October Monday 9th, 2023 Board Meeting 6:00pm - 7:00pm
Attendees: Lake, Cort, Branden, Gabie, Devyn
Members Not Present: Alex
- Treasurer or President shares
- Board vote that all is in order/board time to ask questions about financials if not
Old Business:
- TransWild Forest Frolic (fun, annual)
- NYE Planning- nothing has happened with it
- MasQUEERade (attendees, Blake, Cort, Devyn, Lake, Kayla, + trivia winner)
- Mushroom Festival applied/attending (Blake, Lake, Cort)
- New events (Queeraoke and BWP moving forward) First Rainbow Family Read Aloud
New Business:
- Board members resigned due to inactivity: Tim & Skyler
- Budget updates/changes
- Anything to add?
Meeting Notes:
- All of our Members that will be present are present. Tim and Skyler have resigned from QE board because they have not been part of it for the last year. Alex is taking “sabbatical”
- Financials:
- Lake goes over the summary and shots of paypal, venmo, and bank accounts.
- Income and expenses summary -
- Lake sent links to everyone of this fiscal year
- Have not been updated for the month of october and will work on it asap
- Lake explained the set up of how the income and expenses document is set up
- Branden, Gabie, Devyn, and Cort all give thumbs up that finances are in order and have no questions
- NYE – waiting on 255 Madison – may not be happening
- MasQUEERade - Saturday at the graduate
- At trivia, a community member has the opportunity to win the 6th ticket
- Spent 700 for tickets but transponder is giving us the 2000 treatment
- Queeraoke is starting in November at 255
- Eugene books with pictures
- Every first saturday of the month - laura kids read aloud
- Youth action council with Cortney once a month (currently the third tuesday)
- Lake starting history club
- Blend of in person or video??? Figuring it out
- Devyn:
- Are we looking to add new members since Tim and Skyler have resigned or sticking with who we have since we know we have quorum?
- Lake - looking to start at others and their philosophies a couple to a few months before July so that new members could start in July
- Budget things:
- First portion is what we already voted on
- Second portion is proposed budget changes
- Devyn - line 36 says annual but the cost is showing per month
- Lake - we pay for it annually but it shows on the site as per month
- 255 has talked about paying for a karaoke service but has not fully committed so to be able to move forward i am proposing a budget for this
- A monthly budget for the youth groups for snacks and such
- A monthly budget for the reading group
- Lake - I move that we vote this amended budget
- Gabie - I second
- Branden, cortney, and Devyn vote yes to move the budget to support programming
- Lake on a panel on november 3rd on behalf of school boards and QE
- Hopefully QE will get paid later
Adjourned at: 6:30pm