(A door labeled ‘Authorized Personnel Only’ slowly opens as “Odd Look” by Kavinsky begins to play. It shows different computers and hundreds of screens where the views of security camera footage from different areas are shown live.)

Jaywalker’s Voice: “My Vision… Is to Create the New World”

(The view of the camera then pans to various other equipment within the room as it finally reveals a control panel table in the middle of the room with various buttons.)

Jaywalker’s Voice: “A different world that only someone such as myself could be capable of producing.”

(It now shows a woman’s hand as she raises one finger and presses the red button at the side. A holographic projection of the Wrestleworld Map then pops right above the table.)

Jaywalker’s Voice: “Wrestleworld, It’s unlike any other.”

(The screen then turns dark blue. “Odd Look” by Kavinsky fades to a stop as white text slowly reveal the title card:)

(Intern Interviewer Joy is seen in the same room with a chair right before the table where it still shows The Wrestleworld Map. She is looking directly at the camera with an emotionless expression.)

Joy: Hello everyone. I’m Joy. I will be hosting this episode of BluePrint. I am very honored and excited.

(At the opposite side of the table, Wrestleworld Commentator Felix Mosby is seated with a confused look on his face)

Felix Mosby: Are you, really?

(Joy suddenly turns her head to Felix, still with the same emotionless look. Felix then shivers before he continues)

Felix Mosby: Uh, and I’m Felix Mosby! And we are here to bring you the very first episode of BluePrint! Five breath-taking shows in, and I know that all of you can tell that Wrestleworld is unlike any other wrestling company. It’s the best damn company in the world! It’s founder and director, Jaywalker, spared no expense to build a sanctuary for the Architects to develop and the Clients and Guests to engage and experience! You can think of it as a Theme Park if you will. Wrestleworld is a controlled territory where every building, every street and even the smallest grain of sand are there for a purpose. But unlike a Theme Park, there are no actors or mascots or staff that would assist and guide you every step of the way -- everything is as real as it gets, so please I ask the audience to not get lost while you’re here! I remember one time that I got lost and couldn’t find my way back to the main road, and I could have SWORN someone was following me! As it turns out --

Joy: Are you done yet? I have a lot to cover today.

Felix Mosby: Fine, fine! But don’t take my word for it! I haven’t actually explored all locations of Wrestleworld, but do you know who has? Joy... for some reason! She’s really a dedicated worker in search of information, and she is very fascinated with Wrestleworld and its operations, and to be honest with you, I didn’t know how any of this about her until a few hours ago when we got called up to do this show! She’s a woman of mystery, and most of the time, she keeps to herself… Until today! So I’ll give the floor to her --

Joy: Hi! I’m Joy.

Joy stands up from her stool and takes a few steps to reach the red button at the side of the Control Panel table. She presses it to once again introduce the holographic view of the Wrestleworld Map right above the table.

Felix Mosby: What the -- It’s pretty impressive the kind of technology we have here.

Joy: I don’t know what you’re talking about. Maybe you’re just too old.

Felix Mosby: A-haha! Good joke! You got me there!

Joy: I don’t joke.

(Joy now lifts her hand to point and navigate on the map, still not showing any signs of emotion, she begins to speak monotonously.)

Joy: Viewers watching BluePrint -- you may or may not like how this looks. But this area where Wrestleworld was built on is known as the Neutral Territories. A few months ago, Jaywalker and his Architects were able to colonize this territory and successfully create a self-relying independent environment, a ‘country’ of its own, and all it needed was the population, and the workers to help its growth and economic stability.

Felix Mosby: Oh, that is truly remarkable! It’s like playing their own game of Village Simulator! But, Joy, where even is Wrestlworld? What specific continent is this located? In Asia? In Australia? In America?

Joy: I’ll tell you, but then I’ll have to kill you. Because one might say you’re stupid for even asking such a question. But anyway, I went on a three-day expedition to explore every detail of Wrestleworld. We already know about the two arenas at play -- The Heaven’s Arena, where normal bi-weekly shows take place, and The Crown Coliseum, where special events and pay-per-views happen. I know that you’re familiar with the Wrestleworld Studios HQ, it’s where Jaywalker hosts EpiCenter with Pierre McGuire, and Jack Develin hosts the weekly rankings called “Bounties”.

(Joy lightly waves her hand to navigate the map and zoom in on The Wrestleworld Capital)

Joy: If you want to enter Wrestleworld, this is where you start -- The Capital. It is also known as the main city where all day-to-day operations happen. You will find shops, restaurants, 5-star hotels, hospitals, offices and more. The Wrestleworld entry border is very strict to Guests and requires complete paperwork with consistent up-to-date information, entry tickets, and your passport in order to enter, but once you’re in, you can go anywhere that you like. Clients, Personnels and Architects only require a badge and their fingerprints to enter.

Felix Mosby: Whew! Glad I don’t leave Wrestleworld! I live and breathe the world of tomorrow, and there’s no place I’d rather be! Why would you want to leave Wrestleworld anyway?

Joy: I can think of a reason or two. I heard one of the Ladder Match participants had a mental breakdown because Claudia Michaels predicted that they’d lose, but that was just a rumor. But moving on, to the heart of BluePrint, I will share with you next are the unique territories given by Jaywalker to all of the Architects. I have found some locations you may have already known about and also discovered the ones unseen yet on TV.

(Joy zooms out the Wrestleworld Map once more, and chooses a place of interest to zoom in)

Joy: The first one is on the northwest side of the map. It doesn’t have a proper name yet, but I will call it the “European Lands” for the Architect that owns that Territory. The main attraction is Babayka’s Wrestleworld Carnival. Weather conditions are typically cold. Dark clouds constantly block the sky, and it smells like toxic fumes and death. But it’s still safe for children anyway, with adult supervision, but only to view. Most of the rides are functional, but they’re all rusty. I suppose you can ride them at your own risk. Here’s a clip of me on the carousel.

(Joy points to one of the TV screens behind as it plays a brief clip of her riding a carousel horse with the same plain, emotionless look on her face, staring blankly at the camera)

Joy: I feared for my life. I thought I was going to die. But if you can take the risk, we won’t stop you.

Felix Mosby: Hmm, it looks to me like you were actually enjoying it. But I can’t tell still. I do want to note that the key person that has been in this territory is none other than Harry Sterling who recently challenged for the European Championship at Violent Delights. Sterling went to search for Babayka at Chapter 3: “Golden Dragonborn”. He did find what he was looking for and more as he finds out how sick and twisted the situation is that he had gotten himself into. But anyway… What’s with that Wrestleworld Nuclear Plant?

Joy: It’s for power supply, silly.

(Joy then swipes the holographic view immediately without actually answering Felix’s question, landing on another, The Wrestleworld Islands)

Joy: This one is on the north side, the “Werstleworld Islands” owned by the Campeonatos de Parejas Architects, Drake and Jones. It’s not as exciting as it looks. Tourists refer to it as “Weeb Lands”. You’d think Islands would get you fancy cruises, and beaches, and some fun in the sun, and while you still do get a poorly maintained version of them along with a mariachi band that plays for 15 minutes straight upon your arrival to the island, this place is pretty much an Anime-themed attraction when you look deeper. It’s sunny 100% of the time. It’s got statues of various anime characters on every corner, a museum filled with useless merchandise, and not to mention, the population is 70% Japanese Females. I am not exactly certain if those women know where they are since neither Drake Jaeger nor Tiberius Jones is actually fluent in the language, but in today’s society where consent is very important, there’s a big possibility that these women are being held captive, and I only wish that soon they will be able to get out.

Felix Mosby: For someone who often takes a neutral stance, you are pretty biased with Drake and Jones, Joy. Sure they can go crazy, and they think of insane ideas like the “Drake and Jones Games” back in Chapter 4 and relentlessly beating the hell out of Daniels at Violent Delights, but I don’t think they’d go that far! Though I disagree with their methods at times, it only really boils down to what they have to accomplish! I think having an island filled with attractive women is great! Brilliant even, I wish I had thought of it sooner!

Joy: Anime is stupid. So I don’t really care. Moving on.

(Joy zooms out and navigates again to another location. A little below the Drake and Jones Island)

Joy: For the next location, this is at the east side of the map -- Pendragon’s Wrestleworld Dojo, or as I’d like to call it, “The Zen Lands”. Former Shogun Architect Brian Daniels has not done anything to this Territory before Pendragon took over and built his Dojo, but instead of cutting down the trees and wildlife that are currently on it, he decided to turn it into a part of his territory. It’s very easy to get lost because upon arriving on this island, you are already being put to a test of wits and survival by going through its rainforest and navigating your way to the actual Dojo using nothing but a compass, your five senses, and your instinct. There is no reception and it is most certainly not GPS-friendly. There is sun and rain at the same time. Typically tourists take about an hour around it to reach the Dojo, but it only took me about 12 minutes, because I landed from a helicopter.

Felix Mosby: Wow! Just wow! I will admit that is pretty impressive. That is the most interesting place that I’ve seen by far. That Dojo is just fitting for a guy like Jaydayne if he wants to make a difference as our newest Architect. He really hasn’t wasted any time nor hesitated on becoming part of this. Less is more, as they say!

(Joy zooms out again to pick out the final location, and zooms in on the Wrestleworld Castle)

Joy: The last location is heavily secured by an entire army of guards. I needed a special pass just to get in -- it’s the Wrestleworld Castle owned by the American Dream Architect, Claudia Michaels within the area that I’d like to call “The Royal Lands”. There’s clear weather over there and upon entering the actual castle, at the end of the aisle rests a seat called “The Golden Throne” made of melted Championship belts. There are maids and servants everywhere. On the outside, there’s a view of the clear ocean, and it’s great for first dates if you manage to not get shot by the guards first or sent to the ‘Develin Correctional Facility’ for trespassing.

Felix Mosby: And you may have seen a glimpse of this territory during Chapter 4: “Rebuild” just a few days ago during the contract signing between Reno Dumont and Claudia Michaels for the upcoming Violent Ends match, the two exchanged some words and The Golden Throne is exactly where Claudia was sitting to keep away from any unneeded confrontation!

Joy: Yes, I know. Everyone saw that. But that’s about the time we have left before Mosby gets heavily emotional like he always does. I hope you liked the episode, or not, I feel nothing about your feedback. But do tune in next time as we unveil more ugly secrets of this company worthy of exposure.

Felix Mosby: I think what she means is that we still have so much more information to bring you, folks and more exciting never before seen features! This is Joy, and I’m Felix Mosby! Until the next episode of BluePrint, whenever that may be… And don’t forget to tune in for our next show, Chapter 5: “Paradigm Makeshift”! The road to Violent Ends begins!

(The Camera fades to black as credits roll to end the show)