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EN_EP12GU26_DE MATHELIN_Robotique médicale
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Main lecturer

Mail address

Phone number

Michel DE MATHELIN, Director of the ICube Laboratory, office XXX,

fax +33 (0)3 68 85 44 55

Other instructor(s)

Adlane HABED (ICube), Florent NAGEOTTE (ICube), Hyewon SEO (ICube), Toby COLLINS (IRCAD), Nicolas ANDREFF(Femto-ST), Didier MUTTER (IRCAD/HUS)


Track - Year - Option - Semester

Coefficient = ECTS



Master - 1Y IMed - S1

Master - 2Y IRMC HCI + Doctors - S3

International program

6 / 4 (IP)

45h CM



Authorized documents



If yes, which ones :

School calculator authorized

Session 1

4h CT

Andreff : A4 sheet handwritten double-sided

Nageotte : courses documents

Yes / No

Andreff : no

Nageotte : yes

Session 2

to complete

Yes / No

Yes / No


Basis of Geometry, Algebra, Control Theory, Digital Signal and Image Processing

Lecture goals

• To provide necessary knowledge in order to start research projects in the area of medical robotics;

• To give an exposure to the specific constraints of an operating room;

• To present the robotics devices and systems (sensors, actuators, mechanical structures, control

architectures, ...) used for computer aided surgery;

• To become able to analyze medical procedure in order to provide adapted assistive technologies

and systems.

Detailed outline

  • Fundamental of robotics :

- Modeling and parametrization of articulated objects in 3D space

- Forward and inverse kinematics

- Differential kinematics and visual servoing

  • Robot vision :

- Vision models

- 3D reconstruction

- Calibration

  • Medical robotics and computer aided surgery:

- Medical robotis main characteristics

- Operating room equipment

- Basis of laparoscopic surgery and NOTES

- Sensors, registration, navigation and visual servoing

- Augmented reality

- Geometric modelling

- Virtual reality

- Haptics and telemanipulation


• Kinematic control of robot in Cartesian space and image based visual servoing

• Experimental laboratory in the surgical suite of IRCAD

Acquired skills

After this lecture, the student will be able to ...