The response states an opinion but it is not at all tied to the responses 1 - 4 or other information covered in class.

The response is missing or unrelated to the prompt.

Computer Science Principles