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Blood Donation Sites

Compiled  By  Ms. Shobha Mathur.

Here I have referred  to   some salient facts about Blood, and its donation. I have also tried to put together  a list of Indian Blood banks  online.

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There are many Blood banks  standalone or attached to hospitals. Yet, there always is shortage specially during  disasters. Every year India requires 40 million units of 250cc blood out of which only 500,000 of blood units are available. If all able bodied persons donate, it can be resolved.

Now many NGOs are also coming together and several sites are also opened on the Internet. Here you can donate as well as seek the type of blood needed.

As more NGOs and organizations are coming to the fore, this cannot be a static list. It is correct to the best of my knowledge on 7 August 2008.  If anyone can add more please do so in public interest, and also drop me a line at

Blood facts

Blood is literally the life line of the body. It carries Oxygen to and carbon di-oxide from the cells, carries  food, hormones  and chemicals required to regulate the body functions.  It fights infection , maintains body temperature.

The quantity of blood  in the body depends on age, size and altitude. It is about 7% of body weight.

Sometimes a person may need extra blood, during operations or after an accident  due to heavy bleeding. At such times blood is required for transfusion. There are many blood banks all over and also major hospitals who arrange for required quantity .Many times you can not “BUY” blood, you have to replace it by donating equal amount.

Blood is one commodity which cannot yet be produced artificially. When required it has to be taken from another living human .  All blood is not same, it has been classified in different groups, and before transfusion the type is matched

Blood Groups

The membranes of red blood cells contain proteins called antigens.  More than 300 red-cell antigens have been identified.  Based on the presence or absence of particular antigens, scientists have classified human blood into various groups.  A, B & O

The Rh Blood Types

Rh blood types form the second major blood-group system.  People who have Rh antigens on their red blood cells are Rh positive (RH+).  The antigen itself is called the Rh factor.  People who lack the factor are Rh negative (RH-).  Most people are Rh positive. 

Over the last decade, blood transfusion has been made safer by transfusing only the needed component of the blood to the patients. For example, RBCs for those who are anaemic and those undergoing surgery, Platelets for children and adults whose platelet count is low due to disease or medication they received and Plasma for those with burn injuries or bleeding problems. Apart from providing the right component, this approach helps in optimal use of available blood.


The main components of Blood  


Plasma is the liquid, straw-colored part of blood.  It makes up about 50 to 60 per cent of the total volume of blood. 

Red Blood Cells (RBC).

Red blood cells, also called erythrocytes, carry oxygen to body tissues and remove carbon dioxide. 


Platelets, also known as thrombocytes, are disk like structures that help stop bleeding. 


What is the shelf life of various components ?

Even in one’s own body, it gets replaced in about 120 days .

It is now  discouraged the use of whole blood in order to prevent wastage of these blood components.

Everyone and anyone may need the blood, but not all people qualify to donate.

Who should  NOT  donate blood ?

1. Pregnant or lactating women, or those who have recently had an abortion.

2. Persons who are on steroids, hormonal supplements , or certain specified medication, eg for Diabetes, Hypertension, Coronary diseases, Malaria, .Jaundice, Typhoid TB, Cancer etc.

3. Persons with multiple sexual partners or those who are addicted to drugs.

5. Persons who have undergone surgery in the previous six months.

6. Persons who have consumed alcohol in the 24 hours prior to donation.

7. Women should avoid donation during their menstruating period.

8. Those who have undergone various vaccinations should avoid donation for the corresponding period specified .

Blood is life saver, but if not screened well, it can also induce new diseases. In fact before a major elective surgery, if time permits, now doctors prefer to save blood from the patient to reduce all risks.

Safe blood may generally be described as having no traces of viruses, parasites, drugs, alcohol, chemical substances or other factors that may cause harm to the recipient. A crucial element in ensuring safety is to know as much as possible about the source of donated blood.


How often can one donate blood ?

A healthy individual ( male or female ) ages 18 – 60 years , can donate blood once in 90 days subject to an acceptable level of pre - donation Hemoglobin concentration. Please contact the blood bank for criteria.

One can give Blood and can also register so that he can be contacted in time of need.

What happens to my unit of blood ?

( Courtesy

List of online Banks

  1. Bhatrat Blood Bank

State wise / City wise listing

A social initiative of BharatMatrimony Enterprise a non-profit, non-commercial interface was born out of our social commitment and our desire to use the power of the Internet to help common people. We started this mission with the one idea in mind; connecting those with a heart and those who need a life. We aim to become to the single largest congregation of donors across India, thereby helping needy recipients find donors quickly and effortlessly.
301, Third Floor, Prince Centre,
No. 709, Anna Salai (Pathari Road),
Chennai 600 006, Tamilnadu, INDIA

Ph / Fax: 91-44- 4229870

Web www.bharatbloodbank


  1. Caring People

Organize Camps.

Objects of our organization –

* No death in the world due to lack of blood.
* To open the branches of Caring People in each country / city and increase the membership.
* With the help of these members to found a chain of blood bank all over, from where any poor person can get free blood.

But this all will need a huge amount of money, for which we expect a little support from you. Your association with our organization will grace our site and you too will be recognized as Caring People in the world. To join hands with us we are offering the following memberships-

Honorary Membership :- The name and city of this member will be displayed on our site, fee is Rs. 2100/- for Indians and US $ 100 for rest of world.

Life Membership :- The name, complete address, profession of this member will be displayed on our site, fee is Rs. 5100/- for Indians and US $ 250 for rest of world.

Patron Membership :- The name, complete address, with brief introduction and photograph of this member will be displayed on our site, fee is Rs. 11000/- for Indians and US $ 500 for rest of world.

Caring People
Sanjeev Goel
19, Kothiwal Market
Moradabad- 244 001, Uttar Pradesh, INDIA
Tel/Fax: +91-591-2314614(O); 2450650 (R)
Mobile: +91-9412235270



  1. India Blood Bank

Here you can find  All India Listings

India Blood Bank,
#15/6B-Punugu Asari Street,
South Gate, Madurai City,
Tamil Nadu State, INDIA
Phone : 91 9944792696

Email 1 :
Email 2 :      


  1. Indianblooddonors

It has City wise listings is an address which can save your life. From Adilabad to Yamuna Nagar, from the most common blood group to the rarest, the site has a huge database of blood donors. So if you need blood, it's a good place to turn to. It's simple. It's effective. It's Free. It can match you with a donor near you in minutes. And you can save the life of a loved one. You can also register as a donor at the site and save the life of someone else's loved one. Pass the message. And let's build a community that cares !

Indian Blood Donors,

127 New Colony,

Nagpur - 440 001.



 Founders Cell No : 09860510099


  1. Jeevan Blood bank

Organize Camps. Also stem cell bank

Jeevan Blood Bank and Research Centre was started on 24th September 1995 with the vision of providing, on demand, safe blood and blood components collected from non-remunerated voluntary blood donors using appropriate and current technologies and in accordance to international standards.

Jeevan is a not for profit community blood bank situated in Chennai, India and managed by a Board of Trustees. Over the past eleven years has collected over 69,000 blood donations and made available over 120,000 units of safe blood and blood components to the community.

Why do you have to pay a Processing fee? 

Even though the blood is obtained from voluntary blood donors, the cost of collection, screening, processing and storage has to be borne by the recipients. Jeevan is a not for profit organization and is dependent on this cost recovery as recommended by the Govt. of India. In addition to this, Jeevan recovers the cost of Nucleic Acid Testing (NAT).

Here is a quick chart of the processing fee: 


Processing Fee

NAT fee 


Packed Red blood Cells



Rs. 1350/Unit

Platelet Concentrate




Fresh Frozen Plasma




Cryo - Precipitate

Rs. 200



18, Besant Rd, ( Off lloyd’s Rd, Gopalapuram )


Chennai 600014

Phone 91+44+28351200

2835 0300 / 4352 4141

Fax 91+44+4351 4242



  1. Red Cross Red crescent Societies

Indian Red Cross Society


Red Cross Building1 Red Cross Road
110001 New Delhi

Contact Information

Tel: (91) (112) 371 64 41
Fax: (91) (112) 371 74 54
Telex: 3166115 IRCS IN

Language of correspondence



President: Her Excellency President of India Pratibha Devisingh Patil
Chairman: Dr. Anbumani RAMADOSS
Secretary General: Dr. S P AGARWAL
Joint Secretary: Dr. Manoj Kumar NANDKEOLIAR
Deputy Secretary: Dr. G.K. CHANANA

Last Updated


World Blood Donor Day is dedicated to voluntary, non-remunerated blood donors. It is celebrated annually on 14 June and has the support of all major stakeholders in blood transfusion medicine and blood transfusion services, including the World Health Organization, International Society of Blood Transfusion, International Federation of Blood Donor Organizations and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.

The purpose of World Blood Donor Day is not to attract new voluntary blood donors, rather to pay tribute to all those blood donors around the world and especially to those who give blood on a regular basis (two, three or more times each year).

The June date was selected as it is the anniversary of the birth of Karl Landsteiner, the Nobel Prize winner who discovered the ABO blood group system.

  1. Sankalp Blood Donation Organization.

Also site  for organ donation

What is Sankalp?

Name of a group of youth who are striving to ensure no one dies due to shortage of blood since past 44 months.
3000 plus donors who have pledged to donate blood when there is an urgent need anywhere.
All youngsters who feel that by their effort someday, no-one will have to suffer due to blood shortage.

Sankalp Provides blood to patients in extreme need

o Sankalp helps search blood in banks
o If not available then we get blood donated
o One volunteer tracks each blood request till it is satisfied
o We have never left the patient without blood
o We are known to the emergency staff, blood banks and thousands of other students and youth who forward us cases.

Vein to vein management of Blood

o Our vision is to have 100% Voluntary blood donation
o In next one year we want to have blood banks never say no to patients
o We know when blood is available with the blood banks and when not
o Project Bharti plans to optimize donations by donors to ensure a continuous and optimized supply of blood
o Since we know the blood availability, so we seek to achieve a condition in which the blood bank never runs out of blood.
We are bringing in latest technology and research from around the globe to the blood banking.

Sankalp India

 #304, Floor 3, Chamundi Emerald,

 Opp Balmuri Ganesha Temple,

 7th Cross, !st Main, NS Palya, BTM Stage II,



Call 9880132850

